Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan Markle Is Not The Workhorse She Believes She Is  – OPINION

Workhorse, Meghan

The Sussex Squad enjoy claiming that their saviour, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is a workhorse. They rejoice that she does so much stuff for other people. Moreover, they allege she does more than “awful” sister-in-law, Catherine, the new Princess of Wales. Many commentators have been left wondering what the former Suits actress has done except whinge and complain, despite having millions in the bank and being married to a dim-witted prince.

I wanted this post due to the continuing coverage of the Spotify contract being cut due to low productivity. I’m not trying to gloat, but I’ve produced more content in two and a half years than Meghan and Harry. Last year, I wrote 800 posts. Being a content creator is a full-time job. I do everything on my own. I develop ideas, research, write, and edit everything myself. Harry and Meghan cannot even manage that as they believe they’re all-knowing and everything has to go their way.

Meghan had a team of over 20 people working on Archetypes. All she had to do was show up and record. One of Archetypes’ executive producers, Rebecca Sananes, came out on TikTok explaining that Meghan didn’t do jack. She said the producers did everything and that she [Rebecca] created Archetypes.

When you have a producer slamming you publicly, it is something spectacular. I wanted to review everything that Meghan thought was work but wasn’t.


Long before Meghan met Harry, she had to slog it out to get noticed in Hollywood. She tried being a model, and it didn’t work as she could only do half a dozen poses. Her style was also hideous. She had a diva attitude, as Tom Bower exposed in his book Revenge when he spoke about her time as a spokeswoman for the Canadian clothing brand Reitman’s.

She thought that as her star rose, people would notice. They didn’t. She was working within the Canadian film industry, not Hollywood. So this notion that she was a Hollywood starlet is flawed. She believed that her character in Suits, Rachel Zane, was revolutionary. Zane wasn’t unique. Meghan was playing herself but with a different name.

The only difference is that her on-screen parents were the reverse of her actual parents. In Suits, her dad is black, and her mother is white. Anyway, what does this have to do with the workhorse narrative? Let me explain.

Meghan only had to show up on the set and be herself. She didn’t have to get into character like the other actors. The same applies to the Reitman’s commercials, which, according to Tom Bower, she found humiliating as she wanted to be the face of the luxury and glitzy Ralph Lauren. Not an unknown brand like Reitman’s, where they sold items for under $100.

The Tig

Regarding The Tig, Meghan didn’t have to work very hard. 1000 posts in 3 years aren’t much. Yes, she was working on Suits, but she had a photographer do all the promo shots, and she emailed out stupid, contrived questions to her interview subjects that didn’t give the reader any sense that they were getting to know the person. As a writer myself and having read bits of the site, it comes across as mediocre and full of self-praise.

If you read a sample of the Tig Talk interviews, they’re all about Meghan and how she found the person’s personality. It was never about the subject’s feelings.

Returning to the photography on The Tig, she had to take a picture with the subject every time to make it look like she was connected to them. Have any of these people, except maybe Serena Williams, ever come out to defend her? Bower also points out that no pictures of Meghan with Serena are on the site.

Meghan claimed that she did everything herself. In an interview posted to Twitter that I can no longer find, The Tig had been active for three weeks, and Markle claimed that she did the photography herself. She has never shown any interest. Though, she did as a child when she had her dad transform her bathroom into a dark room. Even then, it was more of a fad than a potential career path.

She missed the mark on The Tig. She thought it would bring in millions like Goop did for Gwyneth Paltrow. However, Meghan is horrible at brand promotion. The name she settled on doesn’t mean much to 90% of people unless you’re a wine person.

Goop has a meaning behind it as it was inspired by Gwyneth’s initials and the idea that brands with double O are successful.  Not to mention, Paltrow thought outside the box when it came to what she would promote. Her Vagina scent candles are what put the business on the map.

Meghan didn’t know what she was promoting with The Tig outside of herself.

Meghan’s so-called stardom on Suits only extended so far. The show didn’t have a large audience. It was also her only prominent role. She wasn’t all that high on the call sheet, either.

