Chronicles of Harkle

OPINION – Prince Harry Has Mummy Issues

Prince Harry Mummy Issues

Prince Harry, please, do us a favour and go live under a rock, as your mummy issues are mind-numbing. We’re suffering Sussex fatigue right now and we hate it. You’re not some world leader.

You, Prince Harry have severe mummy issues. It’s no wonder your father and brother refuse to talk to you. William and Charles are trying to get on with life. They’ve never stopped you from having a relationship with them. But all you do is constantly complain while there are people in the world with real problems. You have unlimited money.

Meanwhile, everyday people have to choose between heating their homes to beat the cold or eating. You have never been poor. You have never had to decide which of your children gets the last of the cereal while your pantry lays bare.

Prince Harry’s Mummy Issues Shows His Unwillingness To Let Go Of Something He Cannot Fix

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[Credit: GB News]

As horrible as that sounds to any rich person who may read this, which is highly doubtful, it’s true. I have never seen a person, such as Prince Harry with such mummy issues until he started using Diana as a shield (thank you, Candace Owens, for the analogy). He has lost his mind. His wife is playing into his extreme paranoia of the media and is doing nothing to fix it. If anything, she is playing into his fragile mind, which hasn’t been the same since Princess Diana died on August 31st 1997.

While Harry’s grief is understandable, he constantly fails to comprehend that William lost a mother, too. However, he dealt with his grief by learning what type of person Diana was when she was alive. He spoke to people and concluded that the Princess of Wales wasn’t perfect.

There is also a point where we must stop and wonder if Harry believes the entire world is stupid. He hates the press and is constantly whinging about it. Then, dude, riddle us this. Why do you go on American television and crap on the UK media when the US is equally bad? Also, he doesn’t appear to understand that the U.S. loves their freedom of speech. If you try to shite on that, they will destroy you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican, Democrat, Conservative or an Independent voter.

Prince Harry Hates Free Speech

[Credit: OK! Magazine]

Every American loves the First Amendment, which the foreign prince called “bonkers.” In other words, he doesn’t like it because people can say whatever they want and not be criticised.

Why go to America when he could have easily gone to China or North Korea, where you can’t say whatever you want? I suspect Harry would be against this, saying they’re communist nations that restrict free speech. Isn’t that what you want? People not having opinions or listening to the media? Without the media, you wouldn’t have a platform. It is as simple as that. Also, please tell your wife she cannot censor people and force them to say whatever she wants them to.

I’m not saying he and Meghan should move to North Korea or China. But given their attitude toward free speech, that’s what it feels like they should do. That brings me to the whole “we want an apology” thing.

There Will Be No Apology From The Royals

[Credit: Flipboard]

Why do the Sussexes want an apology when the royals have no idea what they have done? Unconscious bias is the same as racism, even Shouty Shola pointed that out. Harry and Meghan haven’t stopped the bigoted narrative. What are the family going to say? “Oh, sorry, we didn’t make you King and Queen of the Commonwealth while the rest of us just hang around in England”? No! That’s not how it works. Markle claims to care about the Commonwealth when in reality she couldn’t care less.

Harry and Meghan view the whole estrangement situation as everyone was jealous of them. Well, guess what? You aren’t popular now because you threw your toys out of the pram. They can say “we want to go back to the royal family” all they like, but they won’t because they will not get the grovelling apology they want. Why would they?

Prince Harry has mummy issues, and the other is a narcissist who hates anyone criticising her. They’re also upset they cannot be paid by the Sovereign Grant while making additional cash on the side.

Harry and Meghan cannot have it both ways.

The Queen Said “No!”

[Credit: Yahoo News NZ]

Before she died, the Queen told Harry and Meghan “no.” That is when the tantrums and cries of racism started. They were told they couldn’t have all the good gigs while making money on their own. Sorry, but no monarchy on the face of the planet works that way. The UK is not some special case. Look at the disaster that was King Juan Carlos in Spain.

The Firm is a family business where everyone has to work as a unit for it to work accordingly. Throwing out a few people for bad behaviour is fine, but throwing out multiple individuals causes fractures, and if you’re not careful, the whole system collapses. I don’t believe the monarchy has anything to worry about, as they’ve functioned fine without the Sussexes.

The King Is Now In An Awkward Position To Deal With Prince Harry’s Mummy Issues

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With Charles now King, he’s now head of the family. That means he has deal with his wayward son and awful daughter-in-law. However, he can’t act like a father. He needs to operate according to what the people want. Will he strip Harry and Meghan of their titles? I don’t believe he can as it has to go through parliament.

