Netflix Television

Harry And Meghan Attack William And Continue To Complain

Netflix, whinge, attack

There is no need for a spoiler warning when it comes to the whinge-fest, and also put out the Netflix attack on Prince William. Yes, we went there. Harry and Meghan are convinced that the Prince of Wales is jealous of Markle’s “success.” First off, why would William care? He has better things to worry about, like, oh, we don’t know, his then-pregnant wife and their two elder children under five at the time.

There is no ending to the constant whinge fest we must endure with the Sussexes. Their “woe is us” mentality grates as they’re in the media daily with new complaints. They’ve cried about wanting privacy, yet recently said it was never about that. Colour us surprised. Not! Their self-serving, contradictory attack would never have happened if Diana, Princess of Wales, remained alive.

Diana Believed In The Monarchy, And The Name Drop

Diana was a firm believer in the monarchy. The only people she had issues with were Charles and Fergie. That is it. She would not allow her sons to become embroiled in a fight nor tolerate Harry trashing his family for a paycheck. He thinks he knows her and cannot stop comparing his wife to her. It’s creepy. Anyone who knew the late Princess of Wales has said that Meghan does not resemble her.

Also, the whole thing with Meghan name-dropping Beyoncé is cringeworthy. See the clip for yourself, courtesy of Baroness Bruck:

[Credit: @Baroness Bruck – Twitter]

Netflix Flop!

As everyone who has read our previous Netflix posts will know that we haven’t watched, nor do we have Netflix. Though, we do have alternative ways to do so if we did. The media is covering it, so we’re good—also, congrats to the Duchess of Narsussex for getting featured via her old tweets. Just so you all know, her Twitter account was suspended. She mentioned it during a video she did a few hours ago.

Netflix produced a flop. There is no denying that. Also, Liz Garbus should be ashamed of herself for getting involved. Meghan already threw her under the bus during the Variety interview. Let’s hope that she saw what Markle said and told her to… you know. Somehow we doubt this happened, as Ms Garbus reposted something from someone who said they couldn’t wait to see the “colonisation” exposed. Baroness Bruck got a screenshot of it and posted it to Twitter.

What did Harry and Meghan do to convince her to take their side? We doubt she will be winning any awards for the crap they spewed.

Operation: Let’s Attack Prince William Because He Screamed At…

Harry makes a note to bring up the Sandringham Summit, where he alleges Prince William screamed at him; their father, the-then Prince of Wales Charles, said that things H claims weren’t valid while his grandmother just sat there.

Harry said his brother was scary at that moment. Umm. You royally effed up by allowing your wife to bully staff and your then-three-year-old niece. Oh, right. Because you’re so good at the job expected of you, you shouldn’t be punished.

Someone pointed out on Twitter that Harry would have been screamed at when he was in the army.

[Credit: @amanda384 – Twitter]

That is a very true statement. Surely his commanding officers were more terrifying than his big brother? Anyway, then we move on to the miscarriage story. Initially, we believed she was telling the truth about this when it happened. However, we’ve been questioning it as there is a different version of events, this time told from the perspective of actress Abigail Spencer.

Abigail Enters The Chat Again

For those not caught up with Meghan’s Hollywood friends, Abigail is a much better actress than Markle. She had a recurring role on Suits, and she had the starring female lead in the series, Timeless. According to Ms Spencer, Meghan miscarried on the day she and Harry moved into their Montecito house with Archie when she collapsed on the driveway.

This is different from what Meghan wrote in her op-ed for the New York Times when she claimed she was getting ready for the day and had Archie in her arms when the miscarriage happened. So… did it happen? We know that Markle’s supporters are scattered throughout the six-part reality show. Harry had at least three that we know of.

Meghan Has More Allies Than Harry

The three who are friends; Nicky and Nacho and Tyler Perry. All of the others were Meghan’s allies. This shows how isolated Harry is. We omit Jenny Afia, Meghan’s London lawyer, because she represented Markle, not Harry, in court. Christopher Bouzy certainly doesn’t count either, as he probably doesn’t have much to do with them outside of cyberbullying those who don’t agree with them. More on him in a moment.

