
Well, THAT Was Awkward! Stargirl Sets Up Potential Drama For Courtney And Cameron In The Form Of A Dinner Party

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Now, that was awkward… right? That Whitmore/Dugan-Mahkent dinner is not what we thought it was going to happen. That begs the question to whether this sets up drama between Courtney and Cameron.

Our Camney hearts! How adorable were Courtney and Cameron in the ‘Brainwave’ episode?! However, this came to an abrupt spine-tingling halt when Stargirl deduces to stepdad (and sidekick) Pat that Jordan Mahkent, her crush’s father and her mother’s boss is Icicle! Oh, the horror! Yeah, okay we’ll stop with the dramatics, but seriously it was as awkward as could be.

Our hearts shatter at the idea of our precious Cameron becoming evil like his old man. This even terrifies Courtney when she realises he might be a murderer similar to his dad. Oh, and that awkward as hell hug at the end of the dinner! We thought it was going to be a kiss! Never mind.

Also, our hearts were in our throats when Jordan spoke to Courtney privately. There was a moment where we thought he was going to reveal he knew she was Stargirl. But before that, his parents were a bit harsh in saying they liked Barbara *gulp!* but thought her daughter was going to be a problem. That made our skin crawl!

What Could Happen Next For Camney?

There’s obviously a lot of emotions flying high between Courtney and Cameron. But where does it go from here given what Whitmore knows about his dad? Well, we have a feeling that if Jordan were to die or be thrown in a padded cell, the kid who would technically be Icicle Jr would want revenge, right?

After all, revenge runs in the Mahkent blood. Jordan is still getting vengeance for his wife’s death and he killed Starman. Also, Lily and Sofus, Cameron’s grandparents approve of Barbara but see Courtney as an issue. Oh god! Also, they said it in Norwegian so only Jordan knew what they were saying.

What makes this scary is the idea that if something does happen to Jordan, Cameron would immediately blame Stargirl and end up as her enemy. That becomes problematic for Courtney going forward given her relationship with him. However, if he were to discover who she is, it would be all over in a heartbeat.

Jordan Could Discover Who Courtney Is And Hang It Over Her Head

We know that Jordan is overly fond of Courtney’s mother, Barbara to the point in which he has a massive crush on her. The ‘Brainwave’ episode had him approve of Courtney and Cameron’s relationship, but the upcoming ‘Shining Knight’ part of the story, the supervillain will discover something surprising at work.

Now what this might be, we’re not sure, but we think it might involve Courtney. He knows she’s Barbara’s daughter, so what if she [Barbara] accidentally lets something drop that was completely unintentional? Perhaps it has something to do with Dragon King and what he did to Cindy though this probably isn’t it either.

If Jordan were to discover that Courtney and Stargirl are the same person, he could blackmail her, threatening to expose her secret to his son. Sure, this would be an awkward conversation to have with the father of the guy you’re crushing on, but he’s Icicle. A really bad dude who killed her predecessor!

Courtney might not know what to do and might have to go to Pat for help. They’re already in trouble with Barbara for getting involved in superhero business to begin with. She may even consult her friends, especially Yolanda and Beth for advice. Rick might want to maim Icicle and just dive head first into the fight without questioning the situation.

Courtney Chooses To Tell Cameron On Her Own Accord But Doesn’t Mention His Dad Is Icicle

Let’s say for example that Courtney decides to tell Cameron who she is before his dad can. He can either accept her or toss her aside. We doubt he’d discard her. However, he may be perfectly okay with her being Stargirl though she might leave out that his dad is Icicle.

Why would she do this?

It might be to protect him from following his dad’s path. It’s already been established that he didn’t understand the grace his father and grandparents were saying in Norwegian. This means he was never taught to speak the language or he does know some but not a lot. He even makes light of the situation where he says, “Don’t look at me, I studied French.”

Jordan, Lily, and Sofus have already put measures in place to shield Cameron from Project New America. This is even bought up by Cindy who says she’s the only ISA legacy who knows about the organisation. So, the younger Mahkent doesn’t know what’s going on, nor does he realise he has the same abilities as his dad.

The ISA legacies being in the dark is even bought up by Paula (Tigress) who accuses Anaya (the second Fiddler) of coddling her son, Isaac which is true. It’s clear that they don’t their kids involved and Jordan has made no reference to wanting Cameron included. However, it was mentioned by Sportsmaster’s wife that they should be including their offspring to sniff out the new JSA.

Courtney Tells Cameron That She’s Stargirl But He Discovers His Dad Is Icicle On His Own

Cameron might end up finding out that his dad is Icicle on his own. Meanwhile, Courtney may choose to tell him that she’s Stargirl. In which order this might happen is debatable and honestly, it wouldn’t matter. Having him know about both personas would make the situation less awkward going forward.

Courtney knows who Jordan is and it’s not really her place to tell Cameron. Yes, she told Henry that his dad killed people including the Zaricks, but he was on the verge of finding out anyway.

It’s possible that Cameron will stumble across his dad’s identity without having to be told. If we think back, he saw his father freeze over the garden as a child just after his mother died. Whether he’s suppressed that memory or not is yet to be seen. However, our gut is telling us there might be more to his story than we thought.

The idea of Cameron finding out about his father without Courtney needing to intervene would give the relationship between the ISA legacy and Stargirl room to breathe. There’s so much going on with them in the little time they’ve appeared on screen together. However, no matter what way you look at it, Whitmore will be caught in the crossfire because she knows about Jordan being Icicle.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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