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Indirectly Killing The Ex-Wife: Should A Man Brainwashing His Lover To Murder His Ex Be Classified As Domestic Violence?

Amirah Droudis, domestic violence

No domestic violence is ever alike. The story we will share is somewhat unusual as we’re going to be talking about a situation that involves Man Haron Monis. We’ll explain who he is in a true crime post. However, in this tale of evil, he’s pulling the strings in the background, and his partner, Amirah Droudis, is front and centre.

In 2013, Man Haron Monis’ ex-wife, Noleen Hayson Pal, was found stabbed to death in her Werrington home. She had also been doused in petrol and set alight. However, the perpetrator wasn’t her ex-husband, at least not directly. It was his partner, Amirah Droudis.

However, the story goes much deeper than people may believe it does. According to news stories after the Lindt Cafe Siege, including the ABC, Pal had tried everything to escape her ex-husband, and she even feared he’d shoot her, an eerie prediction on what he’d do on December 15 and in the early hours of December 16 2014.

Amirah Droudis Had No Criminal Record

According to court documents, Amirah Droudis had NO criminal record before she met Man Haron Monis. She converted to the Islamic faith after they met in mid-2012 and became incredibly close with the man who would spend Sydney spiralling.

Monis was increasingly controlling towards his ex-wife and Droudis. This is what was argued in the appeal of Amirah’s original sentencing of 44 years for Noleen’s murder. 

It is believed that Monis premeditated killing his ex-wife but couldn’t go through with it himself, so he had Droudis commit the crime on his behalf. However, he would go on to commit one of the most recognisable lone-wolf terrorist attacks on Australian soil to date. This has never made much sense, but we know more about Monis’ treatment of Amirah.

Did Man Horon Monis Use Coercive Control On Amirah Douris To Get Her To Kill His Ex-Wife?

It is unclear whether Man Monis’ psychological control over Amirah Droudis can be considered coercive abuse. The practice was not well-known by the public then, and it was only during the Hannah Clarke case in 2020 that it became fully known to the public. However, it has been pointed out that coercive control is a form of psychological abuse, though it is undetermined whether psychological control and coercive control are the same thing.

However, Droudis was under the domestic violence umbrella due to the physical violence.  Also, since she was acting on the behest of Monis in the killing of his ex-wife, this, in a way, could be considered as DV, despite it being acted upon by a third party.

In conclusion, Man Horon Monis brainwashed Amirah Droudis using domestic violence and had her kill his ex-wife on his behalf.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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