Star Wars

It Must Suck Being A Battle Droid

Battle Droid

Being a battle droid must be horrible – Nothing says destruction quite like being a battle droid. Having made their first appearance in The Phantom Menace, these idiotic droids are more than just fodder for the Clones and Jedi to tear through. No, they are comedic sounding boards that often result in their destruction. Their annoying qualities also make them fun to watch as their opponents are not the only ones who wipe them out.

Even their masters have a field day destroying them whenever they get too annoying. For example, Asajj Ventress flings several off a cliff during the search for Rotta the Huttlet. Throughout the Clone Wars, General Grievous has a profound habit of demolishing his forces when they aggravate him. All they need to say is point out the obvious, and then they become scrap metal. Their lives are as dispensable as that of the Clone Troopers.

While a battle droid could be recycled for its parts, a clone could not. So who knows what happened to the thousands of dead bodies that piled up over the three years of the Clone Wars. There have been things we’ve seen and heard, but we’re not going to discuss that here.

Battle Droid Conclusion

In conclusion, a battle droid might be dumb and disposable, but they’re a good investment for the Separatists because they’re cheap to manufacture. Also, they predate the Clones by a decade as they were used during the Invasion of Naboo during Queen Amidala’s reign. Finally, Nute Gunray was involved in both conflicts. Whether that is a coincidence or not, it doesn’t matter.

The point is that the life of a battle droid was hell from the moment it is activated. The droids can be put together, and they can be destroyed as quickly. Also, witty comebacks or comments are not a guarantee of continued existence. Any droid knows this!

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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