In the words of Futurama’s Hubert Farnsworth, “Good news everyone!” we might have a resume date for The Bold and the Beautiful: June 12.
We may finally have a date for The Bold and the Beautiful‘s return to filming: June 12. According to Soap Dirt, CBS bosses have forced head writer Bradley Bell to change things in order to abide by the COVID-19 restrictions. Sooo, what does this mean for the storylines that were still going when the show was forced into hiatus?
The guidelines that will be put in place will likely be similar to what is going on with other film and television properties around the world. Cast and crew will have to report whether they’ve been sick or not and will need to have their temperature’s taken before they walk onto set.
The network also wants other changes like showing more People of Colour. Zoe Buckingham has been the only POC in any recent storyline which involved Thomas while Carter Walton played a supporting role. The Avants aren’t in the show with Maya being MIA and Xander is back in the UK. Also, Carter and Justin are only used as side characters.
If the Soap Dirt article is anything to go off, CBS also wants there to be less pro-Logan storylines. That would be nice and we want there to be less pro-Forrester stories. All Eric is Switzerland between Brooke Ridge, and Quinn. Give us something with the Interns or Vinny where he’s not trying to talk Thomas around.
We also need to stress that actors will need to limit interactions such as touching and kissing. This would be hard for the current storylines as there’s plenty of snogging going on between Ridge and Shauna.
What Is The Liklihood The June 12 Return Date Will Be Changed?
Like with anything that is going back into production, we need to caution that things may change last minute. If the procedures are not put into effect as the producers have been told to do so, it will put a strain on when they can return. If everything goes to plan, however, then we’ll get new episodes on air maybe by mid-July or early-August if everything’s on track. It might be later.