
OPINION: No More Sympathising With The Sussexes


There is are many ways to describe the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. We were once sympathetic to some of their issues, and still are, but there are things that just piss us off…

Here we go… again. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are honestly not worth talking about unless they’ve done something worthwhile. This time, it is simply more of the BS they want people to see that they’re ‘trustworthy’ and beloved members of a monarchy they no longer serve and trash-talk to anyone who will listen. We are totally DONE being sympathetic to their cause. They are so low on the BRF’s radar now that what they say has no weight behind it.

From the countless lawsuits to Meghan dumping her friends once they have served their purpose, it has got to STOP! They think they’re the greatest thing to happen to the royal family when in reality, they want to shape it to their liking. They don’t see the damage they are causing. What gives them to right to say that they were dismissed by the palace for their big projects? Every member of the Firm has been turned down at one time or another.

We might not live in the UK, but Australia is a Commonwealth country and we take great pride that the Queen is our monarch. Where do Meghan and Harry get off in claiming they wanted to live a more peaceful life in Canada (also a Commonwealth country) before jumping over the border into America? That was a straight up lie to Her Majesty’s face! So much for the love the Duke has for his grandmother. He would rather follow his wife off the Grand Canyon then to follow royal protocol.

Fame And Fortune

Before she even met Harry, Meghan was an actress who made quite a bit of money playing a lead female character, Rachel Zane on Suits and from her blog, The Tig. While she wasn’t exactly well-known at this time, she was apparently worth about US$5million according to Harper’s Bazaar in January 2020. She made all that cash herself. Basically, she worked really hard.

However, after she married into the royal family, Meghan ‘hit the ground running’ and she meant it… literally. If reports are to be believed, she had 5am starts with yoga (nothing wrong with that). However, the bad thing about this is she allegedly emailed her aides with wild demands at this hour. Whether this is true, is anyone’s guess. The Duchess of Sussex thought that once she was the wife of a Prince, she would be set for life. No more having to work.

Many people have spoken out against her including her former best friend, Ninaki Priddy who told The Sun that the Duchess wanted to be seen as the new Princess Diana. She said in the article that she did not recognise the woman Meghan had become. This makes us even less sympathetic towards Markle.

Whoever Ninaki knew back when they were kids, is a shadow of the person Meghan is now. She allowed fame and money to go to her head. From Priddy’s account, she got cut off by the Duchess after she sided with her ex-husband, Trevor.

Harry’s Insensitivity

Harry’s mental state has never been the same since the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales in a car crash in Paris in 1997. Since then, he has been known as a royal rebel before he joined the military. He felt at home there as he wasn’t the Queen’s grandson and a son of Prince Charles and was just another soldier protecting his country.

Jump forward to Harry’s time dating Meghan Markle and he begins to change from the fun guy. He went from being a loving brother, brother-in-law, and uncle to William, Catherine, and their children George, Charlotte, and Louis, respectively to being paranoid that the media was mistreating his newest lady love. This continued well into their marriage.

However, reports have come out about how Harry responded when William became aware of how fast the relationship had been moving. Having been with his own wife, Catherine for a long time prior to their marriage, Will wanted to ensure his little brother knew his girlfriend well enough before deciding that he wanted to marry her.

William reportedly told Harry to take time to get to know Meghan before he even considered marriage. As we’ve said several times before, the future king made the mistake of calling Markle, ‘this girl’. Whether we believe this, doesn’t matter. What annoys us is that H thought his brother was being a snob. He wasn’t. Will just wanted him to get to known Meghan better before he considered marrying her.

Tom Inskip, Harry’s best friend since their days at Eton College, warned the prince about his romance with Meghan. This reportedly didn’t go down well as Skippy and his wife, were not invited to the post-wedding celebrations.

The Inskips were, however, invited to the wedding.

Harry’s Overprotectiveness

When it comes to Meghan, Harry is wrapped around her little finger and not in a good way. While we understand that he doesn’t want his wife to suffer the same fate as his mother, he is overly protective of her. She wasn’t crying foul when she was in Hollywood which at times is brutal.

Now, you’re probably wondering why we’re not sympathetic towards that. Yes, we would want our partner protected against the ‘horrid’ press if we were famous but she knew what she was getting herself into.

Hollywood is just as brutal as being a royal. However, there is less chance of being stalked when you’re a member of the Firm so… there’s that. Princess Diana was never protected the way she should have been and this is why Harry is looking out for Meghan’s ‘best interests’.

Every time the media spread something ‘malicious’ about Meghan while they were dating, Harry would spiral into a rage. How dare they attack the woman he loved? Yes, the press can be cruel and there’s no denying that and what happened to Diana was tragic. But, what the now-Duke of Sussex needs to realise is the world does not see things the way he does. They are not sympathetic to him for the reasons he believes they should be.

Catherine and Sophie both suffered the same abuse Meghan has. However, they were not attacked because of their race. Then, there’s Camilla. The Duchess of Cornwall copped a lot of hate because she was the ‘other woman’ in Prince Charles and Diana’s marriage.

Meghan should’ve taken a leaf out of Chelsy and Cressida’s books and we don’t mean literally.

