
Stargirl: Season 2 Photo Dump!

photo dump

Stargirl Season 2 Photo Dump is officially here!

In just over a month, we’re heading back to Blue Valley to join the Justice Society of America for another adventure. Only this time, some time will have passed and things are about to get a whole lot darker with the arrival of The Shade and Eclipso. There may even be a few truth bombs dropped on two of the ISA legacies this Season so be on the look out when the premiere drops. The reason we’re here is that yesterday, we got a huge photo dump of character portraits and stills from the first three episodes. We also got a little bit more information on what to expect, courtesy of TV Line.

Before we begin, we want to mention that we did a post a while back on what the first five episode titles may mean. We’ve also done a quick who’s who with The Shade and Eclipso. We’ll talk about a lot of this as we go along with break down what we think is happening in the stills when we get to it. Also, we want to give a massive shoutout to our friends over at the Stargirl Fandom who have compiled all the images and put them in the correct place across their website. Be sure to check out their links to the Season 2 page and the already existing episode guides as they are placed throughout this post.

We’re going to start our photo dump with the character portraits.

Character Portraits

First up in our photo dump we have the new character portraits for most of the main cast. The only person didn’t get a character portrait is Nick Tarabay’s Eclipso because a first look at the character was unvieled a while ago. We’ll include it with the updated ones of the cast.

This photo dump is pretty self-explanatory as they’re updated looks at the characters who are still around from. Season 1. As we mentioned before, we’ve included Eclipso here as he is part of the main cast this Season and likely Season 3 too. All that depends on what happens with the character by the end of the finale.

Someone on Twitter pointed out that if you look closely at the portrait of Cindy (Meg DeLacy) she has the diamond containing Eclipso around her neck. You’ll also notice that her jacket looks like reptile skin. This is a nod to her father whom she allegedly murdered in the finale last season as he mutilated himself to look Dragon-like.

To get a closer look at the portraits, use this link!

2×01: Summer School: Chapter One

Go to the Stargirl Fandom episode guide to ‘Summer School: Chapter One‘.

For our first photo dump of stills, we have to stress before we jump into it that some of the shots are from the same scene. We’ll point it out when we get to it.

Courtney and Yolanda

Our first image is of Courtney and Yolanda in the cafeteria of Blue Valley High. This takes place around the same time as the trailer footage of Whitmore with Pat and Barbara at the school. The reason why we know this is because of Courtney’s outfit. It is the same one season from The CW promo from a while ago.

Now, if we had to guess, this is part of a bigger scene that involves Artemis Crock we’ll get to next. It’s obvious that Courtney looks uncomfortable while Yolanda is likely telling her to be cautious.


This next still is likely linked to the previous one of Courtney and Yolanda looking at something. As you can see, Artemis walking through the cafeteria with what looks like her father’s hockey stick. Now, what we don’t know is how much she actually knows about who her parents actually are. By the time this season plays out, it has been months since Project New America failed. As Rick mentions in the trailer, Sportsmaster and Tigress are locked up.

What was Artemis told happened to her parents? This is the question we’ve been asking ourselves since the end of Season 1.

Courtney and Yolanda at the JSA Table

This next is likely a continuation of the last two photos. Courtney and Yolanda likely went from the line to their regular table just as Artemis walks in with her dad’s hockey stick. We need to point out that we don’t know how much the JSA knows about the other ISA offspring.

Courtney is aware Cameron is Icicle’s son while the whole JSA knows that Brainwave was Henry’s dad and that Cindy’s father was Dragon King. It’s currently unclear if they know about Artemis being an ISA legacy. Oh, and they know about Joey being The Wizard’s son.

Beth at the JSA Table

This is the first still containing Beth and it’s linked to the previous photos of Courtney, Yolanda, and Artemis. The still before this one appears to be just prior to Stargirl and Wildcat turning around in their seats.

Beth possibly tries to give her friends hopeful encouragement that Artemis doesn’t want to hurt anyone, let alone them give what happened with her parents.

Artemis vs. Courtney

Of all the stills in this photo dump, this one is the most intriguing! We actually have a scene with Artemis and Courtney. This indicates that Artemis isn’t just a walk-on role this season. She has a proper size role as a recurring character.

Now, this picture actually might lead to a couple of things. The first is, there’s a shot in one of the trailers where Courtney goes to walk into a classroom and stops in the doorway. At the time we thought she might’ve come face-to-face with Cameron but this still makes us think otherwise.

Given the tense nature of the image, we’d have to say that Artemis at least knows something about her parents and Courtney’s involvement. For all we know, this might result in Courtney being sent to the principal’s office as seen in a promo from a while ago. Could they get into a fight? Anything is possible.

