Chronicles of Harkle

Forget It, There Is No “Olive Branch”! – OPINION

no olive branch, Prince Harry

What is with the media’s obsession with Prince Harry and the constant ‘olive branch’ narratives? Guys, there is NO Olive Branch. None. Zip. Unless Meghan Markle is no longer in the picture, the royal family, especially Prince William, want nothing to do with him. Sure, he can see his father, The King, but no one will trust him with any form of information as he will leak it to the media after he tells his wife.

No olive branch is coming to Meghan from the Suits cast, as she will never return to the show as she sees herself as above it. Anyway, this is not about her. It is about Harry’s blatant stupidity. As the fabulous Sidley twins pointed out, he believed visiting his father would be a diversion from the African Parks situation.

Prince Harry claims to hate the media, yet he puts out his plans to travel to his father. The press release went out just minutes after the announcement of the King’s condition came out. If the Duke of Sussex had even cared about his father, he would not have announced it. You didn’t see Princess Beatrice, who was also there, announce her visit.

The press release was Prince Harry’s way of telling the world that he isn’t feuding with his father when it’s apparent that he is. Also, there is no way that he would’ve been told which cancer his dad has, as he cannot be trusted. Look at how he treated William in his book, Spare. Harry said his father was cold and unloving towards him, and his brother was his archnemesis.

Prince Harry only went to see his dad because he needed good publicity to deflect from the African Parks situation. Though, he was in a damned if-he does, damned if he doesn’t situation. He’s getting crap for going and advertising it. If he didn’t, he would have been called out for being cold and cruel.

Harry’s need to advertise everything he does is something he has learned from Meghan Markle, who is well-known for showing off despite doing the bare minimum. He flew 11 hours to see his father and spent less than an hour with him before going to a hotel to spend the night before flying back to California. Why go at all if you’re not going to spent quality time?

There have been multiple theories about why Prince Harry went to see his father. Some have said it could have to do with him ensuring he’s in his father’s will. Others suggest that he went because he was summoned by the palace. However, that one doesn’t make sense because his grandmother, the late Queen, asked to see him days before she died and he didn’t. He also didn’t show up for his grandfather’s memorial service, which was around the first anniversery of Prince Philip’s death.

Then, we have Meghan. Oh, yes. Meghan, who was seen out and about hours after Harry, jumped on a plane back to Cali.

It would not be surprising if she gave her husband marching orders to say, “Hey, you can see your dad, but you get back here afterwards.” She is predictable as heck. Also, how dumb does she think the whole world is? We know how she operates. She puts out pap shots to get attention. Also, why the HELL was she smiling? Is she happy her father-in-law and sister-in-law are sick? She could have allowed him to take the kids to see their grandfather. But no. She couldn’t risk them getting attention.

The royals have no love for Meghan. No olive branch will be extended to her. Why? Because, like her husband, she is untrustworthy. Let’s hope Harry got searched for microphones before he saw Charles.

Also, if Meghan had been there, she would undoubtedly have been hiding a microphone. She (allegedly) had one on her person during the walkabout with William and Catherine after The Queen died. Harry was likely wired during the Platinum Jubilee, as something was seen poking out of his jacket.

Even Jen of Housewives Recap said the pap shots of Meghan this time made her uncomfortable. That’s a thought because everyone and their dog know what Markle will do when she isn’t in the media. However, the biggest surprise was she didn’t make her face seen on Catherine’s birthday in early January.

Anyway, the whole Meghan pap drive thing was a non-story. Who cares? It’s just clickbait. If she did this as an everyday person with a famous husband and no title, the publications wouldn’t even print the photos. She only gets coverage because Harry is her spouse, and King Charles is her father-in-law. She still loves that title of hers.

If anything, she needs the attention more than Harry does. Why? Because she is now a deer in the headlights. She is not an A-list celebrity like she thinks she is. The royals do not want her back. She is floundering, and she cannot get her head around it.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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