As A White Woman, I Am Tired Of White People Being Called Racist Just Because We Disagree With Black People – OPINION

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I have never had qualms with people of colour and never have. My childhood best friend was black. I went to film school with Asian students and had no issues. One of my dearest friends is Asian. But what irks me is the assumption that all white people are racist because they disagree with a person who either is black or identifies as black. Everything in this post is OPINION only.

Many of my favourite actors are black. Early faves were Raven-Symone and Kyla Pratt. The Proud Family was a treasure with Sugar Mama, Penny Proud’s paternal grandmother, being a standout.

The reason why race has even become a talking point is due to people like Meghan Markle, Prince Harry – a renowned racist – and Lidia Thorpe, making it an issue. The entire world is full of bigotry and that will never change. Every country on the face of the Earth has issues. Public awareness to “correct” these problems can be talked about, but it will never be fully eradicated.

There is more to racism than what something looks like. It’s the culture too and people who no respect for someone’s cultural background can be considered racist. The reason I am bringing this up at all, is because I have just finished reading Tom Bower’s book, Revenge.

Rich Black People Who “Experience Racism”

While I have known since its release what it’s about, I’ve become even more convinced that Meghan Markle is a racist. Yes, I know there will be people who will say, “Black people can’t be racist.” But, let me tell you something. There is these two little known things called Black Supremacy and Black Extremism.

I will not be discussing either of those topics here. I have addressed Black Supremacy before, but I won’t be looking at Black Extremism, ever.

What irritates me to no end is the need to rich black people to claim they’ve experienced racism, just because a white person looks at them funny. If you’ve been following the drama over the last couple of months on Twitter in the Megxiteer community, you’ll understand what I’m referring to.

Not all black people share the same opinion. White people don’t share identical thought processes.

From everything that Meghan Markle brings up about race, she makes it sound like Caucasian people and people of colour are two different species or two separate planets. She also acts like white people are responsible for every bad thing to happen in the world and black people are innocent angels who are victims of their circumstances. No. Regardless of your skin tone, something bad can happen to you.

Black People Who (Allegedly) Murder

One example we can use of black criminals is Samuel Little; an American serial killer who confessed to at least 60 murders, but is suspected to have killed at least 93 people. His victims were largely women. He died in 2020.

OJ Simpson is another famous example, though he was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. However, there are many people even today who believe he killed them. OJ died in 2024.

One person who felt OJ was guilty was Kris Jenner (then Kris Kardashian) who was best friends with Nicole. She and then-husband, Bruce (now Caitlin) named their eldest daughter together, Kendall, after Nicole, giving her their late friend’s first name as a middle name.

To add more to this, a now retired police detective was told by Nicole before she died that she felt OJ would kill her as he had threatened her any time they had arguments. Caitlin, during her time on Celebrity Big Brother in Australia, as per Yahoo! Australia, spoke about this and said that Nicole had claimed that her ex-husband had told her he would get away with her death because “he was OJ Simpson.”

It’s clear that OJ thought incredibly highly of himself because he was a highly regarded Football star. As we know, he was acquitted because his hand didn’t fit the glove. However, there could have been a number of reasons why his hand “didn’t fit.”

OJ wasn’t just known for Nicole’s death. He even lead police, alongside a longtime friend, on a slow speed car chase that lasted 45 minutes on June 17 1994, just five days after Nicole and Ron were found murdered.

White People Are Apparently Bad

We’ve spoken previously in this post about how its apparently “racism” if a white person looks at a black people the wrong way. Would a Caucasian person cry the same if a black individual did it? Probably not. This is something I have never heard.

While there are plenty of stories of white people persecuting black people centuries ago, you don’t see this in force all that much in the21st Century. Though, the same people who love to scream “White privilege” should look at the wealthy coloured people who had slaves.

One example we can mention is Dr “Shouty” Shola. Her relatives were African royalty who had slaves. However, she screams that Caucasians in Britain should pay reparations to the descendants of slaves.

Just because a person is black, doesn’t mean they should be treated better than a white person or any other person of another race. Having light or dark skin doesn’t make you special. It’s your actions that matter.