Courtney and Mike at Home

This still is the first one to show Courtney’s stepbrother, Mike. Now, we don’t know exactly what the context of this image is. By the looks of it, the siblings are listening to one of their parents. If you look at Courtney and what she has in her hands, it looks like a pamphlet of some description. Given it’s now Summer, Pat and Barbara might be considering taking the kids away until school returns. If this is the case, something tells us they aren’t going to get the chance to leave town any time soon.

Also, it looks like Mike has had a growth spurt as he is now the same height as his sister.

Courtney and Yolanda on the Street

Now, it looks like this photo is linked to one we’ll show a little bit later with Cameron. If we’re not mistaken, this might be the first time Courtney and Cameron have even seen each other since that awkward-as-hell family dinner in the ‘Brainwave’ episode last season. Or at least, this is what it would be for the audience as we haven’t seen him since that episode.

We know that Courtney is likely riddled with guilt since she knows what actually happened to Jordan as she was there when Mike ran him over and killed him. How much Cameron actually knows regarding what happened to his dad is up for debate. But we can guarantee when he does find out, it’s not going to be pretty.

Starman in the Diner

We’ve known for a while that Joel McHale’s Starman is not actually dead like we were lead to believe. However, now we have proof with this still. The TVLine article we posted at the beginning of this post gave a bit of intel on the person he is talking to. Apparently, it’s someone we already know and our thoughts are it is Bobbie Burman, Cindy’s stepmother. It might be Barbara but we seriously doubt it as there is a still a bit later where she is sitting in her office at the American Dream.

Stargirl in Action

This next still is from what looks like a fight which might be what the JSA is seen doing in the last trailer that got released. We don’t know what the context so it’s a little difficult to predict what is going on here.

Rick and his beloved Car

One of our favourite shots from the first lot of episode still is this one of Rick with his beloved car. We don’t know what the context of this might be, but we suspect it may have something to do with Solomon Grundy. From what Cameron Gellman and Geoff Johns hinted during DC Fandome last year, Rick has his own arc with the beast that murdered his parents.

Has Rick found Grundy’s new home? Is he visiting the crash site where his parents died? Could be anything.

Beth At Home

This next one is Beth at home with her parents. We know this because you can see Doctor Chapel’s shoulder. As to what they’re talking about here is unclear. it might be about how well Beth’s doing at school. Perhaps she has told them about her secret life as Doctor Mid-Nite.

Bridget and James Chapel

This next photo is just another angle from the previous image of Beth. As you can see, Bridget and James both have lunchboxes so it looks like their daughter is now making their lunches again. Remember last season when Beth started neglecting this when she became Doctor Mid-Nite? Looks like losing Chuck put Beth back on the making lunch bandwagon again.

Courtney and Beth

This image is likely from the mission that we see in the trailer where Rick and Yolanda are annoyed that Courtney even has them out on patrol since the ISA was taken down. Also, this still shows a better look at Beth which shows the goggles have been repaired but we’ll need to wait and see whether Beth ended up getting Chuck up and running again.

Yolanda and Rick

So, this image was basically taken from the trailer as it’s from the same scene as the one of Courtney and Beth. This is where Rick says that various members of the ISA were dead, missing, or locked up in prison cells.


This image has us really exciting for more Camney and to think we’re getting it in episode 1 of Season 2! Though, we need to think logically that what we’re seeing might not actually be what we think it is. Remember that a lot of time has passed since Jordan’s death so it’s possible that Courtney and Cameron’s exchange might not be at all friendly.

As hard as that is to hear, we need to look at the facts. He might be smiling in the image and in the above character portrait but it might not given he did lose his father in the most brutal way possible.

2×02: Summer School: Chapter Two

Go to the Stargirl Fandom episode guide to ‘Summer School: Chapter Two‘.


Going over to the second episode, we have a still of Barbara in her office at the American Dream. We know she still works there because in the TVLine article we linked above, The Shade’s first order of business is Barbara’s office. Question is why. Does he suddenly have a job as there now since Jordan and William are both dead and Sharpe is MIA? Is Barbara the new boss? Unsure about could she be alerted to Swift’s charming behaviour to the point she tells Pat and the JSA?

Tense Confrontation?

Okay, this next picture is a bit harder to pinpoint. The tense look on Courtney’s face indicates she squaring off against someone. If we had to guess, it might be Jennie aka Green Lantern’s daughter. The reason why we think this is due to the next image where Jennie is standing with the JSA with an alarmed look on her face.

