Chronicles of Harkle

Chronicles Of Harkle: What Is Meghan’s Obsession With Her Title?


Sorry, Meghan, but people like Tyler Perry aren’t going to listen to your word-salad speeches because you have a foreign title. It has become annoying that she would use her title for everything when her in-laws don’t use their titles when signing letters. So what is she trying to achieve, exactly? She’s no more important as the Duchess of Sussex than she is as plain old Meghan Markle. I know that must trigger the Sugars, but I’m at the point where I don’t care what they think. Anyone who speaks out about the former actress is a sitting duck.

So, to make my point about the letters being signed by other royals with just their names, here’s a sample:

Harry used to sign his name until he and Meghan went to America, where he now flaunts the Duke of Sussex like no one knows who he is without it. All he’s ever been known as outside of Mr Meghan Markle or Haz is Princess Diana’s son. His wife makes sure that everything they sign their names includes their title.

Title Is More Important To Meghan Than Anyone Realises

People, including myself, cannot understand that Meghan hates the monarchy. They didn’t cave to her attempts to modernise the institution that has stood for one thousand years, so she decided they were racist. Her parents never told her “No”, so she wasn’t used to being denied anything. Can someone please make it make sense?

I’m not blaming Thomas Markle in any sense, but when a child is spoilt, they become a problem as an adult. It’s simple logic. Ultimately, this is what is happening with Meghan. She believes she is entitled to do whatever she wants as she is Prince Harry’s wife, and therefore, she has importance due to having a title. However, her circumstances would not be any different had she married a prince from another monarchy.

I believe that she married Harry because of his vulnerability. She knew how he wanted to marry and have children and decided to exploit it. Again, this is no secret for anyone following the Sussex trainwreck for the last five years. Meghan wanted the title because, as Brittany of the Royal News Network points out, she thought it was her lifeline to stardom. She believed people would take her seriously with a title.

A Princess In America

[Credit: World Today News]

In Brittany’s video, which I’ve linked above, she mentions two European princesses, one of blood and one via marriage. I wanted to talk about the blood princess, Princess Madeleine of Sweden. She lives in Florida with her husband and three children. Given she is King Carl Gustaf’s third child and youngest daughter, she is only summoned to Sweden when necessary. She’s okay with that as she’ll never be queen, and she’s accepted it.

I’ll go over Meghan’s tackiness in another article, but I wanted to say that Princess Madeleine doesn’t run around ordering people to listen to her because she’s royalty. She’s the epitome of what it’s like to have a title and use it only in her home country. As Brittany said in her video, if you saw Madeleine walking around in Florida, you wouldn’t know she’s a princess.

Madeleine is the perfect example of a royal living in another country. She lives in private with her family and still serving the Swedish monarchy. Meghan is not doing that. She never cared about the royals, despite talking about them on The Tig. Now, I’ve said the Tig post where ‘Princess Kate’ is mentioned. At the time, I didn’t think Markle was jealous of her, but thinking back on it, I think she was.

It has nothing to do with the title. She and Catherine share the same title, as they both married Dukes. Meghan wanted William; that’s my belief.

Having A Title Doesn’t Mean People Won’t Criticise You For PR Stunts

We all remember Meghan’s tasteless PR stunt when she went to Texas after the Uvalde School massacre. The former actress has zero ties to Texas as a whole. Harry went to a rodeo, which had nothing to do with her. Anyway, she has been openly criticised for it because she had cameras following her. Her people can deny it all they want, but the truth is out there.

Meghan’s excuse for going to the memorial site was, “she’s a mother.” So? Also, one of the relatives of one of the teachers who died said that she rang the family and gushed about how kind she was. So she rang one person’s family and placed flowers on one child’s cross. What about all the other ones? Were they not important enough?

Meanwhile, Crown Princess Mette-Merit of Norway has supported her country through countless shootings. The difference between her experience and Meghan’s is that she has been through a shooting tragedy and lost someone. Her stepbrother, Trond Berntsen, died in a massacre in 2011 in Utøya, protecting his son.

So, when a tragedy like this happens, Mette-Merit is there, not just as Norway’s Crown Princess but because she is a relative of someone who died similarly. On the other hand, Meghan has never had a personal connection to this type of tragedy. She only went to Uvalde to make it appear she cared. She’s not the President or First Lady who arrived in Texas a few days later.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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