The Bold And The Beautiful

Zoe Plays Thomas For Everything He’s Worth

Zoe; Hope's Line; rival's plan

Hope is far from impressed that Steffy agrees to rehire Zoe, but little does she realise it’s all part of Liam and her rival’s plan to stop Thomas…

To say Hope is pissed at Steffy for rehiring Zoe is the world’s largest understatement. However, she doesn’t know that exposing Thomas is Liam and her rival’s plan to get the designer to end his obsession with her and to make Ridge see who his son really is. At least, it takes away from the Quinn could lose Eric thing.

But… will Zoe play Thomas, or will she actually fall for his sadist charms?

The Rival’s Plan

Steffy has a lot of weight on her shoulders. She hates what her brother has done to her but finds forgiving him difficult. Though he’s still family, if there’s one thing she’s sure of, Liam would never lie to her, and why would he? She never does him anything wrong while she’s done the dirty on him with his father. Now, enough of the whole Steffy is no saint thing.

The co-CEO’s loyalties are torn between seeing that Thomas has changed and that he’s not still obsessed with his ex-wife. As mentioned before, she knows Liam wouldn’t lie to her. He knows how Thomas operates and wants him to stay away from Hope.

Steffy knows that now Hope is legally her nephew’s mother and her brother has access to her. While she wants to keep the peace between everyone for Ridge’s vision to heal their family to be successful, she also knows that Liam wants to protect Hope.

However, using Zoe as a go-between is also not what she had in mind. Liam convinces her that Reese’s daughter could help them get the necessary information to convince Ridge. But will it work?

Thomas Attempts To Make Hope Jealous

This year has been a big one for Thomas, but his obsession with Hope is what really takes the cake. He’s been hellbent on wanting to make her Douglas’s mother. While that has been achieved, he’s forced her into a loveless marriage and he blames Brooke for… well, everything. He also cannot stand Donna and Katie because they’re Logans. Go figure, right?

However, he also won’t let Hope go without a fight. He decides to up his game to get what he wants. His plan? Make Hope jealous by having a fake romance with Zoe so his ‘true love’ will run back into his arms and proclaim she loves him. Unbeknownst to him, Zoe plays him despite her feelings for him.

What makes this even more alarming is after discussing Zoe’s return to Forrester and ‘romantic dinner’, Thomas spies Hope headed towards the office and pulls Zoe into a kiss just as Hope walks through the door.

For the sake of Liam and Steffy’s plan, Zoe is going along with the ruse, even if she doesn’t want to be involved in outing her latest boyfriend. However, he has promised her a place back at FC but hasn’t fulfilled his promise. When his sister and Liam show up at Vinny’s door, Zoe is reluctant to join their crusade. But she’s sick of his obsession with Hope, as all he ever talks about is her. She wants revenge, and if someone else will give her a chance, it’s an untrusting Steffy and Liam.

Steffy and Liam’s Reluctance

Steffy and Liam have every reason to accept Zoe’s help reluctantly. She kept the secret about Phoebe being Beth to herself for months to protect her father.

Losing her adoptive daughter was hard on Steffy, and while she hates that Hope is keeping the infant at arm’s length from her, she hates Zoe more after everything she did. However, Liam doesn’t like the idea of having the criminal’s daughter on their side either, and he knows that if there’s one person Thomas will confide in, it’s Zoe.

Liam has no reason to trust Zoe, given her role in keeping Beth’s survival a secret from him and Hope for so long. He hates that she stood by and did nothing while Steffy raised Beth unknowingly. However, he knows that if there’s one way to bring Thomas to his knees, Zoe might be able to provide them with that chance.

So, how do you think this whole situation will play out? Let us know in the comments below! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at @cjhawk93. If you enjoyed this Bold and the Beautiful breakdown, be sure to subscribe to the blog!

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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