Kara Zor-El had quite the journey in Supergirl, but she did NOT marry in the show. In the episode, Mr and Mrs Mxyzptlk, Mxyzptlk puts Kara in a wedding dress and proposes to her within seconds of meeting her. It was also during this time that Kara and Mon-El were starting to develop feelings for …
Superman & Lois: Jordan Elsass Won’t Be Returning To Show
Superman and Lois actor exits and role to be recast.
Superman & Lois: Why Lana Should’ve Known About Clark From The Beginning
Lana should’ve been told much sooner – Clark has revealed himself as Superman to his best friend and former girlfriend, Lana, but the aftermath could be explosive. With a new episode of Superman & Lois on May 31, we thought we’d cover this before it hits. This could be even bigger than the very twisted …
Superman & Lois: The Bizarro Els
That went from bizarro to sixty…
Superman & Lois: Ally Is The True Villain, Kyle’s Secret Is Exposed And Jon’s Jealousy Over His Brother’s Powers
Cult Leader Ally Allston is becoming more dangerous…
How Superman & Lois Combines Cult Culture With Woke Culture
Superman and Lois is putting cult culture and woke culture in the spotlight to show dangerous it is.
Justice U: John Diggle To Take Centre Stage!
John Diggle DESPERATELY needs his own series, stat!
Batwoman: Ryan Faces A Choice, Poison Mary Meets Marquis And Renee Wants Pam Back!
Poison Mary gains a potential new ally.
Superman & Lois: Lucy Becomes A Thorn In Lois’ Side, Secrets And Awkward Family Reunions
There’s a Lane family reunion coming and it’s not going to be pretty.
Superman & Lois: Tensions And Where It Leads To
Tensions continue to arise in Smallville…
Batwoman: Is Ryan A Member Of The Justice League?
Ryan Wilder is Batwoman but is she Kate Kane’s replacement on the Justice League?
Batwoman: Ryan’s Life Is About To Become More Dangerous As Her Brother And Best Friend Go Full-Blown Supervillain
Mary and Marquis are the new Poison Ivy and Joker.
Batwoman: Could We Meet More Members Of Luke’s Family?
The Batfamily wouldn’t be complete without a Fox running the show.
Batwoman: Jada Reveals A Secret About Marquis To Ryan That Links To Batman And Joker
Jada has revealed to Ryan that there’s more to Marquis than she thought…
Why We’re Already Loving Marquis Jet!
Marquis Jet has a LOT in common with his sister, Ryan…
Welcome to Smallville, Lucy – Jenna Dewan Joins Superman & Lois Season 2
Lucy Lane is returning to the Arrowverse.
The Flash: Grant Gustin Talks Playing “Dad”, The Gold Boots, and Candice Patton Plays News Reader
Fans of Grant Gustin’s The Flash are rejoicing as they finally got the gold boots.
DC FanDome Presents A First Offical Look At The Upcoming The Flash Movie
Here’s our first look at the Flash movie!
Bitsie Tulloch And Alex Garfin Give Superman & Lois Fans A Look Of Life On Set
Bitsie and Alex provide a BTS look at the Kent Farmhouse.
The Cast Of Supergirl Past And Present Say Goodbye To The Girl Of Steel
Cast of Supergirl say farewell to the Girl of Steel.
Batwoman: Alice Tag Teams With The Bat Team
What game is Alice playing?
Batwoman: Mary’s Bloody Graduation
Mary gets a bloody graduation.
Superman & Lois: The Drama Is Set To High For Season 2
The Kents thought that the drama had ceased for the time being, but they were wrong.
The Flash 150th Episode Reveals A Flash Family Tragedy
Bart Allen’s appearance in the 150th episode The Flash is marked with a massive Flash family tragedy…
Superman & Lois: Clark Officially Has A Very Twisted Family Tree
The House of El has officially been declared a twisted family tree…