Bit Roles

Meghan is best known for getting minor roles in television shows like General Hospital and CSI: Miami. If you look at the filmography on her Wikipedia page of all the one-time characters she played, many of them had Latina last names. Here’s just a sample:

  • Ortiz
  • Montoya
  • Santos
  • Perez

She never disclosed that she wasn’t Latina and didn’t give any indication that she was half-black. This is lazy; she wanted to go for every role available, even if she wasn’t of that ethnicity. Then, you have her years later whinging about how she “wasn’t white enough for the white parts or black enough for the black parts.” Did it not occur to her that she stole parts from Latina actresses?

Yvette Monreal is an example of a Latina actress who got a Latina role and has never been shy about her ethnicity. Yvette played Yolanda Montez/Wildcat II in DC’s Stargirl. Shewas cast in the role due to being Latina, which the character also was. There are a few episodes where she openly speaks Spanish during scenes with her onscreen mother. Meghan can claim she can speak Spanish and French all she wants, but when has she had to use it? Also, we’ve never heard her speak French. Also, her story of how long she studied French. Speaking a language in one scene, film, or television series is not proof that you can speak the complete vocabulary.

Meghan saw every other actress as competition and didn’t bother to disclose her ethnicity, despite proof that she identified as Caucasian. She only decided whether she was biracial or black, as she likes to refer to herself as now when it is convenient. She never cared whether she was making a difference in Hollywood as a black woman.

As The Duchess of Sussex

Meghan pulled the wool over many people’s eyes at the beginning of her short courtship with Harry. She proclaimed that she was a workhorse by “hitting the ground running” during the engagement interview. However, it was a ploy to get people to love her.

As a Duchess, Meghan wasn’t the workhorse she made out to be. She did 72 engagements in 18 months and then quit when it got too hard. Yes, she was pregnant for nine months, but Catherine did way more work during her three complicated pregnancies than Meghan did in the eighteen months she was a working royal.

The Workhorse That Is Obsessed With Social Media

Meghan sat inside the palace and complained while she was a working royal. As Tom Bower wrote in Revenge, she was obsessed with scrolling through social media to see what people were saying. Harry had a habit of doing this too. They ignored all the positive press and solely focused on the negative stuff. They became so paranoid that they ordered the staff to remove the comments.

People are going to dislike you, especially if you do shady things. Also, do they need to realise that their fan base has been horrible to the King, Queen and Waleses? The Sussex Squad has called Prince Louis many things and how he’s a little monster in public. Have they not seen footage of Harry at Louis’ age? Remember that famous picture on the Buckingham Palace balcony of the look of horror on Princess Diana’s face as Harry sticks his tongue out?

They can claim that Harry was a little cutie, but what he did at that age is the same as Prince Louis. Harry was a kid. So, why can’t his nephew do the same and be a child? Also, the Sussexes want Archie as their king, yet they cry about wanting the monarchy abolished. Without the monarchy, the Sussexes would be nobodies. Also, no one of substance wants the Sussexes on the throne if something were to happen to William and his family.

Jealousy Of The Future Queen

One of the things Meghan worked on was her jealousy of her sister-in-law, Catherine. The pair would never be best friends, regardless of what the tabloid press put out in Markle’s favour.

Catherine saw through Meghan’s act immediately. She put on a brave face for Harry’s sake, but even she could see that Markle wanted the top job and would do anything to get it. We also know that Meghan mentioned the future Queen on The Tig well before she met her. She was always envious of Kate’s position and wanted to walk in front of her. Sorry, love, but you married the spare.

Let’s not forget that there was a rumour that Meghan lusted after William but had to settle for Harry. Then, there’s the William/Rose Hanbury rumour that the Sussex Squad cannot seem to leave alone. They hate Catherine as much as Markle does, no doubt.

Treatment Of The ‘Underlinings’

Meghan sees everyone, including those above her, as beneath her. She made it evident while working on the Reitman’s campaigns. As a royal, she thought talking down to the staff was her job. She lied during the Oprah interview, claiming she had no help. She had a team behind her, yet, she wrote them off and bullied many of them.

