Chronicles of Harkle

Silent Screams And Meghan Markle’s Bubble Of Delusion – OPINION

meghan bubble delusion

Is Meghan Markle living in a bubble of delusion where she believes everyone loves her?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry fight like all married couples do. There have been countless rumours that the couple who proclaim “we’re so in love” have had many rows over god knows what. Though, we know they, more Meghan, live in a bubble of delusion.

There is footage of Harry and Meghan fighting at Princess Eugenie’s wedding.

Also, let’s not forget the photo where it appears Harry and Meghan had a fight in the car as they left the Royal Albert Hall.

Sussex rumours, meghan delusion bubble
[Credit: New Idea]

There was trouble in Paradise days after the wedding. Let’s face it. The Sussex marriage was a colossal mistake. But Harry decided to marry Meghan. If there is a divorce, and constant rumblings suggest there might be, he will blame everyone else for his decision to go through with it.’

Meghan Markle lives in a bubble of delusion. She believes that there are people out there spreading lies about her and Harry. It gets funnier. The Sussex Squad, her minions, have accused the Megxiteer community of “being jealous” of Meghan and “wanting Harry.”

Why would anyone want to be with a man who is obsessed with being ordered around by a woman? Again, Harry needed a “mother.” Diana died when he was 12. He never recovered mentally or psychologically. Though, he was somewhat fine before Meghan came along.

Does Meghan Get Along With Doria Or Does She Fight With Her Too?

Much speculation surrounds Meghan’s relationship with her mother, Doria Ragland.

A few years ago, there was a rumour that Meghan and Doria got into a physical fight. It was reported that the former actress called both her parents “trailer trash”, objects like dirty nappies were thrown and Doria was believed to have run from the house in tears.

We have no way of verifying this. Given we’ve seen Doria and Meghan together since that rumour came out, we doubt it’s true. The NAACP award was a clear indication there was no rift between them.

woman, meghan delusion bubble
[Credit: Today Show]

Also, the speculation goes that Doria was allegedly upset that Meghan and Harry had named their daughter after the Queen and Diana, but not her. While this could be seen as a slap in the face, we know that the Sussexes are “obsessed” with the late Princess of Wales.

It makes sense, if it did happen, why Doria would be upset about not being included in her granddaughter’s name.

Are Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Getting Divorced?

We don’t know and it won’t matter if they do. It won’t make people love Prince Harry like they used to. He has shown his true colours.

Prince William will continue to hold his brother at arm’s length. Especially after what Harry said about Catherine, George, Charlotte and Louis in Spare. Let’s look at this logically.

If William had said something horrid about Archie and Lilibet, it would be in the newspapers, and he’d be branded as an evil uncle. However, no one bats an eye when Harry implies that Catherine was only used for breeding purposes.

Kate Middleton Has Reportedly Decided To Forgive Harry And Meghan

Please stop referring to The Princess of Wales as “Kate Middleton.” We know that Meghan doesn’t respect the future Queen and every time she has a puff piece put out, she demands that her sister-in-law be referred to as “Kate.”

Speaking of puff pieces, articles are being put out where it is said that “Kate Middleton reportedly wants to forgive Harry and Meghan” or the other way around. No. No, she doesn’t.

Why would Catherine instantly forgive a couple who were downright rude and horrid to her? Harry apparently couldn’t understand William’s “obsession” with the Middletons.

Then, we have the claim that we mentioned earlier about how Harry claimed that Catherine “fit the mould” of a royal wife. In other words? Kate is being used for “breeding” royal heirs the same way Princess Diana essentially was and William didn’t love her. This was referenced by Harry and it was mentioned in Robert Hardman’s book on Charles. He also took a stab at the other men in his family for “not marrying for love” while he was the only one who supposedly did.

Also, why would Catherine forgive Meghan for allegedly bullying Princess Charlotte? We know that the rumours about the bridesmaid dress fitting were true as Harry confirmed in his book Spare, that there were difficulties.

However, he makes it appear that it was Kate who was the difficult one and not his beloved. For all we know, the text messages could have been altered. It would not be the first time something like this has happened. Look at what happened with the headlines used in the Oprah interview as one example.

Prince William’s Popularity Is Bound To Irk Harry And Meghan

Prince Harry wants to be loved in America because his mother was beloved. She was adored everywhere, but that’s beside the point.

Prince William has Diana’s charisma. Harry has her vindictive streak. Diana and Charles’ eldest son inherited his mother’s sense of duty. Their youngest child, however, is now a laughingstock in both his birth country and his adopted home. Why? Because he is courting controversy for getting awards that he doesn’t deserve, such as the Pat Tillman Award and the Living Legends of Aviation Award.

How does William fit into this? He is more popular in America than Harry is. We know this before there was a poll done a while ago, as mentioned in The Daily Mail, where The Prince of Wales ranked higher than most of the United States politicians. Also, there was a comparison of poll results where the Waleses ranked higher than the Sussexes in the US.

Sure, Catherine ranks in this poll higher than William, but it doesn’t matter. They beat Harry and Meghan.

Americans Love Prince William And Princess Catherine

If Harry and Meghan saw this poll, they would be sweating bullets in panic. The reason the Americans love William and Kate is because they’re not full of themselves. They don’t peacock around and proclaim how important they are.

Celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Kevin Costner like the Waleses because they don’t leak stories to the press. The Sussexes do and they name famous connections to make it look as if they are friends when they’re not. Look at what Meghan did with the “text message” from Beyoncé in the Netflix show.

Beyoncé is a very private woman. There is no way she would have allowed a text message to be read by a grifter like Meghan Markle whom she met one time. This goes to show how Meghan lives in a bubble of delusion.

