Star Wars

Who Were The Handmaidens In Star Wars, And What Were Their Function?

handmaidens, star wars

Handmaidens in Star Wars are not the bit players or background extras the audience thinks they are. These women have many roles they aren’t credited for and should be. After all, they are characters, no matter how minor.

This post will explore the function of the handmaidens we’ve met across Star Wars media. Moreover, this article only covers canon material.

Do All Handmaidens Serve The Same Function?

Depending on the society, not all Handmaidens are the same. The most famous ones are from Naboo. Padmé Amidala’s ladies are often the most well-known. Her daughter, Leia, had women and girls attend to her during her childhood on Alderaan.

The Naboo Handmaidens served the Royal House of Naboo, often attending to the current monarch. They would receive combat training and willingly give up their families for their mistresses.

However, whether the Alderaanian handmaidens had the same training is unknown.

Lyra Erso was attended to by handmaidens upon the birth of her and her husband Galen’s daughter, Jyn. However, it would appear that these ladies were like midwives.

Princess Xiri A’lbaran had handmaidens during the High Republic era.

Secret Keepers

The Handmaidens that served the Royal House of Naboo often acted as decoys for their mistresses, as seen with Sabé and Cordé. Also, they were known for keeping the integrities of their bosses, as seen with the ladies who served Padmé during the Clone Wars. Some changed their names to reflect their mistresses’ names, but others did not, as mentioned in E.K. Johnson’s Padmé Amidala Trilogy.

Upon Padmé’s marriage to Anakin Skywalker, the handmaidens that served her during this time were sworn to secrecy, as were her security team. Furthermore, this extended to the senator’s pregnancy, which had to be hidden when she was in public.

Known Handmaidens

Here are some of the handmaidens that we know by name:

Served Padmé Amidala

  • Teckla Minnau – killed during the Clone Wars.
  • Sabé – founder of the Amidalans.
  • Cordé – died in an assassination attempt on Padmé before the Clone Wars.
  • Dormé
  • Moteé
  • Ellé
  • Yané
  • Saché
  • Eirtaé
  • Rabé
  • Umé
  • Versé
  • Duja – died on Batuu during the Clone Wars.

Of all the handmaidens on this list, many of them changed their names to reflect Padmé’s.

Served Leia Organa

  • Agira
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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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