The Bold And The Beautiful

Liam v. Finn – The Real Problem – OPINION

Finn, Liam, problem, the bold and the beautiful
biomler, mariner, targaryen dynasty, octavian, order of the phoenix, picard, douglas, thomas, finn, steffy, rhaenyra, hotd, bill, revelations, grace, kiri, exposed, wedding, quaritch, daemon, otto; camney, bear attack; train; rumours; flashbacks; Padmé; face off, inquisitorius; ari; Kenobi; ghosts; poison mary; yelena; pike; spock; mockingbird; breakdown; daredevil

Little puke? Seriously? That has to be the LAMEST and, therefore, the laziest scriptwriting I have ever witnessed. The Bold and the Beautiful has made Liam and Finn into whiny men who both love Steffy and cannot see that they are the problem. For those of you who are thoroughly confused, let me recap.

Finn and RJ encouraged Liam to go to Rome to surprise Hope. When Liam showed up, he found her kissing Thomas, his archenemy. In shock, he kisses Steffy when she runs across him. Upon Hope’s return home, he is forced to get an admission out of her and demands a divorce.


Hope sleeps with Thomas, and Liam kisses Steffy again. It gets even better. Sheila calls Finn to be her doctor before her trial, and despite his protests, he has no choice but to comply.

Hope files for divorce, much to the dismay of Brooke, who can’t seem to stay married to the same man for very long, but whatever. Liam continues to pine for Steffy, and while he doesn’t admit it out loud, he wants her back internally. I’ve said this before, but this story throws Hope under the bus.

Meanwhile, Sheila runs around after the case against her is thrown out, despite Bill getting a confession from her. Steffy is scared out of her mind, knowing the woman who shot her, Finn, her mother and Brooke is still obsessed with her husband and son.

Like Birth Mother, Like Son

It is becoming overly explicit that Finn is becoming obsessed with Steffy like Sheila is with him. For those people saying, “he’s just determined to his woman back,” please spare me. The man is becoming a male version of his birth mother. Even his adoptive mother, Li, told him off when he told her why Steffy left.

Everyone is on Steffy’s side regarding Sheila—even Li. Every person who has gone up against Sheila has a story to tell. While Finn claims he understands since she did shoot him (accidentally), he now turns around and claims she’s a hero for doing one thing. It doesn’t erase everything she has done over the years.

No one is going to forgive her. For those crying, she’s changed like Deacon has; it’s not the same thing. Yes, she has owned up to everything and all this crap. However, Deacon has never tried to kill people.

Actions Literally Speak Louder Than Words

Going over to Liam now, he subconsciously wants Steffy back. Hope can see it from a mile off because she knows him better than most people and is tired of it. She hooked up with Thomas because he doesn’t look at other women while he’s with another. He’s a lot like her dad in that regard.

Now, Liam and Finn have a massive problem-they’re both macho men who think they’re both in the right. Finn is now going after Liam because he believes (rightfully) that he wants Steffy back. From the moment the storyline started, we knew something was off.

Hope Is Far From Perfect, But Liam Cannot Accept His Flaws

Hope is no saint; she has always admitted this. However, she has never cheated on Liam until now. Meanwhile, Liam pines for Steffy and has returned to her for years after something has gone wrong with Hope.

Finn has said that Liam needs to stop showing up at the house whenever he wants. At the same time, this is understandable because, in Liam’s mind, he owns the place despite it being Steffy’s house. Anyway, the situation between Finn and Liam is complicated.

Liam might not say it out loud, but he believes he can get back with Steffy and should never have left her. So… does this mean he loves Kelly more than Beth and never wanted his youngest daughter to exist? This, to me, is another swipe at Beth as everyone seems to forget she exists.

Liam doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s still in love with Steffy and has always preferred her to Hope because she’s more fun. It’s just that simple.

Finn Tries Pushing The Sheila Agenda

Finn, meanwhile, is pushing the Sheila agenda to the point that his wife left with the kids. Sheila can tell everyone she’s changed all she wants, but we all know her “change” doesn’t last long. Also, Sheila is obsessed with the only child she has had, who is excited to meet her. She took this as a sign that he wanted a relationship with her, and she hadn’t let go since.

In her eyes, this is also a chance to get in with the Forresters again. For those who might not know, Sheila debuted on the show in the 90s, where she was a nanny to Rick. Over time, she became a massive problem. She later married Eric, shot Taylor and Brooke and even tried to murder Lauren Fenmore in a fire in Genoa City.

She also killed a dude by using his allergy to bees against him. Finn knows how dangerous she is, yet he chooses to ignore all of it. Typical of someone who has inherited traits from a psychopath. Also, does he forget she tried to kill his adoptive mother?

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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