The King and the Prince of Wales have bigger things to worry about than two insufficient family members throwing a never-ending tantrum. They must ensure the monarchy can survive by putting on a united front. The monarchy has thrived for decades with the “Never Complain, Never Explain” mantra, which worked and still does.

Silence Is Golden

[Credit: MyLondon]

I understand that people want them to talk and call the Sussexes out. However, silence is often the best policy. It irritates the target, as it was seen with Harry when he quoted Martin Luther King, claiming, “Silence is betrayal.” The more he complained about his lot in life and how horrid the press was, the more of a victory it was for the monarchy. Why? Because it shows they have dignity. They don’t fight fire with fire, knowing it makes the flames bigger and more violent.

Also, why would William worry about his idiot little brother when he has three children to raise? Let’s pray for George, Charlotte, and Louis, folks. Those kids are being raised amazingly; hopefully, Charlotte and Louis won’t act out like their uncle.

The Lost Cause

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[Credit: Hello! Magazine]

Let’s move on to how Prince Harry is a lost cause and how his mummy issues were always there. After Diana’s death, he spiralled. He was a twelve-year-old kid who had just lost his mother.  At that moment, it was like he forgot William’s grief, too. Diana wasn’t just Harry’s mum. She was William’s, too. Not to mention, her demise affected those who knew her.

The Queen and Charles were said to be shocked when they received word in the middle of the night of the former Princess of Wales’s death in Paris. They had agreed to let the boys sleep and that they would be told in the morning before they could see it on the news.

Like many children who lose parents or loved ones early in life, Harry believed she was hiding somewhere and would return for him. As he highlights in Spare, he felt this until he was 23. I do think this, as he never matured past 12. In all honesty, I think the alcohol and drug use stunted his brain growth, so he became a 12-year-old trapped in a grown man’s body. Think of it as a reverse Benjamin Button.

Bad Influences

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Photo by Pixabay on

Let’s move over to the bad influences. Harry is no stranger to having harmful effects in his life. However, before Meghan came along, the one person who could straighten him out was William, even after he married and had children. However, this changed when Meghan Markle arrived and started introducing her to the toxicity of her woke social circle, many of whom already had ties to his family. Some of those individuals had connections to Eugenie and likely Beatrice, Andrew and Fergie through Soho House. Others they would meet along the way, such as Tyler Perry.

Then, we have Doria, Meghan’s mother, whom Tom Bower revealed to Dan Wootton was a drug seller. We also know that Meghan smokes. Or at least she did, as there is a now-infamous photo of her on holiday with Jessica Mulroney. You cannot make this stuff up. You really can’t. Also, Harry threw Courteney Cox under the bus. He claimed he went to a house party in 2016, and he ate Shroom chocolates that were sitting in her fridge.

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[Credit: Twitter – Yacht Girl]

I don’t believe that Courteney Cox did give out Shrooms. I did a quick Google search, and I cannot find anything dating back to 2016 that corroborates this. Many celebrity parties, private or not, end up on social media.

Don’t Blame Courteney Cox!

[Credit: US Weekly]

Here’s something people have no considered. Wouldn’t someone have come out and said that Harry and his mate were at a party at Courteney Cox’s home? I don’t believe it unless there’s proof to back up what he is saying. Nitwits who will say, “Oh, it’s his truth, and he says what he likes.” It’s not THE TRUTH rooted in facts. Every time he opens his mouth, his story changes. Someone pointed out that the miscarriage story has changed again, as one example. I may address the retellings of various stories at some point.

Then, we have Harry’s PR, publishers, and all the yes men Meghan has employed. They tell Harry what he wants to hear despite not believing it themselves. All these people want is the juicy inside story of working with the royal family. They don’t care whether the family is racist or not.

Also, Doria doesn’t care either. All she gets out of it is alleged money from her daughter and access to her grandchildren, if those kids are real. Though, if something were to happen to their parents, she would likely be given custody. We know that she was an absent mother in Meghan’s early life. What’s to stop her from not abandoning her grandkids too?

The Woke Believe Pigs Fly

[Credit: BBC]

Okay, a new narrative started with Ngozi Fulani: Harry and Meghan were subjected to domestic violence. Like, come on! Tyler Perry has come forward and claimed the same thing. The man is supposed to be a bigwig in Hollywood, but even he’s delusional if he believes the crap that flies out of Harry and Meghan’s mouths.

