Chronicles of Harkle

Is It An American Thing Or Is It An Excuse? Times Meghan Markle Tried To Excuse Her Bad Behaviour

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry love using the “she’s an American” excuse in their quest to stop Brits criticising her. The way they’ve gone about it makes it appear that they believe the British people are total idiots.

Harry has stated several times over the years that people didn’t understand the “American” things Meghan does. Like, for example, the sharing lipgloss thing, never happened as it is a trick actresses use to throw competitors off their game during auditions. A big thank you to Royal New Network for discovering that one.

A big thank you to Saint Meghan Markle on Reddit for this. Christopher Andersen, an American royal journalist, said that Meghan’s “American” approach is what led to her excuses for the bullying.

Okay, well Meghan, is it American to throw your soon-to-be pregnant sister-in-law off her game by asking if you can use her lip gloss or is it an excuse to be a callous cow?

Is it an American thing to be horrible to your toddler niece? No, it’s not.

So, it is an acceptable excuse as “an American”, Meghan, to throw eye daggers at your sister-in-law when her back is turned?

Another question. Is it an “American” thing to throw yourself on the floor in a “flood of tears” every time your husband walks through the door?

Okay, here’s a harder question. Meghan, is it an American excuse to send emails at 5 am and expect staff to answer straight away? Is it acceptable in America to call staff when they’re not on call and berate them for not “living up” to your expectations? Hmm. In most other places, it is called harassment.

Ooh! Here’s another one! Is it acceptable in America to throw tea at someone while in a foreign country? Is it a normal American thing to bully kitchen staff at a foreign dignitary’s house into redoing a banana bread that still looked like crap?

Also, is it American to cut your ailing father and half-siblings out of your life? No, it’s a pretty horrid thing to do unless there’s a reason like they’re genuinely horrid people or they’re criminals with no moral compass.

Next question. Is it an American thing to lie about knowing about the British royal family customs when you work and live in Canada which is a Commonwealth nation and the monarch’s face is everywhere?

Meghan, is it an American excuse in Hollywood not to know how to curtesy when most actors start in theatre? You should know how to do that as you were always in school plays.

One final question we want to ask is, do all African Americans cry racism when they are called out by a white person? No? Well, there’s your answer.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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