
Princess Diana Would’ve Been Freaked Out By Meghan’s Copycat Behaviour – The Duchess Of Edinburgh Was Accused Of Copying Diana – OPINION

Diana Meghan copycat

Princess Diana, if she were alive today, would be horrified by Meghan Markle’s attempts to copycat her. Why? Because it allegedly happened to her.

In the early 1990s, Diana separated from her husband, Prince Charles (now the King). As she was leaving, Sophie Rhys-Jones was entering the royal fray as the girlfriend of Prince Edward. The Wales divorce was finalised in 1996, the year before the former Princess of Wales’s death in a drunken car crash in Paris in August 1997.

The ‘Easy Ride’

What many people mightn’t know is that Diana hated Sophie. There was even a time when she accused the future Countess of Wessex of copying her style. It is alleged, according to Yahoo, that the former wife of the King, resented Rhys-Jones because of the “easy ride” she got upon announcing her relationship with Edward.

Now, we know you’re all wondering what this has to do with Meghan. Well, we’ve all heard her complaints about how Catherine, the former Kate Middleton, got an easier ride than she did. Let’s cut to the case here. We’re not going to go over every single thing Markle has ever complained about regarding the Princess of Wales. There’s no point considering she’s always whinging, “Oh, what Kate went through was nothing compared to what I went through.”

Any sane person knows that Meghan had a far easier ride than Catherine ever did. Yet, all the former actress did was focus on the 5% of negative stories. She expected every single story to be glowing because she’s special. I don’t mean that literally.

Diana Would Be HORRIFIED By Copycat Meghan

If Diana were alive today, she would be HORRIFIED that Meghan is being a copycat. After all, she accused Sophie of the same thing. According to the Daily Express, one journalist claimed that Diana referred to Sophie as “Little Miss Goody Two Shoes.”

There were also reports of Diana criticising Sophie for wearing Marks and Spencer suits. What’s more, they both entered the royal family under different circumstances. Diana was just shy of 20 when she got engaged to Charles. Sophie got engaged to Edward at 33.

Sophie had life experience as a PR professional. Diana didn’t. Also, Diana had to undergo, according to The List, the ‘virginity check’. Sophie did not.

Despite only being four years younger than Diana, Sophie was allegedly compared to her from the time she was 15. The List article also states that the late Princess of Wales would call Sophie, “My Double” behind her back.

The story just goes on. If you jump forward and look at the relationship between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton (now Catherine, the Princess of Wales), all the former actress does is copy the future Queen.

If Catherine is seen wearing a black and white dress, you can almost guess to the second that Meghan will also wear a near identical black and white dress. Exhibit A:

The above photos were taken roughly a month apart. Catherine wore her black and white dress to the Top Gun: Maverick premiere. Meghan wore her jumpsuit on ‘a date night’ with Harry were they were conveniently papped.

The Creepy Comparisons

Now, I do need to point something out. Catherine’s dress has been seen before but not on her. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands wore the same design but in a jumpsuit version several years earlier. That is not copying. In this case, it is a coincidence that two royal women have worn the same type of outfit. You don’t see it a lot but other royal women dress alike. Look at Meghan Markle wearing a near identical outfit as Princess Charlene did to William and Catherine’s 2011 wedding, though it was more similar to Wallis Simpson as Charlene was wearing off-white/grey rather than full white.

With Meghan, there is no coincidence. She uses her looks to mess with people and to get the ‘comparisons’ and mostly gets the “sweet nod to Diana” anecdotes that she craves. She needs the world to see her as the new Princess Diana in order to keep Harry under her control.

Sophie said that she was well aware that similarities were being drawn between her and Diana. Also, she is the aunt of Diana’s two boys and a great-aunt to their children. We’ve seen Sophie comfort Prince George at the Queen’s funeral. Did Meghan do that to Princess Charlotte? No, she didn’t. Why? Because the little princess whom she cannot stand remembers how mistreated she was during the wedding preperations.

When it comes to the comparisons with Sophie, Diana was likely fearful that she’d replace her as a global icon.

She didn’t need to worry because Sophie was marrying Prince Edward, the Queen’s youngest son who wouldn’t be highlighted that much. Fast forward to now and the Wessexes (now the Edinburghs) are shown much more due to Harry and Meghan’s departure.

Would Diana’s Relationship With Sophie Have Improved Had She Lived?

It is incredibly possible that Diana could’ve built a sturdier relationship with Sophie had she survived that 1997 car crash. She could have been a guiding hand to all other royal women marrying into the family. Catherine would’ve been a big one. Sophie Winkleman, the wife of Lord Frederick Windsor, even Meghan Markle.

Instead, Sophie has played a role in getting new royal wives settled into the family. She even tried to help Meghan, but we all know how that turned out. Diana, despite being the King’s ex-wife, would’ve been asked to help out there possible.

Though, given Diana could become envious of those around her, it is unclear what kind of relationship she’d have with her daughters-in-law. However, Diana would be mortified that Meghan is a copycat. In conclusion, it is a thought of many people that if the late Princess of Wales were alive today, Harry would be mentally sound and he would not have married Markle.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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