Women's Empowerment

Women’s Empowerment: True Feminists Don’t Use Men As Stepping Stones

couple hugging backlit by the sunlight

Equal treatment is what true feminism is.

Equal treatment should apply to all genders. Moreover, it shouldn’t be defined by a single definition based on someone who deems to know about the subject. Here’s how it is, and people aren’t going to be pleased, but individuals aren’t tools or weapons. Sadly, some women use the men in their lives as stepping stones. A true feminist doesn’t abuse the opposite sex.

Yes, we talk about Meghan Markle a load, and we shouldn’t as she’s not worth discussing. Let’s not forget, that we’ve covered her in this category before. However, we’re not here to discuss her at length. Instead, she’s going to be a starting point for this conversation. It’s not like we begin to understand why she’s blaming Charles, Camilla, and Catherine, but not William. Also, she doesn’t want to see her cult followers are brainless.

Meghan’s Non-Feminist History

Let’s begin with how narcissistic women treat men like disposable wipes. While we’re all for the female populace finding their voices and using them to make a change, men shouldn’t be silenced. Yes, they were the superior sex for centuries, but they’re not worthless. Without them, how can women become pregnant without sperm? We’re not living where we can get ourselves impregnated.

One example of how self-indulgent women use the men in their lives as stepping stones is Meghan Markle’s treatment of her father, Thomas. From a young age, the Duchess of Sussex became hooked on fame. As her dad was a lighting director, she spent time after school on television sets.

She made friends and ended up with contacts. One example is Thomas pulled a favour when he worked on General Hospital to get his daughter a speaking part. She appeared on screen for about ten seconds.

Also, Meghan (allegedly) used her ex-husband, Trevor Engelson. She reportedly got upset when he wouldn’t cast her in the films he was producing. He produced Remember Me starring Robert Pattinson and Emilie De Ravin. Markle had a walk-on role. Moreover, he (allegedly) got her the role on Suits. It’s no wonder no one trusts her or Harry.

Meghan allegedly didn’t invite her father to the May 2018 wedding. Supposedly, she became upset that he spoke to the press. However, she has been called out for doing the same thing.

Furthermore, she used the situation with her dad to her advantage. In Thomas’ place, Prince Charles walked her partway down the aisle. Being seen on the future king’s arm is a massive “eff you” to her father.

Meghan also uses her toddler son, Archie, as a marketing tool and wheels him out when she sees an opportunity to make money.

The World Doesn’t Revolve Women Parading Around Like Amazons

We love Greek Mythology, but we wish we didn’t need to bring this up. Women like Meghan see men as a scourge, a swarm of insects that need swatting. We love that the female populace has the right to be fearless, strong, and independent, but we’re not the Amazons who didn’t see both sexes as equal.

For those who might not know what we’re talking about, the Amazons of legend were a civilisation of warrior-like women who lived with no men in their society. The only time they would interact with them was to reproduce with or kill them. If they gave birth to sons, they’d send them to their fathers, or they’d kill them.

Figuratively, Meghan sees herself as the conqueror of men. she does not see them as equal.

Though, we need to stress that not all feminist women are like this. Many choose to stay in their lane and empower women without needing to seek recognition.

Women Like Meghan Blame Men For Their “Misfortunes”

There’s an eerie pattern with women who use men to advance themselves. They will blame the opposite sex for their “misfortunes”. Meghan, for example, has allegedly come out and said that the men she worked with while she was acting forced her to sexualise herself on screen.

If she were uncomfortable with doing sex scenes, she would’ve said something. After all, she brands herself as an independent woman.

As an actress, Meghan did a sexualised burger ad for Men’s Health Magazine. She would’ve said something years ago if she were forcibly sexualised. Not to mention, we have THAT scene in the premiere of 90210. Also, there were the sex scenes in Suits with Patrick J. Adams.

Essentially, women who act similarly to Meghan are two-bit narcissists. We think Meghan, saying this (if she did at all), highlights that she wants the bigwig men in Hollywood to realise they missed their chance to hire someone with “immense talent”. She seemed okay doing these saucy scenes. Why would she change her tune now?

If a woman with narcissistic tendencies wants to blame men, it shows her true colours. The man she is targetting is not at fault.

Trophies Do Not Define You As Equal

Some narcissistic women have trophies. They can be anything. Meghan has a bracelet given to her by her ex-husband, Trevor, as a wedding gift when they got married. She still wears it today but wouldn’t most people get rid of things from their exes? Does Harry know who gave it to her? Is it a warning to him? We will never know.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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