Meghan Markle Is The Ultimate Racist

Meghan Markle doesn’t know what its like to be a victim of racism. These aren’t the ramblings of a white woman. These are the outspoken opinions of an Australian who wants “the Duchess” to own up to her calling her 2018 tour to Australia “Tour Crap” and for allegedly making the then-Governor-General and his wife’s lives hell during that time.

The reason why I call Meghan a racist because she loves to believe that she is better than every white person on the face of the planet. Even her own white husband believes her crap. I’ll address in a later post how Prince Harry believes he too is the victim of racism.

According to the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre, Reverse Racism is a myth. I disagree. Claiming that there is a difference between Racial Prejudice and racism is like claiming that Unconscious Bias and Racism aren’t the same thing when they are.

Even Shouty Shola has said that unconscious bias and racism are the same thing. Anyway, Meghan looks down on not just white people but the community she is supposed to be a part of; the black community. She has little to no true black friends.

Meghan Has No Legit Black Friends

The ‘black friends’ she supposedly has aren’t true friends. They use her and she uses them to endorse her. She has been white her entire life and hadn’t mentioned race that much until she got with Harry. Then it became a tsunami.

Just because you call people racist, doesn’t mean you’re fighting. Meghan and by extension Harry, called the royal family racists, but they didn’t name anyone. Instead, they had Omid Scobie name King Charles III and Catherine, The Princess of Wales as the racists. Tom Bower wrote in Revenge that Harry alleged it was Camilla, then the-Duchess of Cornwall who made the “racist comments” because she again, allegedly, made comments about how funny it would be if a child born from Harry and Meghan’s union had a ginger afro.

The story allegedly got back to Meghan and she claimed racism. Speculating what a potential child, mixed-race, white, black, whatever, will look like isn’t racist. Look at what Chris Rock, a full-fledged black man said during his Netflix comedy special. He even said it wasn’t racist for whoever to question what the baby will look like.

Thoughts On The “What Is The Baby Going To Look Like”?

In all honesty, I believe it was just an innocent question that was blown out of proportion. Or another thought is that the comment was never said. Sure, there are people who will say that you should never question what a black baby will look like and trust me, I’ve seen a video about this. But these are the people who think that race should be treated as a weapon to silence others.

As someone who has been around many cultures in my life, asking someone what their child will look like is nothing compared to making racist remarks and excluding people due to their skin tone.

Look at what Meghan claimed in The Cut interview she did with Allison P. Davis, a black writer. She said that the British media called her children the N word. Okay, I have never heard a British person use the N word. What I believe she is referring to is how the word “Niggling” was used to describe something.

Tom Bower brings this up in Revenge as saying “Niggling” caused offence. I’ll explain this further in a later post, but the word has no relation to race whatsoever. “Nig” is not the same as the other word. Also, does she not know that just because something ‘sounds’ like bad, doesn’t mean it is?

As someone who writes for a living, I can tell you, that if I don’t know what the meaning of a word is, I use a dictionary. Meghan thinks she is so smart that she’s above looking up the word to see if its offensive.

Meghan’s Racism Towards White Women

As the heading of this post says, I, the writer, am a white woman who is tired of the narrative of “white people bad, black people good.”

How can she explain her treatment of her white female staff if she’s such a powerhouse for women’s empowerment? She can’t because she claims she’s not a bully. Isn’t that what a bully would say? How does she explain the increasingly high turnover rate? She can say “Oh, they couldn’t handle working for me” all she wants. The fact is, there is pattern that emerged well before she got with Harry.

The Reitman’s film crew said she was a nightmare to work with as she was the world’s biggest diva despite no one knowing who she was.

Look at how she treated her childhood friends, especially Ninaki Priddy. Once she “got her name in the spotlight”, Meghan ditched Nikki after she sided with Trevor Engelson in the divorce.

From what Priddy mentions, Meghan was already starting to ghost her before the divorce had even come to mind. Also, how does Markle explain her attitude towards Natalie Campbell, the black lady who helped her with the Hubb Community Cookbook she penned the foreword for?

