We’re adding South Africa to the list of countries that Meghan Markle has ticked off. Project Fangirl readers will know that the self-proclaimed feminist has already insulted Australia, the UK, and her home, the United States. We can now add South Africa to that list. During the premiere episode of her new podcast, Archetypes, the Duchess of Money claims that the British High Commissioner’s House was “a housing unit” and that Archie’s Zimbabwean nanny carried the four and half-month-old great-grandson of Her Majesty The Queen around in a “mud cloth.” This whole situation puts the story about the Oprah Executive to shame.
The response from the South African people has been understandably and overwhelmingly negative. They’re upset. Meghan was a guest in Southturnedca, and she turns around and claims she, Harry and Archie stayed in poverty while she was outside standing on tree stump calling the country’s women her “sisters.”
Yeah, there are grossly double standards. Nothing is ever good enough for Meghan. Moreover, anything that is sparkly and rolling in cash is what she wants. She did not care for the South African people. As an actress, it is her job to put on a show. No one knows the true Markle. Not even those who knew her as a child.
Meghan And The Luxury Brand Obsession
Meghan is constantly rebranding herself. As Tom Bower mentioned in his book on the Sussexes, Markle didn’t bother correcting her classmates when they assumed she was Italian. No one was aware that she was biracial. Very few people had seen her mother, Doria Ragland. Only her father, Thomas Markle Senior, was present in her life at the time.
Tom Bower’s book, Revenge, talks about how nothing was ever good enough for Meghan. She only ever wanted five-star hotels, and everything had to be luxurious. Markle is obsessed with Dior, which is made evident by the nurse’s outfit that also doubles as a clone of something Wallis Simpson wore in the 50s. However, the Duchess of Windsor wore it better as she a) has a waist and b) didn’t try to be anyone else but herself.
Meghan didn’t care about the economy of the country she was living in as a royal wife. Oh, and she certainly didn’t care about the countries she was visiting as a representative of Her Majesty The Queen.
Let’s look at another royal who does the right thing when it goes to her clothing. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is the ideal choice for this example. Note all this information comes from various videos by Brittany of the Royal News Network.
Crown Princess Mary Of Denmark Wears Danish Labels

Crown Princess Mary, like Meghan Markle, is a royal born in a different country. Born Mary Elizabeth Donaldson was born and raised in Tasmania. She married Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark in 2004. In the years they’ve been together, Mary had to change. One would be changing her religion to the Church of Denmark and producing an heir. If anything, Meghan should be taking lessons from Mary.
She has become a style icon in her own right and knows what is appropriate and when to wear what. Mary usually wears Danish designers. However, when she goes overseas, she will wear designers from the country she is visiting. For example, if she goes to Britain, she’ll wear a British designer. If she goes to Sweden, she’ll wear a Swedish designer. The money spent on her clothing will go to the respective designers’ home country’s economy.
Meghan Markle does not care about this. All she cares about is unlimited money.
Meghan Wears What She Wants
With Meghan, she will wear whatever she wants, regardless of where the money goes. While living in Britain, she never once wore a British designer. Instead, she wears Dior and Givenchy, neither from the country, she was living in.
The British royal custom, for christening children, is for the mother to wear a British designer. For Archie’s christening, Meghan wore, you guessed it, Dior. What is it with that Dior that he loves so much?
Anyway, there is more to life than luxury fashion. I’d love to know if Meghan wore labels from South Africa, though I doubt it. She only cares about the big stuff.
The People Of South Africa Have Spoken
Since the drop of Archetypes’ premiere episode, the people of South Africa have spoken of their displeasure with Meghan’s comments. Also, non-South Africans have rallied around them. Here are several Tweets with the hashtag #VoetsekMeghan which is the middle finger from the South African people to Little Miss High and Mighty. It gets better too. The hashtag #MeghanMarkleIsARacist is trending too.

As you can see, people are not happy. They know what Meghan is doing. Yet, she claims to be a woman of colour. How can you be a woman of colour while disrespecting people you’re supposed to be represented as “their sister?” Markle has reverse views on feminism. Her lies have been falling apart for a while. I’ve looked back at when her lies in life started. I’ve also spoken about Serena William potentially playing her “best friend” Meghan.
The South African people do not like being played for fools. They know when someone is bullshitting them. Also, does Meghan know that Harry’s ex-girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, is South African? Does she know that he said [about Chelsy] “at least she’s not black or anything” when they were dating? Hmm. Methinks Meggy married a racist. She has twisted Harry’s life so much that it no longer resembles his royal one.