It is fantastic to see how isolated Harry is in his life now. It’s mindblowing. He even admits that he lost friends. Yeah, he did. Tom Bower references Meghan’s first meeting with many of Harry’s friends in Revenge. From what he was told, every person at that gathering at Sandringham, we believe it was, said Markle was a nightmare. She was dubbed as a killjoy as she didn’t like them trash-talking women and trans people. While she had every right to be upset, she shouldn’t have read them the riot act on the first meeting. A lot of these friends are no longer on speaking terms with Harry, by the sounds of it.

What’s really mind-boggling is that all of Meghan’s allies are singing her praises and saying she was oppressed and whatever else. How much were these people paid to say that?

The Bot Master Apparently Throws A Fit

If you’ve been following Project Fangirl for a while, you’ll know all about Christopher Bouzy and Bot Sentinel. According to those who have followed his BS on Twitter, we’ve seen people say that he’s throwing a fit because he’s not featured in the reality show that much. The Tweet above is just one example.

He can act on the Sussexes’ behalf – mostly Meghan’s behest – and claim that he’s helping them beat the toxic white, middle-aged women who are bullying her, but here’s the thing. He’s not much better. Bouzy actively went after the Prince and Princess of Wales. These are receipts from Nate the Lawyer.

[Credit: @NatetheLawyer – Twitter]

The whinge-fest from Bouzy is likely explosive. Why? Because he and Meghan breathe the same narcissistic air. It’s that simple. The man doesn’t like to lose. Thank god for Nate and The Umbrella Guy. Let’s not forget to throw Jason Goodman into the mix too. He was one of the first people to file a lawsuit against Bouzy.

Harry’s Whinge Fest Is Just Annoying

Anyone following the Sussexes for the last five years will know that all Harry does is whinge that the press is toxic and that his family weren’t supportive. You know, all this crap. He claims to have thirty years of experience in understanding how the media works, having seen the communications teams within the monarchy at play.

Here’s the thing. He only knows one side of it. Harry doesn’t understand how journalism works. He thinks that there’s one path with the media, and that’s leaking stories. We may review this later in a Life and Times of a Blogger post.

Now, we will say this. We understand why Harry is wary of the press. He had his phone hacked by journalists at the now-defunct News of the World newspaper. However, he seems to forget that William and Catherine had their phones hacked too. Kate had her phone tapped over 200 times. This was during her courtship with William.

The second thing Harry forgets is that times have changed. Journalists would be arrested if they ever breached the privacy of celebrities now. When William and Catherine were dating, it was also when paparazzi ate any royal girlfriend or newbie celebrity alive.

Harry can claim Meghan was hounded like his mother all he likes, but even he knows she didn’t have it as bad as Catherine and Diana did.

Meghan: The Saint Of Netflix And A Pap Speaks

There is a recurring theme amongst those who know Meghan; she’s a glorified saint who has never done anything wrong. Well, one pap revealed in an interview (thanks, Markle News 1 on Instagram) that he had taken photos of Meghan at a flower shop in Toronto. These were the same pictures where she wore the H and M necklace that the palace ridiculed her over. She even spoke to them.

The pap even explained that he and the guy he was working with (his words) got some great photos of her. What’s more, he added that Meghan set up a lot of pap walks herself. Now, we’ve known this for a while. But having someone in the know go on record about it is enormous. It gives another perspective outside of just Meghan and her friends.

To whinge about the paps when you called them yourself is hypocrisy. Does Harry know about most of her pap strolls? We believe he might’ve been in on some of them. The ones on the polo pitch, most definitely. It was claimed that one of the events was supposed to be private, yet pap shots came out of it.

We’re getting tired of this, but we’ll continue our rant in another post.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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