Now, if we were placing bets, we’d say this shot takes place after Jennie breaks into the Whitmore-Dugan home in order to steal the lantern which results in the fight we see in the trailer. It’s clear that Courtney is not happy to see her. Note that Yolanda isn’t in this image but she is in the next one.


Now, this still in our photo dump is basically a continuation of the one above but with Yolanda and Jennie. Notice Pat is missing from this but is the previous one. Something has to happen for the kids to have this level of alarm on their faces. Did something happen to Pat which results in him ending up in the hospital? We know he does end up in a hospital bed because during production, Amy Smart posted to social media a picture of the Whitmore-Dugans behind the scenes. However, Amy’s photo was taken during the production of a different episode.

Jennie and the JSA

This next photo is a part of the same scene as before and it gives us the best look of Jennie that we’ve gotten so far. It’s unknown which order the photos go in but this one actually has her smiling so maybe Courtney is showing her the staff as you can see the smiles of Pat, Beth, and Rick in the background of the shot.

Pat and Jennie

Again, this picture is a part of the same collection as the ones above. This one looks like we have Pat explaining something to Jennie. She could also be explaining some of her own past. The TVLine article says that Jennie isn’t exactly given a warm welcome when she arrives in Blue Valley. In fact, we learn a bit about her life in which she grew up in a group home in Milwaukee. She may even get under Courtney’s skin which you can understand given she did break into her home and take the lantern.

Going back to Pat, it’s possible he’s explaining to Jennie what he knows about her father seeing as he knew him. Also, the TVLine states that Pat may or may not have told the JSA everything about their predecessors.


Going over to our next still and this one is of Yolanda and Courtney sitting in a classroom. They’re wearing the same clothes from the pictures above where you see them in the Pit Stop with Rick, Beth, Jennie, and Pat. However, Courtney isn’t wearing a jacket in this one. So, this makes us think that this picture is before the other ones. This might even be Jennie’s arrival at Blue Valley High.

Where is this?

This picture with Yolanda and Courtney is giving us puzzling vibes right now. First off, this is either a whole new location or it might be in the Pit Stop as the girls are wearing the same outfits as the classroom image and the ones with Jennie, Rick, Pat, and Beth. Given their expressions, it looks like they’re talking to someone or even listening. Hard to tell.

Deal with The Shade?

Looks like Pat’s going to get himself into some kind of trouble. Here he is sitting in the diner with The Shade having a lovely little chat about… what exactly? Perhaps, they’ve had dealings in the past. Maybe Pat is telling the bad dude to stay away from his wife.

Don’t Mess With The Shade

Another angle on the one above with Pat, it looks like Swift is thoroughly enjoying himself in whatever the conversation is between him and Starman’s former sidekick.


The context for this picture of Courtney is unclear but if we had to come up with a scenario, we’d have to pick that this one of her pep talks from Pat.


This shot of Pat is likely a reverse shot of the above one of Courtney. The reason we think this is because the lighting looks the same. This is probably where they’re talking about either Jennie or The Shade.

2×03: Summer School Chapter Three

Go to the Stargirl Fandom episode guide to ‘Summer School: Chapter Three‘.

JSA and Mike

Going onto the final part of our photo dump, we have a still with the JSA and Mike at the Pit Stop. Depending on the context of the scene, we guess that this might be a conversation or an information dump for the group on The Shade and/or possibly Eclipso. But, it doesn’t make sense for Mike to be there.


This picture of rick is part of the same scene as the one above as he’s wearing the same clothing and Yolanda’s arm is in the shot.

Rick In The Shade’s Dining Room

This second image of Rick in costume takes place in the Shade’s dining room from what we can tell. This part of a larger scene with the rest of the JSA. Though, the lantern might be involved given the green lighting.

Beth in The Shade’s Dining Room

Poor Beth! This image is of the second Doctor Mid-Nite in The Shade’s dining room. You can partially make out the table and the chair behind her.


This image of Beth and Rick likely takes place with the other images inside The Shade’s dining room or at least, part of his house.

Wildcat and Stargirl

As we reach the end of our photo dump, this photo of Yoland and Courtney is likely in the dining room or some other part of The Shade’s house.

Tea Time With The Shade

Like with the other pictures set in the dining room of The Shade’s house, this one shows the villain talking to the JSA. But, what exactly is his endgame here?


The final image in our photo dump is Barbara. She is wearing the same clothing as in the earlier image of her in the office so, this might be part of that same plot point. But, did she end up in the Shade’s house like the JSA or could she be doing something else entirely?

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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