Star Trek

The Ultimate List Of ALL The Star Trek Movies

Star Trek movie

Star Trek movies are part of what makes the franchise great. So many features exist, from films centred on the original series characters to those of the Kelvin Timeline. In this post, we’ll look at the Star Trek movies, including those that have either been confirmed to be cancelled or are coming up soon (potentially).

Let’s startLet’s the movies associated with the original Star Trek series. Also, just as a post of reference, the Star Trek movies that are continuations of TOS and TNG will have continued Roman numerals as they are part of the same universe. The Kelvin timeline list will not have this. Also, no films are directly tied to the recently ended Picard, Strange New Worlds, Deep Space 9 or Voyager.

Star Trek The Original Series

What started with the original motion picture, the OG Star Trek movies consisted of the following:

  • The Original Motion Picture
  • II: The Wrath of Khan
  • III: The Search For Spock
  • IV: The Voyage Home
  • V: The Final Frontier
  • VI: The Undiscovered Country

The Next Generation Movies

  • VII: Generations
  • VIII: First Contact
  • IX: Insurrection
  • X: Nemesis

Kelvin (Abrams) Timeline

The Kelvin timeline is a trilogy that began in the original timeline, in which the original series and Next Generation shows and films occur. Due to Nero and Spock’s meddling, however, the Kelvin timeline became an alternate reality. Therefore, that’s why Kirk never knew his father, George, and never had a brother in Sam Kirk. Also, this is how Spock and Uhura ended up together.

  • Star Trek (2009)
  • Into Darkness
  • Beyond


After the Season 2 finale of Star Trek Discovery, it was announced that Section 31 would be explored further. However, five years after Season 2 ended, it was recently announced that Section 31 would be a movie exclusive to Paramount+. The film will star Michelle Yeoh, reprising her role as Emperor Phillipa Georgiou as the story explores her time as a Section 31 agent, likely after the events of Discovery Season 2.

Status Unknown

There is still a massive question mark over two Star Trek movies that were announced a few years ago or have been back and forth.

These include Quentin Tarantino’s and the fourth film in the Kelvin timeline series.

Star Trek 4 has been off and on for several years. It has been claimed that the one reason it was axed the first time was due to pay disputes. The second reason was the possibility that the directors and other crew kept dropping out. It has been scrapped, but the film still sits on the list of Star Trek films Wikipedia page under the Reboot (Kelvin timeline) section.

Finally, the Tarantino film, according to the director himself in 2019, said that he had left the project. However, he said that it could be made someday, but he would not be the one directing it.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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