
Why I DON’T Believe Lidia Thorpe’s Sexual Assault Allegations – OPINION

lidia, sexual assault
lisa, logies, bruce, brittany, athena, poseidon

It’s no secret that I do not like Lidia Thorpe. I do not wish harm upon her, but I do not believe her sexual assault claims. Her conduct in recent months has been disgusting, yet she has the nerve to call the reaction to her allegations “racist.” So, it’s okay for her to vilify white people, but for people not to believe her, it’s suddenly “racist”? Does she realise that perhaps she isn’t considered truthful because of things she has said and done in the past?

Sorry, but as a Caucasian person myself, I consider it racist when a person who is mixed race, as Lidia is, drops her white heritage and flaunts herself as a full-blooded aboriginal person. Since when is being white a curse? Yes, the white people of the past have done a massive injustice to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but should the Caucasian people of the present be punished for what their ancestors did? No, they shouldn’t. It’s like the reparations debate all over again.

I’ve said before that Lidia is the Australian version of Meghan Markle. She complains about white people so often that it’s become a joke. Anyway, the sexual assault allegations against David Van, who had never heard of before the claims came out against him, are rather convenient that she hasn’t had a good run this year.

Lidia Is The True Racist

Lidia’s protests at the Mardi Gras by laying under the wheels of a police float and her actions outside a Melbourne nightclub where she was racist towards a group of white men shows she’s not a pleasant individual.

As I’ve said before, Lidia might not see it, but she’s the true racist. She, much like Meghan Markle and all the other race baiters out there, has a one track mind. Her actions tell people the type of person she is. Australia has not gone backwards where every person is racist.

I personally don’t give a damn if she’s half-Aboriginal. I only care about her actions. She might believe she’s above the law because people will scream racism if she’s not believed, but people aren’t stupid. They see through her as they’ve seen her actions up close.

Not Defending David Van, The Man Lidia Accuses Of Sexual Assault

Also, I am by no means defending the guy she is accusing of sexually assaulting her. Far from it as other women have come forward and claimed he has inapproprately touched them. I believe tem as they don’t have horrible reputations for being racist and a downright horrid human being to those who don’t look like them.

Finally, I disliked Lidia from the moment she walked into Parliament to be sworn in and she was doing a black power salute while also calling the now-late Queen a coloniser during her oath. A person who doesn’t do something properly and thinks its appropriate to do rebel when there’s a camera recording everything, isn’t worth the time or energy.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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