Chronicles of Harkle

Why No One Knows The True Meghan Markle

true self

Meghan Markle. A nobody who thinks she is somebody because she slept her way to the top and married a dimwitted prince. Over the years, she has rebranded herself so much that no one knows her true self. Her need to show the world she is not the vindictive, vengeful narcissist that she genuinely is revealing another issue she has.

Who is the true self of Meghan Markle? We have no idea. Her persona changes so often that no one knows for sure. One thing is for certain, though. Her narcissism is on full display. In this post, we try to unravel all the ‘true selves’ of the former briefcase girl-model-actress-one-time royal wife. We’ll also debunk more of her lies while we’re here, so strap in, folks.

The Busy School Student

At Meghan’s admission, she claimed multiple times to have been a lonely girl with no friends. We know this is a blatant lie as photos provided to the press by her former best friend, Ninaki Priddy and others who knew her gave a different picture. These are just a selection from a simple Google search.

According to Meghan’s untrue testimony, she had to busy herself as the president of many school clubs, so she didn’t need to eat alone. However, to be president of any school club in the United States, you had to be voted in by the student body. She would not have been voted into those positions if she had been friendless. There has been nothing that has come out that she was, even in those clubs. All we have is Markle’s word, which is unverifiably challenging to believe.

If there is one person who could break down who Meghan’s true self was during her childhood, it’s Ninaki Priddy. After all, they had been best friends for just 30 years. If the friendless narrative were true, Nikki would’ve said something. Also, it looks like Markle forgets that her childhood BFF exists.

After all, Nikki knows where the metaphorical skeletons are buried regarding Meghan’s obsession with Princess Diana.

The Philanthropic Princess

One of Meghan’s methods of hooking Harry was pretending she did a ton of charity work. Remember these pictures from her trip to Africa, predating Harry? The first image is a collection of images depicting Markle in similar situations as Diana in virtually identical outfits.

Also, it has been noted that Meghan’s ‘charity work’ doesn’t predate 2015,, from what many people have said. Though, we have seen someone say Meghan was working on snagging a royal much earlier than 2015.

Anyway, Meghan doesn’t care about charity work at all. She and Harry visited Baby2Baby during the early days of the pandemic to hand out supplies. They flew in on a private jet (go figure), worked for 15 minutes, took pictures, and left. They have never done work for the charity again.

Jumping back a bit, it has been said that as a child, Meghan was so inspired by Princess Diana that she organised people to donate their old clothes. We’ve seen this said a couple of times. It wouldn’t be surprising if it were true. Just because you do one charitable thing doesn’t mean you are generous. Also, it has been rumoured that she and Harry stole charity funds, so they were kicked out of the Royal Foundation.

The Actor And Blogger

During her time as a struggling actor, Meghan wrote two blogs. The Working Actress, which wasn’t credited as being hers for a while, but it read like her second blog, The Tig. While writing on The Working Actress, she used to talk about sex and her magic boobs all the time. God, she loved herself so much back in those days. It’s sad.

Meghan’s dream was to be an A-list actor, and she thought she was naturally gifted when she wasn’t. She rebuffed the offer of help from her college professors to hone her acting skills. She thought she would win Oscars, Emmys, and whatever Hollywood offered her. This was what her true self was meant to be.

However, she blew it and is now trashing Hollywood while still trying to be a producer. So yeah, those doors are slamming shut. She’s been blacklisted from most things by now; we’ll wager.

The Naive And Innocent Meghan

When Meghan became engaged to Prince Harry, she pretended not to know who he or his family was. She made all these outrageous claims that she was looking forward to getting started and how the royals were so lovely towards her. The naivety also plays out during Oprah with Meghan and Harry, where the former actress states that no one taught her anything and that she had to Google the national anthem.

[Credit: The Mirror]

We’ve spoken about a lot of these lies during the Oprah interview fallout. We spent weeks talking about it. It’s become evident over time that Meghan has been trying to present herself as being like Princess Diana with the innocence and the naivety. However, the difference is that when Diana married Charles, she was just out of her teenage years. She was 20 when she married him. Meghan was about 36 and had been married before.

There’s a significant difference between the two. Diana was naive at the beginning of her time as the Princess of Wales. Meghan isn’t naive, yet her little giggle with the hand to the mouth might’ve been cute initially, but it doesn’t fool anyone now, except maybe the Sussex Squad. She does the same thing during her Variety shoot, as seen in the image above.

The Nerdy Mother

We are moving over to what she said during her Variety interview. We’ve not seen it, but we have seen people talking about it, so we’re basing everything on those comments. According to what has been said, Meghan views herself as this intelligent woman who is good at Scrabble and plays Wordle in bed with a glass of wine.

So this also stems from what she told Paris Hilton in the Archetypes podcast episode that dropped last week. She wanted to be seen as innovative and criticised Deal or No Deal for making her feel like a ‘bimbo’. However, she threw all the women she worked with on the show under the bus. She claimed that they were all objectified. However, many of them have come out swinging, alongside various crew members who said that is not what the environment was like on the show.

Also, it has been pointed out by Sue Smith in her latest video that Meghan has ripped off things that William and Catherine enjoy. She [Markle] claimed in the video for Variety that she made a ‘mean Bolognese sauce’ and was a whiz at Scrabble. William is the one who makes the sauce, and Catherine is the one who loves Scrabble. Anything Meghan says or does is NOT coincidental. Don’t start with her using Prince Louis’ quote to Catherine during the Variety interview.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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