Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan And Harry Don’t Give A Damn About Other People’s Mental Health! – OPINION

Oof! Harry and Meghan make my blood boil. They are exploiting mental health for their benefit. It’s been a while since they’ve even spoken about this, as it is nothing more than a bandwagon to them. As someone passionate about people talking about their struggles, these two privileged a-holes give true advocates a lousy name, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Also, they’re working with teenagers for Mental Health awareness month because they’re impressionable. They’re malleable.

I’ve been following the Sussex trainwreck since almost the beginning, and they have caused so much distress. Have they ever stopped to think about the mental health of the late Queen Elizabeth? Prince Philip? Both went to their graves believing that the world thought they were racists. What about a post-partum Catherine after she’d had Prince Louis? Meghan teased her that she had baby brain.

Commending The Princess Of Wales

Catherine needs to be commended for putting Meghan in her place since they didn’t know each other well enough for there to be joking about the future Queen Consort’s post-birth hormones. What about Princess Charlotte, who Ivy Mulroney relentlessly bullied? To bully an adult is one thing, but a toddler?

No wonder Thomas Markle Junior said to keep children away from his sister. Now we understand what he was talking about. Anyway, we get to the moment at the Queen’s funeral when Meghan was walking behind Charlotte and attempting to smile at her as the little girl looked back at her.

Charlotte Could Possibly Remember Meghan’s Treatment Of Her

Charlotte likely remembered how her aunt allowed Ivy Mulroney to bully her before the 2018 wedding and looked away. Meghan and Harry are virtual strangers to the Wales children. George and Charlotte would have some memories of their uncle, but Louis wouldn’t, as the Sussexes split from the prominent family when he was very young.

I believe William was starting to distance himself from Harry before Meghan arrived. Harry had always had a chip on his shoulder, even before their mother was killed in the 1997 Paris car crash. Diana and her former butler and friend Paul Burrell said that when William said he didn’t want to be king, Harry instantly piped up and said he wanted to be king.

Harry The Immature

This seems to have stuck as Harry doesn’t understand that the monarchy is a hierarchy where William will always be above his brother due to birth order. Also, the whole dummy spit Harry had where he blamed William for making him the spare is childish and stupid. Diana and Charles couldn’t decide who was born first. This statement alone shows how immature Harry truly is. It also reveals a lot about his mental health struggles. They are fuelled by a lack of intelligence and understanding of the world’s workings.

Harry will be 40 years old next year, yet he is trapped in the mind of that same 12-year-old boy who walked behind his mother’s coffin. He hasn’t dealt with the unexpected death of his mother in a healthy manner and admits this in Spare. He talks about doing drugs and going on wild benders. The public sympathised with him because he was still dealing with the loss of his mother.

Before Meghan

However, his actions became almost erratic when Meghan came on the scene. He went from being the racist to the spokesperson for anti-racism, although no one knew she was biracial. Also, The Straight Outta Compton article was written by the American Daily Mail, not the British one.

For anyone new to the Sussex drama, Harry has been called out multiple times over the years for his racist comments. He was even caught on camera using derogatory terms. This brings me to something else, mental health-wise. Back then, did he stop t think about the mental health of the people he was using the slurs on?

Wales Staff v. Sussex Staff Treatment

Then, we have Meghan and bullying allegations that I believe happened. Why? Because procedures were changed, the palace buried the conclusion to protect the staff and the Sussexes. The courtiers aren’t idiots. They are likely more than aware of the “leaking” and the “planting” from Harry and Meghan’s PR firms. Also, they know the Sussex Squad would go after the staff if they were named publicly, even though some are already known.

Harry confirms that the staff were bullied in Spare, where he mentions that his and Meghan’s team were bent over their desks crying. However, let’s not forget that Jason Knauf created a dossier of evidence that the former actress was bullying the staff, which he took to Prince William, who then confronted Harry. This then leads into the ridiculous dog bowl story.

Nice vs. Nasty

There is a big difference between how William and Catherine treat their staff to how Harry and Meghan do it. The Waleses see their staff as human beings. As a result, their turnover rate is much lower than the Sussexes. The only time people leave their employ is when they either go off to another job or retire.

With the Sussexes, they went through at least a dozen staff members in 18 months. Finally, Tom Bower even mentioned in Revenge that people were left broken by Meghan’s treatment of them. This was a fact that Valentine Low reported when the report came out days before the Oprah interview.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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