Who is Spider’s mother?

Who is Spider’s mother?
Jake Sully, when he first showed up on Pandora, was cocky and got himself into all sorts of trouble, but did he have to be so hard on his son, Lo’ak? The short answer is, yes, he needs to be. However, there is a longer, more complex answer to this too. It is no secret …
Jake Sully became a parent to five children, with one, Miles “Spider” Socorro, being unofficially adopted. However, the death of Paz Socorro, Spider’s mother, who was on the side of the RDA, allowed this to happen. Moreover, Jake says in his opening narration of The Way of Water that Spider was like a stray cat …
Here are 20 Revelations From Avatar: The Way Of Water
The pieces are slowly coming together…
Who is the biological father of Spider?
Whatever happened to our buddy Norm Spellman?
Kiri talks to Jake about her connection to Eywa in second clip from Avatar: The Way of Water.
Jake and Neytiri argue in the first clip from Avatar: The Way of Water.
Understanding The Sully Siblings.
Will The Way of Water start with a flashback sequence?
Meet the first family of the Metkayina clan.
Who are Jake and Neytiri’s children?
Whatever happened to Parker Selfridge?
Who is Kiri and how does she fit in the larger story of Avatar: The Way of Water?
How is Colonel Quaritch still alive?
Neytiri has issues with raising a human child