Babes Against Bullshit

Babes Against Bullshit: Was Will Smith’s Apology To Chris Rock Genuine?


Will Smith has finally issued an apology to Chris Rock. My views on the Oscars slap haven’t changed since it happened. Will Smith should not have hit Chris Rock, and Chris should not have made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith without checking with her first. As I said at the time of the incident, both actors are at fault. Not just Will. Not just Chris.

Now, the academy awards took place in March. It’s now August, so why has it taken Will so long to issue an apology? Furthermore, I have a couple of theories for this, which have to do with Jada.

I believe the following:

  • Will is told to make an apology by his PR firm.
  • Jada told her husband not to do anything as it would make the situation when it would make it better.
  • Will did not care and didn’t make an apology for his benefit.
  • Jada makes an effort to pretend she is offended when she was not.

The Apology Had To Do With Jada

I have my reasons for saying the things I did about Jada. Now, to all those who will say, “Oh, you’re racist because you don’t like a black woman”, no, it’s not that. I have great admiration for Jada. I always have. Her character, Gloria the Hippo, was my favourite in Madagascar because she had absolute spunk.

Over the years, there has been a ton of stuff regarding Will and Jada that has put up some massive red flags. Jada’s affair is one of them. The “entanglement”, as she and her lover put it, was even the subject of a song by the guy she was shagging.

I don’t follow celebrity marriages too closely; frankly, it’s not my business. But the behaviour from Jada at the Oscars wasn’t acceptable. People have even called her a narcissist. Part of me wants to agree with that. However, another aspect of me is cautious in judging.

What The Public

The Theresa Longo Fan Page commented on Twitter that Jada claims to be the one who got Will to apologise to Chris. Now, Chris has slammed the apology, according to Sky News Australia. According to Smith, the comedian has refused to talk to him. Is there any wonder why? Will is playing the victim, and while he was protecting his wife, Chris, as I’ve said before, should not have made a joke about Jada being bald without consulting her first.

I’m sorry if that upsets anyone. Those are my feelings toward the situation. Moreover, the case overshadowed the wins at the Oscars. It’s no wonder the conversation about the slap continued for days afterwards. Also, Will deserves the boot from the academy. Though, I want to know why Chris wasn’t booted too. He’s the one who made the joke. What blows my mind is he’s known Jada for years. Why would he be making a mockery of her?

The Head Shaker

Another aspect that has had me scratching my head is why the conversation became a slinging match of people taking sides. To me, it is a no-brainer what happened. However, other people saw a man attack another man on live television. I think I bought this up in another article, but if the situation had been a white man attacking a black man, there would be more of an outcry. Will would’ve been labelled as racist.

However, Will got the blame when Chris started it. That will never make sense to me. Also, it is unbefitting for an Oscars nominee to attack someone just minutes before they win a significant award. What kind of example does that leave? I am also not defending Chris. Not by a long shot. But if he and Will were friends before this, he should have known how precious Will’s marriage is to him.

If Will Cared

Going back to the topic, do I believe that the apology is genuine? No, I don’t. Sorry. If he cared, he would’ve issued the apology months ago. Instead, Hollywood has long forgotten the incident, and Will only has himself to blame for his career falling apart.

He needs to realise that not everything was intentional. At the same time, Jada needs to stop taking credit for something she probably didn’t do. This is Narcissism. Narcissists are running rampant around Hollywood; it doesn’t matter what colour their skin is or how beloved they are.

Could it be possible that Will was trying to save his marriage? It’s a possibility.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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