Babes Against Bullshit

When Things Don’t Add Up: The Lehrmann-Higgins Case

Lisa, Higgins
lisa, logies, bruce, brittany, athena, poseidon

This is not about victim shaming. There is also no favouritism when it comes to gender. It’s about calling out two people who aren’t necessarily telling the truth. Bruce Lehrmann is not telling the truth. Nor is Brittany Higgins. They’re both parading around as victims when they’ve put themselves into the public sphere of ridicule.

From photos of almost faded bruises to secret recordings of Higgins and Lisa Wilkinson talking about whom to recruit to their cause shows that there was some plan. What it was, we can only speculate. Also, it looks like this whole drama has pulled Lisa’s husband and well-known Republican Peter FitzSimmons into it too.

There is so much dirtiness to this whole drama. There’s always an air of stuffiness when it comes to Wilkinson. While she had to work her ass off to get where she is today, she rubs it in the faces of others, and it showed with that self-conceded Logies speech she gave. The interview she did with Higgins was the highlight of her career, but it was also her undoing. Because of her little stunt, the rape trial was postponed.

We May Never Know The Truth

However, things now are even murkier than before regarding what happened that night at Parliament House between Brittany and Bruce. CCTV footage did not show Higgins to be as drunk in the way she mentioned. If she had been inebriated, she wouldn’t have been able to walk in a straight line.

For those who don’t believe my thought on this, consider this. Have you ever visited a police open day at your child’s school? If you have, you’ll be aware that some give a demonstration where they place a line on the ground and give the participant a pair of goggles you can’t see out of. These provide the implication of what happens when you’re drunk. They then make you walk on the line. It’s almost impossible to do so with the goggles on.

Brittany walking in a straight line shows one of two things. One, she wasn’t drunk, or two, she wasn’t drinking as much as she claimed. Since there are no cameras after the security checkpoint in Parliament House, we may never know what happened outside of Higgins and Luhrmann’s very different recollections.

I also want to make clear that this is not me saying that Brittany wasn’t attacked that night. I am only pointing out what I’ve seen.

Lisa Wilkinson And The Highlight Of Her Career

Lisa’s career has made her a fortune but also made her believe she is an advocate for sexual assault victims. However, her actions at the Logies revealed that she only cared about getting the biggest win of her career. She was desperate for a victory; why not see if she could win a Walkley? Any professional journalist wouldn’t use their position to be caught in an audio recording trying to get politicians on their side and to force them to talk about an alleged rape that happened in the confines of their work establishment.

In conclusion, the truth will keep coming out, and Lisa Wilkinson will keep looking foolish unless she decides to do an interview to clarify what happened. Finally, if the full audio comes out, it will make Higgins look even worse than she already does. People will stop believing them and call them out for taking advantage of a serious conversation just for attention. We’ve already had a massive change in opinion, and people are still confused over what happened and who is telling the truth.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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