Showing 148 Result(s)
Stevie Marlowe shot
Home and Away

Stevie Marlowe Gets Shot

Home and Away is no stranger to characters being endangered. A few years ago, we did a post on 10 of the show’s saddest deaths after the murder of Mason Morgan. It’s also been a while since someone has died onscreen. From memory, the last character to perish was Ari Parata after he was diagnosed …

Mackenzie, heart attack, Felicity
Home and Away

Did Felicity’s Behaviour Cause Mackenzie To End Up In Hospital From A Suspected Heart Attack?

Felicity Newman is acting like a spoilt brat. She is blaming everyone except herself for the breakdown of her marriage to Tane Parata, including her business partner, Mackenzie Booth. Mac, who has been friends with Tane for years predating Felicity’s arrival in the bay, suddenly suffers what appears to be a heart attack during an …

Felicity, mental health
Home and Away

Felicity Struggles Amidst Her Assault

Not every day a soap opera goes deep with its storylines. However, Home and Away’s current drama-packed episodes have even gone so far as to include a rape storyline involving one of its main characters. This character is Felicity Newman. According to Back to the Bay, the assault causes her mental health issues to resurface. …

Ava, Home and Away
Home and Away

Ava’s Behaviour Is Creepy!

Justin Morgan’s daughter, Ava Gilbert, has been back on Home and Away for a while. While she has aged up to reflect how fast characters grow on soap operas, she has also been causing headaches. It is revealed that she is the stalker of Theo Poulos, Leah Patterson-Baker’s nephew, who is the lead singer of …