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Book I Will NOT Be Reading

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Some people have their favourite genres in books and I happen to be one of them. I draw a certain line at books I will not be reading, so I thought I would share it here with you all.

Before I start with this post, I need to stress that these books have nothing to do with race. I will also be including links to Amazon books for those who might want to read the books I list here.

Books I Will NOT Being Reading

Spare By Prince Harry

[Credit: Goodreads]

The first book I will not read is Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare. I have a lot to say about this book as it is and I haven’t even read it. The man is an alleged drug addict, which he admits in this tome of “his truths” that change on a daily, if not weekly basis.

For those thinking, “oh, you hate him”, you’re right. I do hate him. I hate the way he drags Prince William, Princess Catherine, Queen Camilla and King Charles and makes his wife, Meghan Markle out to be some kind of saint with Cinderella-esque vibes.

This is the same book where Harry tells the world he killed 25 members of the Taliban and didn’t think of them as human. If he were a true soldier, he would’ve not included that detail. Let alone anything about his brother’s nether regions.

Not to mention, the events of this book have already been questioned as to whether they are true. For example, the details surrounding Archie’s birth. A mother who has been given an epidural, cannot walk and get into a bath. This is not me throwing stones. Ask any medical professional who has worked in delivering babies.

Not to mention, the story about the miscarriage where Harry and Meghan were supposedly given the deceased fetus to bury under some random tree is untrue. How do I know this? Well, I know a nurse who said that early miscarriages are not given to the parents. There is nothing to bury. Not to mention, it is illegal in California to bury biohazardous material. Also, no hospital would allow them to leave with a “tiny package” containing the remains of their dead child.

This book, essentially is full of BS.

Why I Will Not Be Reading Spare

I have been reporting on the Sussexes and royals for several years and I have never seen a narrative change so much as it has with Harry and Meghan. First, they say they want privacy, then it was never about privacy, but about racism but then Harry backtracks and says the British press made the racism claims and so on.

Harry is a man with a vendetta that has been triggered by his wife’s hatred for the people who wouldn’t make her Queen of England. He takes swipes at everyone, especially his brother, who he deems to be his ‘archnemesis’ and complains about the silliest things. William got the bigger bedroom at Balmoral, an extra sausage for breakfast and the kicker, William pushed him into a dog bowl and tore his stupid cord necklace.

Also, I refuse to buy this book where the money would go into Harry’s pocket.

Finding Freedom By Omid Scobie And Carolyn Durand

[Credit: Amazon]

I first came across the name ‘Omid Scobie’ through his first book, Finding Freedom, which he co-authored with Carolyn Durand.

The first time I saw his picture, he reminded me of a walking, talking Ken doll, hellbent on kissing the Sussexes’ butts. When the book originally came out, what I found strange was it was only Omid who promoted it. Carolyn was nowhere to be seen for 95% of the promotional tour.

Also, the book, from what I’ve heard is full of flowery speech. One example is how perfectly Meghan could execute the warrior yoga pose at sunrise. This was at the beginning of the book.

It also caused a massive stir during Meghan’s privacy court case when The Daily Mail produced emails from the Sussexes’ then-communications director, Jason Knauf saying that Meghan had helped in the writing of Finding Freedom, despite claiming up and down and that she didn’t. Omid was also busted as he signed legal documents proclaiming that what he was saying, which was that he did not work with either of the Sussexes when the emails say otherwise.

Why I Will Not Be Reading Finding Freedom

Finding Freedom is a book full of biases that are untrue and it was ghostwritten (theoretically) by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. They had a hand in this book to the point that is obvious right down to the flowery language to the stories that have changed multiple times since the book was published like the bridesmaid dress issue and the tiara drama.

Also, Omid Scobie rarely calls the Sussexes out for their antics, which makes me despise the man more. He is pulls the race card when it is convenient.

Like with Harry’s book, I refuse to give Omid my money.

Endgame By Omid Scobie

[Credit: Amazon]

This third book is also by Omid Scobie. Endgame has caused all kinds of controversy. From the translation drama to the accidental reveal that Princess Catherine and King Charles were the royal racists, Omid blames everyone else for these mistakes, including the Dutch translators.

Omid, again, is biased in his reporting. He goes after Prince William by saying he is a “power-hungry heir.” He calls Catherine, “Stepford wife-like” and he calls Prince Edward and Sophie “casually bigoted” when they joked about having never heard of Oprah, when they clearly had.

Scobie goes after Camilla as well, which seems to be a pattern with the last few books written within the realm of pro-Sussex books. Also, he thinks that the monarchy is going to end without the Sussexes.

Why I Will Not Be Reading Endgame

As I referenced earlier, Omid is biased in his reporting. He does not own up to his mistakes. However, the one thing that annoys me is that he believes he is an “authoritative voice” on the “younger royals”. He knows nothing. Prince William had him blocked from attending his and probably Catherine’s engagements.

All Omid Scobie is known for is, is his allegiance to Harry and Meghan. There is a reason why he is referred to as their “cheerleader.” Omid can say “Oh, I’m not their friend or their cheerleader” all he wants, but everyone knows he idolises them and uses the same tactics Meghan does to get attention.

The Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy by E.L James

[Credit: eBay]

The last books on this post I will not be reading are the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy by E.L. James. Now, this has nothing to do with the bondage theme at all. This has to do with the way the books are written. I’ve flicked through the first few pages of one of the books and the writing is not great in my opinion.

While there is nothing wrong with the books coming from Twilight erotic fan fiction, the parallels are obvious. Ana is Bella, Christian is Edward and so on. I’ve seen stories adapted from fanfiction that are well-written. For example, After by Anna Todd, which has been criticised for its similar themes of toxic relationships.

However, After isn’t as well-known as Fifty Shades.

Fifty Shades shares a lot of the same traits as Twilight that are blatantly obvious. The obsessive nature of the leading relationship is the most recognisable factor.

Why I Will Not Be Reading The Fifty Shades Trilogy

I have never had any interest in these books whatsoever. I’ve seen the hype so much over the years. I do not fall down the hype road unless it is something I enjoy. I recommend reading Twilight instead.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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