If any woman, black or white, doesn’t believe in Meghan’s twisted ideology of self-worship, then she wants nothing to do with them. In her eyes, her opinion and views trumps everyone else’s. She believes she has epic god status because she is “The Duchess of Sussex” and she is the mixed-race goddess of truth.

Why Can’t Mixed Race People Identify With Both Their Identities?

Meghan doesn’t want to identify as half-white. She was raised as white as her mother wasn’t around for much of her childhood. As Tom Bower has referenced in his book, Revenge, Markle never referenced race as an obstacle in her life, let alone when she was a child.

Though she did reference racism during a campaign she did while she was married to Trevor, but nothing else. She has also reinvented her backstory to claim she was raised in a black neighbourhood and saw the riots. Neither of those things are true, but why is her mother encouraging her 40+ year old daughter to lie about her upbringing when she knows damn well, she was raised by her father?

She treats being half-white like it’s a disease. If Meghan could, she would claim that her father never existed and that she was raised by a single mother. However, she cannot do that as it would cause another massive controversy. Though so would what she apparently wants to do once he passes. If you’ve seen the rumours, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Embracing Both Sides Of Culture Or Not

There are so many mixed-race people who love who they are. One example is Zendaya who is 1000 times more talented than Meghan is. She has a black dad and a white mother, whom she is very close to. She also has black half-siblings via her dad.

Like Meghan, Zendaya is light skinned, but she is well-known to embrace both sides of her heritage. She has always appreciated her parents and has never taken either of them for granted. Markle sees herself as black and only black.

Meghan doesn’t want to embrace her white side because her father and his family will expose her for the liar she truly is. She is not the only ‘person of colour’ who hates her white side.

The Senator Who Hates White People

Lidia Thorpe is an Australian senator in Victoria who is half-Aboriginal, half-white. She is known for her controversial actions. When she was due to be sworn into parliament, she walked in doing a salute to black power. As per, The Guardian, her swearing in had to be redone because she refused to swear allegiance to The Queen and referring to her as “the colonising Queen Elizabeth II.”

I’ve said this before, but Lidia Thorpe is Australia’s version of Meghan Markle. She refuses to acknowledge that she is half-Aboriginal as her mother is Aboriginal. Her father is white, making her half-white.

What kind of role model is Lidia Thorpe to her children and grandchildren? Shouldn’t you be teaching them tolerance towards others? No, she believes that white people are scum of the Earth.

Calling The Queen a coloniser is not the only controversy she has been embroiled in. She got into an altercation with a couple guys outside a Melbourne strip club. It goes even further. She claims that they started the fight. However, the strip club manager said she started it because she was claiming they – as white men – stole Aboriginal land.

These are just two of six controversies she’s been embroiled in. It’s get even more crazy. The first controversy she was caught up in was when she claimed the Attorney-General of the Northern Territory was a white man when they were actually an Aboriginal woman.

The Attorney-General of the Northern Territory than hit back saying that Thorpe had no authority to speak on the subject in her state.

This woman is a disgrace as she sees racism in everything.

Meghan Sees Racism Where There Is None

The issue so many people have with Meghan Markle is that she sees racism where there is none. She also believes she is the constant victim of racism. “Catherine didn’t want to go shopping with me.” Racist! “William told H to slow down the relationship.” Racist! The cycle just keeps going around. “The palace staff didn’t defend me in the press.” Racist!

She never wanted to be royal. In her mind, being with Harry was going to be like High School where girls are voted homecoming queen due to popularity. A real monarchy deals with a hierarchy that has existed for centuries. They don’t believe in popular should rule.

Meghan’s ultimate goal was to become Queen of something. Her reason? Because she ‘deserves’ it. Sorry, but she doesn’t ‘deserve anything. She should have known from the research she claims to never have done that Harry wasn’t in line for the throne after the births of his nephews and niece. Let’s be real. She can’t identify true racism because it never happened. She couldn’t even name the person who turned her away when she was having suicidal thoughts.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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