Finding Freedom

If Harry and Meghan thought their biography would make them look like sympathetic figures, they got it way wrong! The book paints the Duchess as a saint who is perfect. These two are nothing but woke who think it is their responsibility to preach to the world while they sit back in the luxury comforts of their Santa Barbara home.

They have not found freedom. They are finding new ways to make money based off who they are. Not to mention, they have made it their personal mission to usurp other members of the royal family. Look at what allegedly happened on Princess Eugenie’s wedding day! Meghan couldn’t help herself and revealed she was pregnant with Archie. If the rumour is true, then it’s understandable as why Sarah Ferguson was upset, according to the Daily Mail at the time.

Also, has anyone noticed how much Harry’s personality has changed since he’s been with Meghan? At first, it was sweet that he attempted to protect her from the brutal British press. However, has the years have pushed on, he’s always looked mad and on the verge of a tantrum when things do not go his way.

Do we think he realises that Meghan has all but pulled him from the life he once knew? Probably not. She’s dangling sex and Archie in front of him like they’re carrots hanging from a string. Also, she knows Harry will never abandon his son which might be the reason why he is still with her four years on. Again, this is speculation.

Was Samantha Right About Her Sister?

Samantha Markle is a terrible person, non stop. However, was she right about her half-sister? As much we hate her, she does have a valid point about some things.

While she has no right to demand Meghan give the family money or to tend to their ailing father who paid the paparazzi to take photos of him, she was correct in saying her sister is a social climber and that she isn’t meant to be a royal.

Before she met Harry, very few people knew who she was. The only people who would’ve known her are those who watched Suits and/or followed her blog, The Tig. Now, Meghan is one of most photographed women in the world. This is because of her newfound status as the wife of Britain’s most ‘beloved’ son, Prince Harry. Well, he is no longer as liked as he once was, if this public opinion poll by YouGov is any indication. Currently, Harry is sitting at fourth place while Meghan is down at ninth place:

What does this tell us about Samantha’s accusations? Well, it’s clear that Meghan is a social climber. As she jumped at the chance to meet a prince and seduce him. Harry fell straight into her trap. Now, we’re not calling the Duchess of Sussex evil. However, we’re thinking more along the lines of an opportunist. If she called her now-husband ‘a catch’ before showing up at events uninvited, we don’t know what is.

Calling The Race Card

It’s one thing to call people out for being racist, but doing it one too many times is just making the person making the accusation sound overbearing. That is exactly what Meghan is doing. In her mind, if she does it enough times, people will be sympathetic towards her and forget about all outrageous things she has done.

Yes, Harry did the right thing in defending her when they were dating, but she is meant to be a strong woman who can take care of herself. She is playing the damsel in distress and her husband is falling for her ruse hook, line, and sinker.

If Meghan and Harry want the world to be safer for their son, they will stop playing the race card and accept that not everyone is going to like them. There is a huge difference between wanting people to be sympathetic and calling people’s bluff.

Meghan’s Alleged Jealousy Of Other Royal Women

One of the things we cannot stop thinking about is how Meghan seems to have it out for her more famous in-laws. We’re talking about the jealousy the Duchess of Sussex appears to have for Catherine, Beatrice, and Eugenie. These women have done nothing to Markle, and yet she expects them to bow down to her because of her marriage to Harry. Sorry, Megsy. That’s not how it works. You curtsy to Kate because she is the wife of a future king. As for Bea and Eugenie, they are blood princesses and you, our dear Meg are just a commoner.

Meghan and Harry cannot accept that they’re now so far down on the food chain that they have to play second fiddle the Cambridges. In addition to this, they thought they were more popular. The YouGov poll tells a very different story. When we ventured further into the Duchess of Sussex’s stats, we learned that her current disapproval rating is 35%. If she thinks she’s so high and mighty, she should explain why people disapprove of her.

Catherine will one day be queen and we have no qualms believing Meghan wanted that role. It is likely she though that if she married a prince, she would one day become a queen, if not, a queen to the people. If she was such a fan of Diana, she would’ve known it is William who is destined to be king, not Harry. Also, announcing her pregnancy with Archie at Eugenie’s wedding was low. She could’ve waited a few more days.

Our View On Meghan And Harry And Why We Wrote This Piece

We use to be sympathetic towards Meghan and we admired Harry’s determination to prevent a tragedy from occurring with his wife like it did his mother. However, as time has gone on, we have seen what type of people the couple are.

They are money-hungry, opportunists who will do virtually anything to make themselves look better. Moreover, they preach things they themselves don’t even do. Look at what happened with their speech on carbon emissions when it was revealed they took a private jet. Yes, Catherine and William were called out for this too, but it’s the Sussexes that are the hypocrites and they keep making the same mistakes. They don’t practice what they preach. Not to mention, they have a nasty habit making of thinking about the money they could make.

While Harry simply follows Meghan’s every move, he has not made a single decision himself. Everything has been focused on his wife and her goal to control the narrative of what the public sees. They are making the general public look like fools and believe they are the ones who will make the world a better place.

Then, there is the excessive spending. Meghan is known to spend thousands of pounds/dollars on clothing. Her maternity wardrobe cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and we take issue with her buying all those expensive outfits and then only wear them once. At least, Catherine re-wears some of her clothing. That is why she will always be the style queen of our hearts.

Meghan will always sit pretty as a copycat who is bitter at her position as the wife of the second son of the future king of England.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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