Is Meghan Markle suffering from anorexia or some other eating disorder? Unclear. However, it appears to be going down that route. We’ve spoken previously about this, but we wanted to be more specific.
We’ve mentioned before that Markle will claim she’s anorexic like her late mother-in-law, Diana, Princess of Wales, did at some point. She looks super thin now. We’ve also said that she is likely taking Ozempic, which is a diabetes drug that can also be used for weight loss. According to an Intouch Weekly article chronicled on the Saint Meghan Markle Reddit feed, the former actress is “not taking care of herself.”
While this is a tabloid magazine, the editors seem to see what the rest of us see. Meghan Markle is moving onto her “anorexia/eating disorder” phase to get sympathy. We’ve repeatedly stated that she [Meghan Markle] used one of Diana’s favourite perfumes on her first date with Prince Harry.
There is also the rumour that Meghan Markle has been using Botox, hence the exposure of her forehead veins.
Meghan Markle’s possible eating disorder phrase comes just months after her Ms Foundation award, where she tried to outdo her sister-in-law, Catherine, The Princess of Wales, in the stakes of “the gold dress.”

There have also been rumours regarding Markle attempting to get close to Gordon Getty. Let’s not forget that she has a connection to Karl Larsen, who has claimed to have “inside knowledge” of what is going on with her father, Thomas Markle. He is claiming to be a “friend” of the Sussexes and claims to be the best buds with Thomas.
To conclude, is Meghan Markle anorexic? No, but she will claim she is. In conclusion, she’ll blame Harry for the stress.