
Monsters At Work: Don’t Give Mike Energy Drink!

energy drink

Energy Drink and Mike are not a good combination.

For our episode 1 post, go here.

As Tylor struggles on his second day on the job, Mike consumes an energy drink that is meant to give him 36 1/2 hours of energy, but it spectacularly backfires given his small size. Tuskmon also gains a new appreciation of his new friends when our favourite little green ball of comedy gets trapped in a door, and they’re called in to get him out.

The second day at any workplace is often daunting, but it couldn’t be worse than being with MIFT in Tylor’s mind. To him, they’re beyond weird and not what he signed up for. So, while he still finds his feet as a trainee jokester, he decides to join one of Mike’s comedy classes. However, unbeknownst to him, Needleman and Smitty have suggested the comedy giant use an energy drink to stay awake. This is because the power has become complacent due to the lack of energy.

Many jokesters are being forced to double and triple their workloads to keep the lights on, and it’s beginning to show. Sulley and Celia attempt to tell Mike to take a break, but he refuses. After the whole energy drink debacle, Sulley says it only took his best friend two hours to burn through 36 1/2 hours worth of energy before he passed out from exhaustion.

Mike Is Like A Small Human Child

The energy drink situation with Mike is like giving a small human child red cordial or too much sugar. Given his size, Mikey can’t withstand all that extra energy without it sending him over the edge. Thank god Celia had enough sense to tell him to sleep it off.

As sweet as it was to watch. It was exhausting to see him get flung around like a rag doll. Just keep him away from the energy drinks, and he’ll be fine.

Tylor Learns What It Means To Be A Member Of MILF

Despite his temporary reassignment, Tylor struggles to fit in with MILF. He sees them as oddballs who don’t take anything seriously. However, he realises just how wrong he is when Celia calls a 13-20; monster stuck inside a door. Fritz immediately calls the group to act with the team working fast to free Mike from the room he’s in after his energy drink fiasco.

When Duncan cannot unfasten a nut, Tylor is summoned to use his strength and newfound skills with a wrench to help his new team out. At first, he is hesitant, but with some encouragement, he ends up being the day’s hero.

Seeing MILF jump into action so fast makes Tylor realise they aren’t losers and know what they’re doing.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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