
Catherine, The Princess Of Wales Has Cancer – We Hope The Conspiracy Theorists Are Proud Of Themselves – NEWS And OPINION

Kate Cancer, Catherine cancer

It was the news no one expected to hear (thanks, Deadline). Catherine, the Princess of Wales, has cancer. We hope the conspiracy theorists out there who were saying vile things about her are proud of themselves. The future Queen has been forced to release a video to explain that her diagnosis came after her abdominal surgery in January.

Kate explains that her cancer was found after testing was done following her procedure. She went in thinking the procedure was non-cancerous. That ended up not being the case. This news comes after it was announced that the London Clinic was investigating a security breach where the Princess of Wales’ medical had been potentially almost accessed by at least three staff members.

The Celebrities Who Were Cruel Probably Feel Like Assholes Right Now

Then there are the constant conspiracy theories and jokes from people like Kim Kardashian and Blake Lively about the Photoshop “scandal.” Lively has since issued a statement retracting her photo which has since been deleted from her Instagram account. Now, I don’t care if it was a “promotional” spin for your stupid brand, Blake. You ought to be ashamed of poking fun at it in the first place.

Next we have a whole list of celebrities who have made tasteless jokes and guess what? A large number of them have ties to Meghan and Harry. Let’s see. We have, as stated, Kim Kardashian. She and her mother, Kris Jenner, took pictures with Doria Ragland, Markle’s mother. Also, Kris’ boyfriend, Corey Gamble was with Harry on a skii trip. Then we have Andy Cohen, who was on Meghan’s podcast, who posted a tweet about the recent video of the Waleses walking through the Windsor market.

Then, we have Omid Scobie. Oh, yes. The lickspittle that caters to Meghan and Harry’s every whim and calls the Princess of Wales and The King racist has been been criticised for posting a clock sitting at 6pm, which is when the announcement was made in the UK. What I want would love to know is how he knew when the statement would drop.

Omid is a POS. He always has been. I’m willing bet that every person who has had some kind of criticism is now realising how much they effed up now that Kate has revealed she has cancer. At least Blake was willing to admit she messed up.

Honourable Arsehole Mentions

  • Stephen Colbert – for bringing up the William affair thing – Rose Hanbury’s lawyers have now issued warnings, as per Vanity Fair
  • Jimmy Kimmel – for not calling out Sheryl Crow for her horrid joke
  • Sheryl Crow – told a horrid joke
  • Christopher Bouzy
  • Shouty Shola

Kate Deserves Privacy To Recover From Cancer And Conspiracy Scumbags Can’t Even Give Her That!

I have been sickened and appalled by the media’s behaviour in their demands for the royals to reveal the truth about Catherine. Well, now you a-holes have what you want. Satsified now? Kate is a human being, dealing with a life-changing cancer diagnosis. She didn’t want to announce it until she felt ready. However, the conspiracy theorists forced her hand and she had no choice.

It’s disgusting these people thought it would be fun to get notoriety from a sick woman. I reckon that these gutter humans are probably feeling like total crap because they chose to pick on a cancer-stricken Kate.

Addressing The Audience

Now, before my followers criticise for calling Catherine ‘Kate’, I’m only doing it for SEO reasons. I always call her Catherine or the Princess of Wales. I hate calling her Kate as it sounds disrespectful to what she perfers.

On occasion, I refer to her as ‘Kate’ because my writing looks sloppy if I refer to her as Catherine too much.

Speaking Of Crappy People…

Another aspect that I had to address is Meghan and Harry. These two don’t know when to shut their pieholes! They issued a one sentence statement. Yes, you heard that correctly. As per the BBC, these two a-holes, have addressed Catherine’s cancer reveal and no one cares wha they say. They are garbage human beings.

They allowed Omid Scobie to write in Endgame that Catherine was a racist and that she was not kind to Meghan when they met for the first time.

Meghan and Harry don’t care about Catherine or Charles. They only put out statements because they didn’t want to be called out and forgotten by the media. Harry flew so many hours from California to have just a minutes long chat with his ‘dear’ pa. Then he spent the night in a hotel before returning to the United States.

Also, it would not be surprising if Meghan is secretly wishing Catherine ill with her fingers crossed for her death so she can swoop in and snatch William. I know that sounds terrible, but Markle is a narcissist who believes she is superior to everyone else around her.

If the Sussexes truly cared about Charles or Catherine, they would stop putting out stories in the press. They should drop everything and go and spend time with them without informing the media of their every move. That is what happened with William when they got the diagnosis. He had pull out of his godfather, King Constantine II’s memorial service.

Conspiracy Theorists, Prepare To Feel Rotten!

To end this article (and rant), I wanted to address the conspiracy theorists out there. How does it feel now, huh? Your constant badgering of a cancer-stricken woman has forced Kate to explain herself… again when there was no need to do so.

Do you people have zero empathy for those who struggling? Do you sit behind your keyboards and mobile devices and think, “What can we say about Kate Middleton today?” First off, her name is CATHERINE. Say it with me now! CATHERINE! Kate Middleton has ceased to exist since 29th April 2011 when she walked out of Westminster Abbey as Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.

It’s people like you that have dragged so many people in your BS. This includes innocent children! Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will see these stories later in life and wonder if they’re true. You thought connecting the death of Lady Gabriella Kingston’s husband, Thomas, to William’s sudden absence from King Constantine’s memorial would garner attention and agreement. You people are gross and removed from reality. All these conspiracies are like the ones that were dregged up surrounding the death of Princess Diana.

Conspiracy theorists, please us all a favour and go hide under rocks.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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