Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan Markle Loves To Rub Her Newfound Wealth In The Faces Of The Poor – OPINION

Meghan, wealth, net worth, poor

Just because you have a new net worth and a pocket full of wealth due to whom you married doesn’t mean you have to rub it in the faces of those on what you would dub ‘the poor spectrum.’ Unfortunately, this is precisely what Meghan does; she thrives off it. Her devoted fanbase, the Sussex Squad, dwindling by the day, will say that she can spend money however she wants. While that is true, it’s not right to flaunt it in front of people who must sacrifice meals for themselves so their children can eat.

Props to Lost Beyond Pluto for the idea for this post. Whether Meghan knows her selfish intentions are unclear, but this woman has lied to get where she is today. She still has Prince Harry wrapped around her little finger; he thinks she’s the greatest thing since mobile phones were invented. Anyway, we know that it’s probably the drug talking as we know by now that he relies on them for the “truth” rather than what people tell him.

Meghan, The Thirsty Who Doesn’t Care About The Poor

Anyway, with the potential upcoming relaunch of The Tig, which is now being widely reported on if you look at the constant articles on it, Meghan is flaunting her wealth in whatever way she can. What better to do than to do a pap stroll on International Women’s Day with ‘friends’ who are Archewell employees? That poor woman with her had to be told to stay back. Meanwhile, the paparazzi got photos and video of ‘the Duchess’.

Meghan is thirsty to show that everything is fine behind the scenes and that she’s being her “authentic” self. But, honey, NO ONE knows the true you. You change your authenticity so much that it’s impossible to keep up. So, please, stop flashing your net worth in the faces of the people struggling to keep their heads above water.

It became obscenely clear during the fake royal tour of New York that Meghan doesn’t care about the poor. These are the same poor people who must use food stamps and rely on charities to live. Who wears almost $500k worth of designer goods to a school where food is given out for free? To make it worse, asking the parents for $5 for a picture book that is utterly boring and not inspiring when the money can be spent on worthwhile things like toiletries reveals how out of touch the woman is.

Meghan, The Liar And Shapeshifter

As Pluto mentions in her video, Meghan lied when she said that The Tig was supposed to inspire and show her readers that it is possible to achieve her lifestyle. Mind you; this was before she married Harry. It’s even more unobtainable now that she married royalty. That is the wholehearted truth. Markle was more than showing off that she had money. She was flaunting it for the whole world, knowing that Harry would look her up and be wowed by her. Well, it would apply to any man she tried to woo.

However, not all men are as blind as Harry is. Trevor Engelson, Meghan’s first husband and Cory Vitiello dodged massive bullets. Looking back on it now, it seems that Meghan shaped her whole existence on what her partners did at the time. So, for example, she only used Trevor because he was a film producer on the way up. With Cory, she shaped herself into a foodie. Tom Bower addressed this in his book Revenge. Meghan claimed she could cook all these things, but she could only do a few things, such as roast chicken (so much for claiming she’s vegan) and hamburgers.


Also, it seems Meghan could’ve stolen Cory’s recipes or stolen from friends, placed them on The Tig, and passed them off as her own. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s done this. She has stolen quotes from famous people and passed them off as hers. What was interesting about some of the things posted to The Tig at the time was that she no longer practices. One of these things is her close bond with her dad, whom she boasts about on the original website. Now, he’s an afterthought, like he’s dead and never existed.

The people Meghan thinks she is helping will never hear from her again. She’s a one-trick pony who believes she is helping the poor. She’s like the Sheriff of Nottingham in the animated Robin Hood, who thought he was helping people by taking their money from them to prop up the wealth of Prince John.

Nope, Harry Isn’t A Millionaire… Poor Megsy, Her Feelings Got Hurt

Meghan only has her wealth and massive net worth because of whom she married. Though, there have been stories that she wasn’t happy when she learned that Harry wasn’t as wealthy as she believed. Just because he’s royalty doesn’t mean he’s a billionaire. Prince William has become a billionaire since becoming the Prince of Wales.

However, he cannot spend the money he wishes. The massive wealth he now holds is held up in trusts for maintenance and whatever else the Duchy of Cornwall is responsible for. Meghan is probably still spitting bricks over her “evil” brother-in-law being wealthier than Harry and that she couldn’t get him [William] into her bed.

William Has The Brains, But Harry Does Not

William, unlike Harry, is a level-headed individual who knows when he’s being played. Does he despise Meghan for taking Harry away? Probably. Though, there have been rumours that William allegedly was trying to distance himself from his brother because he could see how toxic Harry was becoming, which was before Meghan. Not sure how much of that is believable; no clue. Though, he’s intelligent. Harry isn’t. This is the same guy [Harry] that had to cheat to pass high school.

Harry claimed in Spare that he did do his work and never cheated. However, news reports at the time say otherwise. In 2004, the New Zealand Herald reported that the art teacher who accused the prince of cheating had secretly recorded him confessing. The teacher had been unfairly dismissed from her job, and she recorded Harry as a last resort after her complaint to another staff member went unheard. Harry confessed to doing only a sentence of his work.


The teacher was made to help Harry “because of his position.” In other words, he was the Queen’s grandson and the future King’s son. Check out the news article to learn more about what happened. William never had this problem because he could deal with the coursework. He also got into Saint Andrews, and we all know what unfolded. With Harry, he doesn’t have a right to lecture people on how to live their lives, especially since he doesn’t have a tertiary education. Meghan, however, does. Though, it is unclear whether she graduated.

Conclusively, Meghan’s net worth and overall wealth are thanks to Harry. The only thing she has going for her is being his plus one.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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