
Stargirl: Can Someone PLEASE Rescue Yolanda From Her Family?

bear attack; train; rumours; flashbacks; Padmé; face off, inquisitorius; ari; Kenobi; ghosts; poison mary; yelena; pike; spock; mockingbird; breakdown; daredevil

Can someone please rescue Yolanda from her vile family? Stargirl has an extensive range of family units, but none are as horrid as the Montezes. Yolanda’s home life went from excellent to a downright living hell in the space of a year, and it was all thanks to Cindy Burman’s envy. Unfortunately, things have not improved since the end of Season One for Wildcat and her family.

In the Season Three premiere, Yolanda tells the JSA that if her parents catch her sneaking out of the house again, they’ll probably send her to boarding school. Then, in last week’s episode, Yolanda had to lie to her mother about taking a shift at the diner the next night because of what was going on with The Gambler’s murder investigation.

Please Rescue Yolanda From Her Family!

We learn in this insistence that Yolanda’s dad, Juan, had lost his job which is why Yolanda was back working at the diner. Her mother tells her that she never wouldn’t have allowed it if her father still had his job. The same scene also alludes to Maria’s paranoia that Yolanda is telling people their business.

Yolanda would never do this as she knows how her parents work. Also, the JSA haven’t harkened onto what’s going on. Unlike with her mental health last season, which was increasingly obvious, she’s not as stressed about her being her family’s breadwinner now because she knows her parents won’t change their tune.

However, if the Montez house, which will be put up for sale, is sold, then the JSA is going to wonder why Yolanda disappeared without saying anything. It would be really messy if she doesn’t come clean. Though, we see why she hasn’t she wants to stay in her mother’s good graces while not wanting to come across has having to need a rescue effort launched.

The Montezes Are Unforgiving Gits

The way the Montezes treat Yolanda is sinful. They – except young Alex – don’t believe in the art of forgiveness. Even after Father Thomas tried to step in and remind Maria that she needs to forgive her daughter for her sins, nothing changes, which is why Yolanda is in desperate need of a rescue.

If the JSA are told about their friend’s situation, maybe she can move in with Beth or Rick. Rick is more of a certainty as his ass of an uncle has taken off to parts unknown, meaning Rick is now fending for himself. Good on him, we say. Anyway, this is about Yolanda and her need for a rescue.

So, Yolanda needs to run as far as way possible when it comes to her family. They don’t care as they’re abusing her for one mistake. They don’t believe in error. If there is even a single slip-up, it’s a slight against their family’s reputation. Maria and Juan care about is how their family is perceived. They don’t care about their daughter’s well-being and what she needs.

Yolanda Needs To Rescue Herself

Yolanda needs major therapy and so do her parents. They need to sit down with someone who is trained and talk through their problems. Maria and Juan don’t see their daughter as a human being. They view her as a disgrace, something no child wants to be seen as. It’s sad as she can do nothing right in their eyes. She deserves so much better. Will she move? Who knows where Yolanda’s story is going to take us next?

If we’re honest, Yolanda needs to make a move against her parents. She needs to stand her ground and tell them what she thinks about them. The first time she did this, it backfired on her as her mother didn’t like it. Who cares what Maria wants? She’s the whole reason that Yolanda feels isolated and needs her friends to rescue her. At least, the JSA and the Whitmore-Dugans care about her. Pat and Barbara see her as one of their own. They don’t keep her any different to the other kids, their own or the team.

Moreover, a rescue of Yolanda should be imminent. Hopefully, her secret will be revealed whether she wants it too or not. She’s already shown her distant for Courtney’s relationship with Cameron given the whole thing could blow up in her face if it gets out that she knew about how Jordan died.

Disconnect With Courtney And Standing Up To The Family

It’s become evident as well that Courtney and Yolanda are disconnected from each other over the whole Cindy issue. Courtney wants to give their frenemy a shot. Yolanda doesn’t and tries to pin everything to do with the Gambler’s murder on her former rival.

What’s more, Yolanda will likely feel betrayed when Courtney’s secrets regarding her relationship with Cameron. Yolanda has been hellbent in warning her best friend to stay away from him, but she has been ignored. If we’re honest, Yolanda won’t be able to rescue Courtney from her own mess. Courtney will need to dig herself out.

Finally, with her family, Yolanda needs to really put her foot down with her family. She needs to give them an ultiminum; they either treat her nicely, or she moves out and goes to live with a friend. Yolanda needs do more than cower against her family. She has to realise that she has done nothing wrong and trusted the wrong person with her nudes. How was she supposed to know the photos would leak? It was an honest mistake, but her parents want her to be perfect when she isn’t.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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