Stargirl is returning on August 31st, and we need to go over everything we know so far! We’ve finally gotten that critical release date. Next, we must examine the various things happening with Stargirl Season 3. This post will likely contain spoilers, so you’ve been warned early.
This post will not predict whether a fourth season is imminent. We’ll cross that bridge when the third season is a few episodes into airing. There’s much to cover, so let’s get into it.
The McGuffin Makes An Appearance

Season 2 introduced Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Green Lantern Alan Scott’s daughter. We were also given a McGuffin within Jennie’s story in the form of her long-lost twin brother, Todd Rice. We knew he would eventually show up, given the hints sprinkled throughout Jennie’s appearances.
Todd’s story turns a corner when Courtney and Pat go on a road trip to find Jennie. What should be pointed out here is that this happened when Courtney was upset with her stepdad and her mother, Barbara, for keeping the truth about Eclipso killing Doctor McNider’s daughter, Rebecca, a secret from her.
Anyway, the place Jennie tracks her brother to is called the Helix Institute, a nod to the group called Helix in the comics. However, she comes up with a dead end. In the finale, we learn Jennie hadn’t hit a dead end and that Todd was still there but possibly being held captive by Nurse Louise Love and Mister Bones.
Todd has been confirmed to be LBGTQ in the series like he is in the comics, which was confirmed by Stargirl TV.
Mike And Jakeem Start Their Own Superhero Team + A New Voice

Mike Dugan and his pal, Jakeem Williams, were dynamite last season, where they shared the responsibility of wielding Thunderbolt. Before we continue, we want to mention that Seth Green will now voice Thunderbolt in place of Jim Gaffigan, who voiced the character in Season 2 as per Stargirl TV. Recasting is not a new concept for Stargirl. Charles McNider was recast last season.
Returning to Mike and Jakeem, it was teased in the final minutes of the season finale that the friends would forge their own team. It has been speculated that they could form their own version of Infinity Inc. Shawn McBee, the graphic designer on Stargirl and one of the hosts of the Stargirl Aftershow podcast, revealed in a tweet that two episodes would be called Infinity Inc Part 1 and Infinity Inc Part 2.

Fun Fact!
In the comics, Infinity Inc was an offshoot of the Justice Society, founded by Sylvester Pemberton and his nephew, Henry King Jr. The group consisted of the offspring and potential heirs of the JSA.
It makes the most sense for Mike to be involved in this as his dad is busy with the JSA and his sister is the leader of said group. Now, we were looking into the founding members of the comic group and found that both Jennie and Todd were members of Infinity Inc. This makes us wonder if Jennie and potentially Todd could become members of the Stargirl version. Henry, for obvious reasons, won’t be there.

The theme for Season 3 is Frenemies, and we got a taste last season. We had Cindy Burman lose her thirst for blood after she was double-crossed by Eclipso. This leads her to ask Yolanda for her permission to join the JSA. Then, the Crocks moved next door to the Whitmore-Dugans. What’s interesting is Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent) might’ve lifted the lid on another potential Frenemy team-up between Cameron and Rick [Cameron Gellman] after he posted a photo to Twitter of himself looking rather beat up and Gellman in his Hourman costume.
There was a scene last season where there was a tense exchange between Rick and Cameron, which wasn’t addressed again. Cameron and Hunter went on record to say that they were surprised the scene ended up in the final episode. So the frenemies theme would be the perfect chance to address it again.
What’s more, it has been teased by Meg DeLacy that she would have more scenes with Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez), given how close they are in real life.
Pairings we have so far include:
- Yolanda and Cindy
- Courtney and Cindy
- Paula and Barbara
- Cameron and Rick (potentially)
- Pat, Mike and Crusher
- Courtney, Lily and Sofus
Hunter and we think Brec teased a scene with Lily and Sofus, so we’re including that one too.
Truth Gets Out + The Slow Burn

At the end of last season, Cameron FINALLY learns about his powers and heritage from his grandparents. Season 3 will possibly go deeper into this. Note that the image above is not from when he discovers his powers. Instead, this is from the Eclipso-vision given to Mike by Eclipso, given his guilt over what happened with Jordan.
What’s more, Season 3 will also dive deeper into Cameron and Courtney’s relationship. Brec joked at the CW Upfronts that Camney’s relationship was the longest slow burn she’d ever experienced. Can’t say we blame her. However, it works for the story that they’re telling.
Speaking of relationships, there might be a deeper look at Beth and Rick’s relationship too. We’re not sure, but that’s where it looked like it was headed last season.
New Allies

it will be interesting to see in which direction Beth’s parents, Bridget and James, will go now that they know about their daughter’s double life. Season 2 was a turbulent time for Beth as she didn’t know if her parents would get divorced. She feared that she would be blamed for their split.
Also, having her parents in on her secret gives her more to do. She no longer needs Chuck as a guide. If anything, Bridget and James need their own guide as the parents of a superhero.
Finally, there was a rumour going around that Cindy might team with Beth. If this is true, it would be exciting viewing as they’re both brains.