Chronicles of Harkle

How The Mighty Have Fallen From Grace: Former Employees Of The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Have Accused Meghan Of Bullying


Sorry, Oprah but your girl “M” has been accused of bullying…

Pop some popcorn folks because Meghan Markle’s reputation has continued to take a nosedive! Former staff who worked for the Sussexes when they were working royals have started coming out of the woodwork accusing the former actress of bullying. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Jason Knauf who worked with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as their communications secretary said in an email to Samantha Carruthers, who is the Kensington Palace human resources chief that he was worried about verbal abuse from Prince Harry’s wife that was being slung at other members of staff.

Sorry, Oprah but does your girl, “M” sound like a genuine person to you? She [Markle] can throw the victim card around all she likes but people are beginning to wake up to the fact she’s not a nice person. This is not the first time bullying allegations have been levelled against Meghan.

The Short List Of Bullying Allegations

There has been rumours and speculation going around for years of Meghan’s alleged bullying antics. Here’s a short list:

  • The diva antics during the Australia tour where she was only nice to the ‘good looking staff’ and threw tea at a member of staff.
  • Screamed at Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge’s staff and was not to be nice to them.
  • 5am texts and emails, ignorant of the fact staff actually have lives of their own.
  • Allegedly threw tantrum over the bridesmaids for her wedding having to wear to tights despite Catherine saying it was protocol. It appears she [Meghan] won that fight as the girls weren’t wearing them on the day.
  • Photographer that once worked with Markle once said that she arrived with an entourage like she was an A-lister and had demands that her feet not be photographed.

There’s a ton of other instances.

Meghan Needs A Reality Check

How can people stand a person who bullies their way to getting what they want? Meghan has only ever used people to gain more status. Look at what happened with her first husband, Trevor Engelson. She only married him because he was a producer. They were together almost a decade but were only married for just around two years.

If rumours are right, she made him get her the role on Suits and those few walk on roles she had in Remember Me and Get Him To The Greek. There is a reason why she has not won that coverted Oscar her former best friend Ninaki Priddy once mentioned. Megsy is just not a good actress. If she were, she would’ve gotten more prominent roles over the almost twenty years she was in the Entertainment industry.

Suits was a tiny cable show and was never nominated for any form of major award except for the Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for Patrick J Adams. Before she even met Harry, no one knew who she was unless they were fans of the show and/or her lifestyle blog, The Tig.

The fact of the matter is, she thinks she is entitled to do whatever the hell she wants without consequence. The Times, the newspaper that published the allegations originally, is a reputable newspaper. It is NOT a tabloid that makes up garbage. They would not put their reputation on the line unless they had facts to back up what they were saying tenfold.

Also, it appears that the Sussexes will likely not pursue legal action. What does this tell us? That there is some truth to it. We’ll cover the earrings debacle in a separate post.

Meghan Is Not Untouchable

As for Meghan, she thinks she is untouchable because she is the wife of a beloved prince. She is not and what makes the whole thing sickening is that she is using her race as a scapegoat and her fans and her husband fall for it every time.

The Duchess of Sussex needs to see that she cannot have everything she wants. If she wants to throw tantrums because she got denied something, that’s all on her. This only verifies what people have been saying from the get-go. She uses bullying tactics to makes herself feel more powerful. As far as she is concerned, the staff that work for her are nothing more than gum stuck to her expensive shoes.

We keep repeating ourselves and we sincerely apologise. Very few people seem to understand or want to see what kind of person Meghan is behind closed door. She will only be nice to those who are either good-looking or she can get something from them. That was the whole reason Oprah got an invite to the wedding.

Despite the Talk Show Queen having to wait before she got that coveted victim narrative – argh! – interview (sorry!) Meghan – no doubt – had everything planned out from the beginning. Getting Harry to propose, starting their fairytale life, having children, playing the race and bullying card where they were the victims. All of it. Oh, and don’t get us started on pulling her prince away from the family who love him

Here’s the thing, the reason Meghan believes she is untouchable is because she was spoilt growing up. Samantha Markle was right on the money there. Sure, there are things we disagree with like how the former actress changed her birth year to make herself look younger than she was.

Wake Up, Harry!

Prince Harry really needs to wake up to himself. Meghan is playing him like a piano. She is using his great weakness against him; the death of his mother. He and William both have BS detectors built in so why didn’t the Duke of Sussex’s go off when he and his now-wife started dating?

He saw her as a version of his mother as she claimed she was a humanitarian and all these other things she’s so obviously not. Harry was jealous of the fabulous life William had created with Catherine and their children. He wanted the same thing, but he chose the wrong woman and world see it.

It has nothing to do with Meghan’s race. It never did. People can see through her lies and deceitful behaviour. We don’t care if she’s biracial. All of her traits, this is probably her only redeeming element. It’s awesome that a mixed race woman married in the royal family but the way she acts like a diva, isn’t on.

If the allegations of Meghan’s diva behaviour in Sydney are true and Harry had to apologise for her, then he knows how she behaves. However, he won’t do anything to stop her because it’s possible he fears retribution of what could happen. If they separate whilst in America, she’ll get custody of Archie and the second child once it’s born.

Bullying Needs To Be Addressed

Finally, Jason Knauf did the right thing is coming forward with these bullying allegations. No staff member, no matter what the business is, should feel like they don’t have a voice (oh, god we sound like Meghan!) if they are targeted by a bully.

Meghan may claim she is the world’s greatest boss, but Jason Knauf was a well-respected member of the Kensington Palace team. She – at the time – was a newbie royal spouse who thought she could throw her weight around.

Also, the palace needs to look at the way they have preference over protecting the royal family over their staff. We’ll address this in a later post too. There are so many unknown factors here but we do know one thing. Harry knew about his wife’s behaviour prior to their marriage and told Jason to not do anything about it. This shows that while he loves her, he is just as guilty as she is.

If The Times article is anything to go by (we can’t access it because it’s behind a paywall), Harry got in on the action too. The Sussexes are going to turn their son and their new baby into bullies as well. This should show people that Meghan and her princely husband need to be sued.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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