Meghan’s Bubble Of Delusion

The former Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have nothing in common. That is a fact. The Princess of Wales has never spoken about her sister-in-law and does not do interviews to slander people.

Meghan has always wanted the same level of media attention Catherine has gotten over the years. It doesn’t matter if it was positive or negative. If it’s there, Markle will swoop in like a vulture and hog it. Just look at the Variety red carpet where her assistant had to push her off the carpet.

There is no relationship between the former Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle. None. They are nothing alike. Catherine tried to be nice to her sister-in-law, but her kindness was thrown back in her face.

Yet, Meghan had to twist the narrative to make Catherine out to be cold for not hugging her and classing all Brits as the same.

Meghan is so desperate for attention that she thinks going out into parking lots and taking pictures will make her relatable and liked. Also, anyone who understands how PR works, even a little bit, can see that going to the same place to get the same type of photo is a setup.

Then, we have the constant need to get awards. The Ripple of Hope Award. The Gracie Award. People’s Choice. We could go on. Hollywood is nothing but a pay-for-play. You pay X amount of money to get Y award. They’re nothing but trophies for grifting.

Meghan’s Bubble Of Delusion: Part Two – No Equal Treatment

Kinsey and Cristo on their show, Pump up the Jam, had an interesting conversation about Meghan wanting to be of equal status as Kate.

Kinsey has said that Meghan wanted to be of equal status to Kate. However, Markle found out fairly quickly that she could not. That’s like comparing her to Camilla.

Due to Meghan’s bubble of delusion, she thought because she was a “Duchess”, that she, Kate and Camilla were equals. Markle and Catherine are not the same. The Princess of Wales doesn’t even share rank with The Queen.

Let me explain. The Duchy of Cornwall is higher in rank than the Duchies of Cambridge and Sussex, respectively. Why? Because it is run by the heir to the throne.

The Duchies of Cambridge and Sussex could have been given to any royal couple. There were rumours that Prince Edward, before he married Sophie could have gotten the Duchy of Cambridge. He turned it down in favour of becoming the Earl of Wessex.

Every Duchy has a pecking order. For example, the Duchy of Cornwall is higher than the Duchy of York.

As an FYI, the Duchy of York usually is associated with the monarch’s second son. One example would be King George VI. He was the Duke of York as he was George V’s second son. Prince Andrew was Queen Elizabeth II’s second son.

It didn’t work out that way for Charles’ sons because Prince Andrew is still alive. Though, we wouldn’t be surprised if, in the future, Prince Louis becomes the Duke of York. That’s a long way off though.

Cambridge is well-known for being the namesake of Cambridge University. Correct us if we’re wrong there. We’re not aware of famous locations in Sussex.

Meghan Had A Plan To Capitalise Her Royal Connection And Business Ventures

When Harry got married, there was a choice, we believe of two, but it was always felt that he would get Sussex.

We also know that the second Meghan got Harry to commit to her, she snapped up multiple domain names. This isn’t a rumour. There is a whole list of them. She also bought TigTots and Tom Bower mentioned a few other ones in Revenge.

Meghan wanted to be seen as Kate’s BFF. There was a rumour that when they attended the tennis together, Markle allegedly suggested they walk into the building “arm in arm” to promote “women’s power.” Catherine turned down the request.

Markle didn’t take kindly to this, and we know she holds grudges. She wanted to capitalise on her association of being “friends” with Kate and Meghan seems to have realised that Catherine was not interested in becoming best buds with her. Especially after what allegedly happened before the wedding with Princess Charlotte.

Kate Is Professional In Public, Meghan Is Not

Kate, when in public, is professional but is also down the earth, something Meghan stumbles over. People tolerate Markle because she is a royal by marriage. She’s Fergie adjacent if you will. However, the former Duchess of York has a decent standing with her former in-laws. Which is something the ex-actress does not have. Why? She never bothered to try as she knew she would be leaving the royal fold long before she married Harry.

Oh, one more thing. Fergie respects the royals while Meghan does not. Sure, Sarah does use her title still, but she doesn’t do interviews slamming the institution that gave it to her.

It would not be a surprise if Meghan had trademarked her title behind Harry’s back. We’ve checked and we cannot find it on the website, but it doesn’t matter. Markle probably had her passport changed to reflect being “the Duchess of Sussex.” We know she has a Lady Dior handbag with DSSOS embossed on it.


Just an FYI, the Lady Dior bag was a favourite of Princess Diana’s. So much so, that they renamed it after her.

Success Vs. UnSussexful

Harry and Meghan must be fighting a ton right now. Why? Because they’re not “thriving” and succeeding like William and Kate are.

Meghan is desperate to be seen as better than Kate. She’s not and it shows in her actions. For example, she attempted to copy Catherine’s black and white Top Gun premiere dress with a similar black and white bodysuit on a ‘date night’ with Harry. It did not work the way the Princess of Wales’ outfit did.

Prince Harry, meanwhile, is trying to show up Prince William by winning (buying) awards for things he is not qualified for. The Living Legends of Aviation Award is a great example of that.

When have we ever seen Harry fly a helicopter? We’ve seen him sitting in several photoshoots. That doesn’t mean he’s a pilot. He also failed his theory exam. If you can’t pass this component, you cannot for the practical part. It’s like driving a car.

William, however, can fly. He does it all the time and was an air ambulance pilot for several years. Moreover, the Prince of Wales also flies his family around, much to the horror of his late grandmother.

What we’d love to know is why John Travolta was told to give Harry this award. It makes no sense.

The bubble of delusion is real for Harry and Meghan.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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