Furthermore, she whines that they weren’t up to the task and didn’t know their jobs. Many of them, including Samantha Cohen, were seasoned professionals. Cohen, for example, had worked for The Queen for almost 20 years. She wasn’t some inexperienced intern on their first day.

Meghan spent most of her time dismissing the staff’s ideas and emailing them at unruly hours. The most pitiful part is that she would get upset when they didn’t respond immediately. In her mind, their sole purpose was to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. They had lives outside of work hours. She didn’t care and thought they were to cater solely to her needs, which wasn’t up to her standards.

Does bullying the staff to do what you want to classify as being a workhorse? No, it doesn’t.

The Queen of Freebies Throws Tantrums

Anyone with a brain knows that royals don’t accept freebies. If they get them, the items get given to charity. If they want something, they pay for it. Meghan, however, thought her newfound fame would allow her to have whatever she wanted.

Sorry to burst that bubble, Megsy, but being a royal is nothing like being an influencer. By accepting freebies, you cheapen the monarchy. So, imagine her shock when told she can’t keep the swag she received from designers. She takes it out on her staff, who know that royals cannot keep things they are given. Then she gets the staff in trouble by giving them freebies.

Meghan never learned that “No” means “No.” Her dad even admitted that he smothered his daughter and gave her everything. This might factor into the recent story where she and Harry allegedly wanted a discount at the Carlyle Hotel in New York and were told they couldn’t. There is no doubt that they used their titles and were like, “Hey, we’re Diana, Princess of Wales’s son and daughter-in-law. You catered to her whenever she was here. Give us a discount or a free room.”

This is probably why they orchestrated the “New York car chase.”

Demanded Respect, Without Giving It In Return

Meghan believed that being a royal meant people would instantly respect her. Girl, this isn’t a Disney Princess movie. She should have observed The Queen, Princess Anne, Sophie and Catherine and seen how people respect them. People appreciate these women because they get respect in return.

Catherine and William don’t have a high staff turnaround because they treat their staff respectfully. That is why their nanny, Maria, has been with them for so long. She’s been working for them since Prince George was a baby.

Maria has helped with raising Charlotte and Louis as well. She doesn’t parent the children. That is William and Catherine’s job. She helps prepare them for school in the morning; she may even assist them in getting their homework done whenever their parents work.

Meghan, however, doesn’t respect anyone but herself. She works for a profit and nothing more. She never showed enthusiasm for anything as she jumped on bandwagons and never did anything more than once. Despite the hefty price tag, it’s like her only wearing outfits once and discarding them. Let’s not forget the constant Diana and Wallis cosplaying she does.

Post Megxit

Finally, Meghan has been out of the royal family as the Duchess of Sussex longer than she was ever in. Though she has found ways to play the ultimate victim, people are waking up to her deception.

Calling The Paps

She had called the paps on herself and Harry multiple times. She did the same thing before she was a royal. There was also a story where she allegedly walked up and down in front of the Daily Mail offices until someone took her picture. This happened allegedly before she married Harry.

She was recently outed by Tom Bower. He said that The Daily Beast’s Tom Skyes had a freedom of information request where he discovered that Meghan had called the paps to Tyler Perry’s house while she, Archie and Harry were living there.

She has done several pap strolls since. The multiple trips to New York, that “walk” in Canada with “Archie”, where he was hanging loosely in the body harness. The more I look at that photo, the more I believe it is a doll, not a real child. If it were a real baby, there would be weight in the shoulder straps. There was also the one with Archie walking in California while Meghan was pregnant with Lilibet, where the photos dropped a half hour before Prince Louis’ birthday pictures did. The list goes on.

The Hour A Week

This post exists because of the question, “What do Harry and Meghan do all day if they only work one hour a week?” If these two were workhorses like they want the public to believe, they would do more than an hour a week.

They believe they’re like Princess Anne, who is a true workhorse. She does hundreds of engagements in a year. Sitting on your behind and doing nothing isn’t working. When that information came out, it wasn’t too surprising as Meghan only did 72 engagements in 18 months. Meghan claims to be a feminist and wants to help working mothers. But she’s doing not even the bare minimum of her own work. Scrolling through social media doesn’t count unless it’s research, nor does texting celebrities to “hang out.”

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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