When you have a woke mentality of never being accountable for anything you’ve done in your life, that drives people like Tyler Perry to claim that they were subjects of domestic violence; also, for an actor, he’s full of himself. A story came out about him claiming that he prefers to write his films and television shows himself rather than have a writer’s room. People criticised this comment within the entertainment industry. Not to mention, he had to do damage control. He claimed he’d had issues with the WGA and non-guild writers. Apparently, he has a high quality that these writers don’t meet.

Well, he mustn’t be that good of a writer. Most of his work has been nominated for the annual Razzie Awards, two of which he has won. In addition, he’s been nominated for other minor awards that I hadn’t heard of. Oh, and he won an award as part of the cast of 2009’s Star Trek, where he must have said a dozen words in the entire film. His character wasn’t that memorable. I don’t even know the character’s name.

“But He’s Jealous of ME!”

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[Credit: USA Today]

Harry is full of hot air and is jealous of William for being born first. Spare has demonstrated that he cannot take a joke about anything anymore. I do NOT believe for a second that William and Catherine forced Harry to wear the Nazi uniform. The man was an adult who could make discussions for himself.

Thinking about the drama from the last few years, it had become apparent that the jealousy towards the Waleses started to raise its ugly head when Meghan came on the scene. Did Harry keep his feelings about his brother and sister-in-law to himself? Probably. I don’t pretend to know what goes on in that man’s head, but he needs some serious psychological help.

One of the creepiest things I have read is a section where he talks about the midwife who helped his mother give birth to him, alleging that the woman’s name was Meghan. First, did someone tell him this, or did his prophet say that the woman who helped deliver him happened to share the same name as his wife? Give me a break! The biggest kicker of this story is that he took it as a sign of who his soulmate was.

Candace Owens spoke with Dan Wootton about Spare, and she sees Harry as having a dangerous relationship. She also said that Meghan is an absolute embarrassment to America.

Harry Needs To Stay The HELL Away From The Wales Children!

[Credit: Page Six]

Moving on, Prince Harry, the man with severe mummy issues, needs to protect his own children. I don’t know if George and Louis are mentioned, but I know Charlotte was due to the bridesmaid dress drama. While any wedding is stressful, he should have kept his niece out of it! Candace, in her chat with Dan, said the same thing. She also compared Harry to the Kardashians, but she said the key difference is that despite the family drama with the Kardashians, they are fiercely loyal to each other and would never rat each other out for money.

Harry, meanwhile, throws everyone under the bus for money. It’s as simple as that. William has every right to protect his children from their horrid uncle. No one crosses the Prince of Wales and gets away with it. Harry knows this and would protect his children in the same manner if his brother ever said something that criticised Archie and Lili. However, William would never do that. What gives Harry the right? It shows that the Megxit community was correct about Meghan from the start.

Can Someone Get Prince Harry Help For His Mummy Issues?

Prince Harry Mummy Issues
[Credit: Image Magazine]

Speaking of Harry, someone needs to get the man some professional help. I’m not talking about psychotherapists, which he appears to be under now. He needs a psychiatrist who cares about his well-being. He needs to be back in the UK where his family, who care about him the most, can monitor his progress.

So many Megxiteers love that the Waleses live rent-free in Harry and Meghan’s minds because William and Catherine are the shining examples of grace and dignity. They don’t allow petty grievances to get in the way of their work. Also, it must KILL Harry and Meghan that the Waleses are so well-loved and are sitting near the top of the popularity polls while the Sussexes are sitting right down at the bottom with Prince Andrew.

The one thing that is mind-boggling to me is Harry’s insistence on bashing the UK press. They’re not the evil ones. He is obsessed with control and being seen in a positive light. As someone who has spent years debunking his claims, I can tell him that he needs to keep track of his lies. One example is that he heaved praise onto William, Catherine, and the whole family during the engagement, but now he’s claiming that no one welcomed Meghan. Which. One. Is. It?

The AWOL Press

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Photo by Brett Sayles on

Does the press go AWOL from time to time? Yes, absolutely. However, tabloids are well known for printing garbage stories. I’ve called this out multiple times on this site. The tabloids are only in it for the money. We know this, and while Harry has every right to be pissed off, he fails to see that not all media outlets are bad. Though he is hell-bent on shutting down every news outlet so he can reshape the media in what he believes to be the truth, the way he and Meghan see the world. Or just Meghan.

Finally, we get to our last point. Woah! This post, written in Microsoft Word, got to almost six pages and is probably the longest opinion piece I’ve written. Anyway, not significant. What is essential is that Harry’s mindset has him believing that he’s a prophet sent from god to dispel misinformation and racism. Um. What? He also claims that Meghan is his version of Mary Magdalene. What has he been smoking? Has Meghan been slipping something into his morning cup of tea? It’s scary what he has become.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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