Chronicles of Harkle

The Woman Hating Fraud – OPINION


Meghan Markle has been a lot of things since she entered the public eye as the love interest to one Prince Harry of Wales. She has been referred to as the Duchess of Sussex. Grifter. The new Princess Diana. Evil. But no one has ever referred to her as a woman-hating fraud. Well, that started yesterday when I published a post called “Meghan Markle. Non-Feminist. Hates Women.” I wanted to expand on that by putting out the names of the women that Meghan craps on every chance she gets.

The former actress can scream that she supports women all she wants, but deep down and behind that brittle mask, she hates women who are more successful and well-liked than she is. The only people who like her have the same ambitions she does, including anyone hungry for fame and fortune and wanting to do none of the work.

So, let’s begin with Catherine, The Princess of Wales.

Meghan Hated Catherine Long Before She Met Her

It’s no secret that Meghan believes she’s better than her sister-in-law, Catherine, the Princess of Wales. However, people had pointed out that the envy the former actress feels for the future Queen was probably there long before they met.

I’ve referred a Tig Talk with Princess Alia Al-Senussi multiple times. In the second sentence, Meghan writes:

Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.

Tig Talk with Alia Al-Senussi

Before this, however, Meghan compares herself to She-Ra, Princess of Power. If you’ve been following the Sussex trainwreck for as long as I have, you’ll realise that her comment about Catherine should be read between the lines. The statement appears excellent but is snarky if you look at it in the correct light.

Meghan Implies That Catherine Is Lazy On The Tig

What Meghan is saying in this short statement is that she believes Catherine to be beneath her and is lazy. Now, this is 2014, when this Tig Talk was published. Prince George was about turn a year old, and Kate wasn’t yet pregnant with Princess Charlotte as she was born in May 2015.

Meghan, even now, has a problem with Catherine and doesn’t like she will one day become Queen Catherine. Markle, meanwhile, will be forever known as The Duchess of Sussex and the wife of the former spare. Also, everything Kate does and wears is flawless. She does not put a foot wrong because she never makes the event she’s attending about herself.

Catherine is a woman of action. She is also a mum of three children who need her presence. Yet, the public and the media want her to do more work. No one is ever happy.

The Woman-Hating Stems From Immaturity

Meghan’s woman-hating stems from immaturity. She believes that she should always be the star of the show. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. The role of a royal is to highlight and prop up causes they’re passionate about. For Catherine, it’s early childhood development. For Prince William, it’s homelessness and the environment.

Markle doesn’t care about charities. How many times have they been back to Smartworks? World Vision? UN Women? The Royal National Theatre? Baby2Baby? She visits the charities once and then ticks them off her bucket list.

All Meghan wanted was to take an hour private jet trip to wherever the event was, take photos to make it look like she was helping people, and then leave after 10 minutes. The example I’m alluding to here is the Baby2Baby event. Some celebrities have been with the charity for years.

Meghan doesn’t understand that actual feminist sticks to their guns and doesn’t lash out at others for their failings. Nor do they look out for themselves and profit. They shine a beacon on others. Markle thinks showing up, talking to women, and writing on bananas with “inspiring” messages is nice. She stole the idea from someone she once knew and admitted to it. Also, some sex workers were offended by Markle’s idea of writing on bananas when there were other ways of helping.

Could the whole writing on bananas be one of those things in Meghan’s mind saying, “I live in a castle with endless money. You have to work for it, ha!”? It wouldn’t be surprising if her woman-hating mind were thinking that.

Other Women Are Meghan’s Competition

Every woman Meghan has ever worked with is chewing gum on her Aquazzura pumps, as far as she is concerned. If she is meant to share something, she doesn’t like it. Look at the dirty look she threw at the back of Catherine’s head at Wimbledon.

stare; duchesses; grateful; blame; peasants
[Credit: The Independent]

Meghan wants to be at the front and walk in, leading everyone, including Kate. That is impossible as Catherine is married to the eldest of Charles’ sons. If Meghan were married to William, she would be standing where the Princess of Wales stands today. Meghan only sees herself as more deserving of being more critical than Catherine because she considers herself as Diana.

Tom Bower said recently that he heard that Meghan told Harry that she has been communing with Diana in the afterlife, and she [Diana] approves of all the drama they’re stirring up. According to Bower, Harry told a friend in the UK when he was there for his court case against the Mirror that I just referenced. Dan Wootton was exasperated when Bower revealed what he was told.

Woman-Hating Meghan Despised The Queen

[Credit: South African]

Meghan! Tear! Left eye! Go. Cue the act that Meghan pulled at the Queen’s funeral in September 2022. Does the woman-hating fraud not realise that the internet is forever? Long before the Queen’s passing, Meghan was busted by the Megxit community when a clip from an old interview resurfaced where she bragged about being able to cry from her left eye when told to do so.

Here’s the video for those who are a little confused.

[Credit: Princess Tiffany]

Now, what does this have to do with the late Queen? Meghan barely knew the woman. She didn’t spend a lot of time with her compared to the other royal in-laws, but she claims to have had a special relationship with her that was super close.

No. Meghan, the woman-hating pest she is, didn’t have a close relationship with the Queen. She would not have taken Harry away from his grandmother and the rest of his family if she did. Those fake tears at the funeral were just a show to make it appear she cared. If I’m not mistaken, Meghan did everything she could to snark back at the Queen by proclaiming, “Service is universal.”

The Queen Was A True Feminist Icon

How is sitting on one’s butt in twin chairs, you refer to as your thrones and looking through social media for slights service? Tell me that. The Queen was the patron of hundreds of charities. She became the monarch at a much younger age than expected. What’s more, she had to give up being a mother to her two young children, who were toddlers, when she became sovereign. A decade after becoming Queen, she had two more children.

The Queen never complained about how taxing the job was. She knew she would become a monarch, and when she did, she inspired women throughout seven generations.

Meghan hated what the Queen stood for. She wanted to be the Queen. There was a rumour a while ago about this. Harry believed that his grandmother should step aside and let Meghan be the monarch because she represented a new generation of the royal family.

While this is probably not even remotely true, it would not be surprising if it were. However, the one thing I never understood about this was that it would make Harry look incredibly stupid if it were true. He would know his grandmother wouldn’t have abdicated, much less for a biracial American who didn’t care about the UK and loved throwing her weight around.

The Queen was always poised, even in the last days of her life. She was graceful and beloved. Meghan just wanted control to shape everything in her image. The monarchy has no power. It did centuries ago, however. Markle lives in an alternate reality where everyone is wrong, including Harry, and she’s always right.

The Up And Down Glance

Finally, we know little about Harry and Meghan’s relationship with Queen Camilla. However, there was footage taken from the 70th birthday event for Charles where Markle gave Camilla the snooty mean girl up and down look. We also have Camilla mouthing “Help me” to the camera. I won’t place the footage here as it’s not excellent quality, but both moments happen within seconds of each other.

Meghan hates Camilla, probably as much as Harry claims he does. However, Markle’s reason for hating her is different. She cannot stand that. Camilla has the position she only wishes she had, and that’s being married to a king or, at the time of the video, a future king.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Camilla tried to warn people about how horrible Meghan was, knowing it would be all over the internet.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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