Star Wars

Who Knew About Anakin And Padmé In Canon?

Anakin and Padmé’s secret relationship is Romeo and Juliet in nature – The secret marriage between the Chosen One and the former Queen of Naboo was probably the galaxy’s worst kept secret. Only a select few people were in the know of the relationship, but it is evident to those who knew the couple individually. From a secret Sith Lord to an inquisitive Padawan, we explain who became aware of the relationship.

Padmé’s family on Naboo were not in the know as they believed that she died with her unborn child, hence not knowing about Luke and Leia.

Obi-Wan Kenobi – Knows About Secret As Anakin Is Easy To Read

Let’s begin with an obvious one. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of those flaws. If there’s one person who knew Anakin, it’s him. From the moment they reunited with Padmé, the attraction between the two was breathtakingly obvious.

Despite Obi-Wan’s warnings, Anakin marries Padmé upon the offset of the Clone Wars. He would see more signs that the attraction was much bigger than he knew throughout the war. Nevertheless, he remained silent as he didn’t want to evoke Skywalker’s wrath and come across as hypocritical due to his past with Satine Kryze.

Upon Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side, Obi-Wan took it upon himself to tell Padmé. As he goes to leave, he questions if Skywalker is the father. The senator’s silence gives him his answer.

Ahsoka Tano

Outside of her friendship with Anakin, Ahsoka becomes close friends with Padmé during the war. The two come to share a sisterhood in the same way Skywalker and Kenobi did with their brotherhood. Unfortunately, however, she didn’t get the same luxury of seeing the senator regularly.

Padmé took Ahsoka under her wing and didn’t think twice about it. She didn’t see the teenager as annoying as other politicians would have. Amidala enjoyed Ahsoka’s company and saw her as a piece of Anakin.

During an unnamed mission that was initially intended for only Anakin and Padmé, Obi-Wan sends Ahsoka along as a third wheel. Despite Skywalker’s annoyance, they completed the task with Tano seeing things she shouldn’t have regarding her Master and Padmé’s affections for each other.

Afterwards, Ahsoka subtlety tells Padmé she knows about the relationship, promising not to say anything.

Sheev Palpatine

One person that no one expected to know about the secret relationship is Sheev Palpatine. So yes, the secret Sith Lord Darth Sidious was aware of the marriage. However, it is unclear how he knows in Canon as the Legends explanation had Quarsh Panaka tell him, and the Chancellor used that information to his advantage.

He exposes himself as the Sith Lord to Anakin, telling him that he is the chance he has to save Padmé. Skywalker reports him to Windu but then changes his mind and kills Windu accidentally before pleading his allegiance to the new Emperor.

After Anakin’s defeat on Mustafar, Palpatine finds him and has him put into the black armour he will spend the rest of his life in. Upon the mask being pulled down, Vader asks where his wife is and whether she is safe. The Emperor lies to him and says that he killed her in his anger.

Bail Organa

While it is not explicitly said, Bail Organa became aware of the relationship when Padmé went into labour. Being a friend to her, he felt he owed her to keep Leia safe. Also, early during the Clone Wars, Padmé entrusts him to keep Anakin’s lightsaber a secret from Cad Bane and his goons after they get caught up in the Senate Hostage Crisis. However, she didn’t answer him when he asked whose weapon it was. However, he knew the answer when Anakin was pulled out in front of the senators unconscious.

An honourary mention we wanted to add to this post is Bail’s wife, Breha, who her husband would’ve told about their daughter’s lineage. However, this has not been 100% confirmed. Nevertheless, we include it because of Bail’s involvement in Leia’s adoption.

R2-D2 And C-3PO

Anakin and Padmé’s wedding wouldn’t be complete without their faithful droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO. Both droids would later serve the couple’s children, Luke and Leia. So the droids were well aware of the marriage.

The couple gave each other their respective droids as wedding gifts. R2 was given to Anakin and C-3PO to Padmé. However, after Anakin’s fall to the dark side and Padmé’s death, the droids came under the servitude of Bail Organa, Leia’s adoptive father. 3PO’s mind was erased to ensure he didn’t blab about who Darth Vader was.

Owen And Beru Lars

While not one hundred per cent confirmed, Anakin’s stepbrother and stepsister-in-law, Owen and Beru Lars, would’ve known to a degree about the relationship. We’ve Included them to the list because it would’ve been a no brainer as to who Luke’s mother was. Either that or they chose not to ask questions regarding their nephew’s parentage.

Rush Clovis

Padmé’s former boyfriend, Rush Clovis, is the second-last person on this list. He had a couple of encounters with Anakin during the war, and it became painstakingly apparent that Skywalker had feelings for the senator. However, it’s unknown if he pieced together if they were married.

Padmé’s Security Team And Handmaidens Are Aware Of Secret

Finally, Padmé’s security team and her handmaidens were well aware of the secret relationship. How else would they be able to explain why Anakin kept showing up at the apartment if he kept claiming he was just a friend? We’re sure Obi-Wan would’ve gotten a kick out of that.

What’s more, Padmé would’ve been unable to hide her pregnancy without the help of her handmaidens.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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