Harry Potter

In Defence Of Draco Malfoy


Draco Malfoy is a character most Harry Potter fans love to hate. Upon his introduction in The Philosopher’s Stone, he’s the stereotypical school bully who thinks he is better than everyone else because he is rich and can access luxuries his classmates can only dream about. Case in point, he never knew any other life outside of privilege as his parents, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, saw those below them as dirty water under their boots. They looked down on everyone who didn’t share their beliefs, and it passed to their son, which became his downfall towards the end of the Second Wizarding War.

Draco’s disdain for the Weasley family comes from his father, who worked with Arthur in the Ministry of Magic. Lucius looked down on the patriarch of the Weasley family because he was poor and had eight mouths to feed, seven of them his children and the eighth being his wife. Also, because the family were friendly with muggles (Mr and Mrs Granger) and muggle-borns (Hermione), this was seen by the Malfoys as a “crime” given that they believe all pure-blooded families should be against any person lower in blood status.

Narcissa’s Love For Draco Did Have A Purpose

As Draco grew up, he realised that being a Lord Voldemort follower wasn’t as glamorous as his father and Aunt Bellatrix proclaimed it was. He saw people being murdered and tortured. Moreover, this alone had him realise that if he displeased his master, he could die next. One example is when he watches his Dark Wizard friend Crabbe be killed by a fire he [Crabbe] created to kill Hermione. Crabbe and Goyle’s fathers were both Death Eaters alongside Lucius.

Despite her views on blood purity, Narcissa did everything she could to protect her son from the horrors she knew being a Death Eater entailed. Moreover, this is similar to how Lily Potter gave her life to save Harry from the Dark Lord. Remembering this, Draco would follow in his mother’s footsteps regarding his son, Scorpius. He didn’t want his child to live the same life he did; in fear and undermined.

Draco Didn’t Want Scorpius’s Childhood To Be Like His

Draco and his wife Astoria wanted a child of their own. However, Astoria’s family line had a terrible blood curse, making her health questionable at the best of times. Draco, to his credit, was prepared to allow his family name to die with him. Astoria, being the kind woman she was, wanted a child purely for her and Draco, not for the sake of anyone else, especially her in-laws.

Unlike their upbringings, Draco and Astoria showed deep love and affection to Scorpius. They chose not to spoil him the way Draco had been. Therefore, giving him a happier childhood than they had. Since their families were high up on the belief that purebloods should reign supreme, they taught their son that everyone, regardless of their blood status, is equal with them. After all, Draco had seen how Arthur and Molly Weasley doted on their children and non-pure-blooded friends.

Blood Status Isn’t Everything

Draco had learned the hard way that blood status wasn’t everything. He had seen that no one under Voldemort’s thumb was safe as his father had been disgraced, and the dark lord had snapped his wand after he failed on a mission.

Not wanting to subject Scorpius to the same things he did, Draco did what he could to be inclusive, including approving his son’s friendship with Albus Potter, Harry and his wife Ginny’s youngest son. He was issued his approval of Scorpius’ flirtations with Albus’ cousin, Rose Granger-Weasley.

It’s easy to compare Scorpius to his father as both had lonely upbringings being only children. However, Draco quickly befriended the children of other Death Eaters, especially Crabbe and Goyle. However, they were more minions than friends, as their fathers knew each other from their days as servants of the Dark Lord.

Minions, Not Friends

Most of Draco’s early associates were through his father, who was just stuck on blood status as the Malfoys. However, after the Battle of Hogwarts, he learned to associate with those of lesser blood status. One of those was Hermione Granger, whose daughter, Rose, would attend school simultaneously as Scorpius.

Draco had been horrible to Hermione during their school days. He even went so far as to call her a Mudblood. This was a derogatory term for muggle-borns with what some purebloods considered “dirty blood.”

Hermione (in The Chamber of Secrets book) doesn’t know what the term means; in the movie, she does. Draco only knew the world because his parents, notably his father, would use it before him as he grew up. It would become a word that Granger herself would use to describe herself later as she had become used to being called it so much that it no longer phrased her.

Not A Child Who Received Love

Draco was a victim of his circumstances in many ways. He couldn’t help that his father and aunt had decided to become Death Eaters. Let’s not forget how much pressure he was under to follow in their footsteps. It’s no question that this was terrifying for his mother. She used the time Voldemort gave her to check Harry Potter to ensure her son was alive.

Moreover, he was seen as a constant failure but his parents as he didn’t live up to their impossible standards. As stated earlier, she was considered a “disappointment when he married Astoria Greengrass.” She didn’t believe in Malfoy’s belief in “blood purity.” Like the Malfoy family, her family felt this as they long associated with Slytherin House. Furthermore, he also has the stress from Lord Voldemort to kill Albus Dumbledore, but as suspected, he can’t do it.

Thank You, Narcissa… Kind Of

However, Astoria’s views inspired Draco to be a better man. His former perspectives were pushed up by Lucius and Narcissa, which is something he didn’t want for Scorpius. He wanted to shower his son with the love he had never received. He always encouraged him to be better than he had been at the same age. There is no question that Scorpius was different to his father. He befriended Harry’s youngest son, Albus, whereas Draco endlessly bullied Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Finally, other pure-blooded students used Draco in an attempt to further themselves. A classic example of this is Pansy Parkinson. She had a massive crush on him, but she wanted the influence dating Draco would give her. Parkinson never loved him, per se.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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