Chronicles of Harkle

Chronicles Of Harkle: How Meghan’s Naivety Narrative Makes Zero Sense


Meghan Markle is full of narcissistic BS. Everyone is aware of this, and it has caused her and Prince Harry’s popularity to plummet. But then, they sit in their Montecito mansion, wondering where everything went wrong. They thought they would be loved for leaving what they’ve dubbed “the toxic and racist” royal family. They believed the UK and the family would still love them when they returned for the Platinum Jubilee earlier in the month. Well, they got the shock of their lives when they were booed outside Saint Paul’s cathedral. People are fed up with the naivety narrative Meghan is spoon-feeding the world. Not to mention, her dad has debunked a lot of stuff that she has claimed. You would think that the debunking from the Oprah interview was enough.

The Lies, Oh, The. Lies!

While it is true that some people are buying what she is selling, they don’t stop and think that the naivety story doesn’t add up. In this Chronicles of Harkle article, I will be going over how the story Meghan has been sprouting for five years makes zero sense. Before we start, I must say this is not about debunking things. It’s about piecing together the narrative as Meghan thought it would play out. They were playing the Diana card during the Oprah interview where they attempted to recreate her Panorama interview.

Where The Naivety Story Started

So, let’s go back to before the engagement. Harry and Meghan are dating, and the public isn’t aware of the relationship. Now, we’re going off what was shown in the first Lifetime movie about Harry and Meghan. Usually, I don’t use a fictional retelling of something as a source, but I can imagine this happening. Sorry to it to break you, Megsy, but you cannot bring down the monarchy just because you don’t like the way it’s run.

There’s a scene that rehashes the alleged first date where Meghan had no idea who Harry was. While I praise the actress playing her, do I believe the true Meghan was naive in not knowing who the prince was? No, I don’t. She took Harry for a ride and claimed she had a poor upbringing which is why she cut off her father as she didn’t want him exposing the truth to Harry. This is not just my opinion. Many people closest to the situation have all said the same thing.

International Studies Includes Studying Monarchies

Meghan is believed to have done International Studies while attending Northwestern University. However, it’s long been debated whether she did a double major. As sourced from a Reddit feed, Paula M, a Megxiteer YouTuber, emailed Northwestern University. She was told that there is no double major in theatre and international studies that they offer. However, it is possible to study two degrees simultaneously, just not how Meghan has been selling.

So, if she did study International Studies, one of the topics she would’ve had to study is anything to do with the world’s monarchies. But, of course, one of those would’ve been Britain, where Queen Elizabeth II was the monarch. Now, I went to film school and obtained a bachelor of film production, but even I know what ‘international studies’ would entail. It’s not rocket science.

Naivety Of Not Knowing About Royals

You would think Meghan would’ve brushed up on her obsession with Princess Diana. But, anyway, her naivety narrative hits a sticking point regarding this next part. So, Meghan had claimed countless times that she didn’t know about royalty or how it would work when she married Harry. So, let’s look at the first thing; Catherine.

Going From Gushing Over Catherine To Loathing Her

Let’s examine the engagement where Meghan pulled the naivety card from under her dresser. She and Harry gushed about Catherine, and William wanted to meet Meghan and how everyone was wonderful. Fast-forward eighteen months later, the Duchess of Cambridge is accused on international television in front of Oprah Winfrey of making precious Meghan cry.

This caused a ripple effect (one of Meghan’s favourite buzzwords, I know) where William was forced to attend one of his wife’s engagements. This was following the interview to shield her from abuse. This was the same event when a journalist at the event asked if the royals were racist. He responded, “We’re not a racist family.”

Meghan made out that Catherine was cruel to her when it was the opposite. Why? I believe that she sees the Duchess of Cambridge as a threat. She knew her goon squad would go after Catherine online after the interview had aired.

Going Into Royal Life “Naively”

Another moment from the Oprah crapfest that made no sense is when Meghan said, “I went into it naively.” However, we know that’s false because she wrote about Catherine and William’s wedding on The Tig. She also mentioned Prince Charles too. Also, some of her childhood friends came out. This includes her ex-best friend, Ninaki Priddy, who said she was obsessed with Diana and strived to be like her. They’ve also stated that she watched the Princess of Wales’s funeral and wept. There is no way she would not have seen Harry and William walking behind their mother’s coffin.

One of the mothers of Meghan’s childhood friends said that she loaned Meghan a VHS tape of Diana and Charles’ wedding. Author Andrew Morton, the guy behind Diana’s biography, said Meghan had a copy of his book on her bookshelf. He discovered this while he was writing a biography on Meghan.

She wasn’t naive and only said these things to keep Harry on her side. In conclusion, I believe the naivety narrative was used because she sees the world as stupid. Harry isn’t intelligent; he had to get someone to cheat on a school assignment.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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