Keep your friend close and your frenemies closer. Did we quote the Stargirl Season 3 tagline? Yes. Yes, we did. We’ll be treated to more adventures in Blue Valley in six weeks. A one-minute trailer has dropped for Stargirl Season 3, and it’s so awesome, even if it is short. We were going to do a trailer breakdown, but it took far too long. But we will talk about things we noticed during the trailer.
For more info on what we know in season 3, check out our Everything We Know So Far article. We’ve also started our early campaigning for Season 4, so please check out our article.
We’re marking the article as having spoilers, so please beware of that, and without any more fanfare, let’s jump into the post!
The Teaser Trailer And More Sylvester
So, we first want to discuss briefly that the first few shots were from the teaser trailer a few weeks ago. Interestingly, there’s a shot of Sylvester Pemberton in the sky with Cosmo (the cosmic staff). It was teased that the staff will have to decide who it wants as its wielder; Sylvester or Courtney Whitmore. This could be very messy for everyone involved.

Pat Dugan and Courtney talk about how having Sylvester around is an opportunity they can use as it could help her learn more about Cosmo. It was mentioned in Season 2 that Courtney knew things about the staff that Sylvester didn’t. This could be the ultimate switch-a-roo where the old master teaches the new master something they didn’t before.
Also, we must point out that Pat’s hair is on point. Given what we see later in the trailer, it’s reaching wintertime in Blue Valley. There’s also a significant bit with Pat telling Sylvester he’s going to get a great job which his friend says is a horrible idea. Well, Starman was a socialite before the original J.S.A. was killed off. So, getting a job is probably the last thing he’d want to do.
There’s a shot of S.T.R.I.P.E. in the sky, too, but it’s hard to work out who is piloting the robot. It could be Pat, or it might be Mike Dugan, Pat’s son.

The Crocks Try To Keep Themselves Out Of Trouble (Kinda)

Next up in the trailer, we get the Crocks running in the neighbourhood. We also get Paula Brooks telling Barbara Whitmore, Courtney’s mother, that they’ve done everything they can to fit in. Later in the trailer, we see Sylvester screaming at Pat about having the Crocks as neighbours. Now, we understand the guy’s pain. We do. After all, the Crocks (sans Artemis) were a part of the (Injustice Society) I.S.A., which killed their friends.
Something tells us that it will be quite the thrill ride for the Whitmore-Dugans. Hmm. It makes us wonder if Pat can talk Sylvester around regarding having the Crocks as frenemies. After all, he goes have a bad bromance with Crusher.
The Gambler’s Back! Watch Out, Beth!

Steven Sharpe was M.I.A. during Season 2 outside a reference from Rick Tyler in that season’s premiere episode. Well, the Gambler is returning for something we don’t know yet. Now, given he was Doctor Charles McNider’s nemesis, he is the adversary of Beth Chapel, McNider’s successor. First, though, we need to ask why he is back in Blue Valley.
It’s no wonder that Beth could outsmart Sharpe by sending his money to charity. But, unfortunately, he’s probably never gotten over it. Sharpe’s reappearance might even feed into Sylvester yelling at Pat as having another of their enemies back on the prowl.
There’s a shot a little later where you see Steven dancing. And we thought his love of Kesha and Pitbull’s Timber was memorable. Finally, we’ll discuss why The Gambler is back in Blue Valley in a theory article. Also, Stargirl Wiki was the first source to report this to the best of our knowledge.
Cindy Attempts To Play Nice

The Season 2 finale teased that Cindy wanted to join the J.S.A. but had to get Yolanda’s permission before she could. In the trailer, we see Cindy asking an old lady if she needs help with her shopping. Something tells us this won’t go over well, given the former Queen Bee of Blue Valley High has a reputation for being a bit of a bitch to everyone. Remember when Cameron put her in her place last season?
Cameron’s Powers FINALLY Kick In

Next up, we get Cameron Mahkent’s powers finally manifesting. We want to mention that given how much control he appears to have over them, there would’ve been a time jump to some degree. This brings up Courtney in the next shot. It looks like he is showing her what he can do.
Courtney, we know, is aware of his powers already as she learned about Jordan’s powers and deduced to Pat back in Season 1 that there’s a chance that Cameron may end up with the same abilities as his father. Now, judging by what we see here, Cameron cannot turn his body to ice the way Jordan did. We might be wrong, though. It looks like his powers work similarly to his grandparents’ abilities.
Also, we got a tease of what Cameron’s powers might be like in Season 2 when Mike had an Eclipso-vision of Cameron wanting to kill him and his family in the role they played in Jordan’s death. However, that hallucination doesn’t set anything in stone.
In an explainer article, we’ll go over the Mahkents and their power sets to go into more depth.
Cindy Goes Back To Her Chemist Roots

We get another look at Cindy, but she’s in a science lab this time. We don’t know why yet or where she is, but given her reaction, it looks like she’s going to do something she wished she didn’t have to. She then proceeds to drink whatever concoction she’s created.
Less Yolanda, Rick, And Beth

We don’t see much of Yolanda Montez, Rick and Beth in this promo. The first shot is of Yolanda in the cafeteria at school, presumedly talking to Cindy. She’s the only one who has no direct links to Artemis. She tells whoever she is talking to that no one wants them around.
Our first instinct is Cindy, given the history between them. Now, Cindy can take whatever is thrown at her as she’s faced far worse than being told she’s not welcome. It might have to do with her getting too close to Courtney. Yolanda might just be defending her place as Courtney’s best friend. There’s a shot of her a little later being thrown around. There’s also a quick bit of the J.S.A. being blasted off their feet.
Moving onto Rick and he’s shown powering up. This might be the first time he has done so since he smashed his father’s hourglass, or at least, on-screen he has. He’s possibly in the shot we mentioned earlier where the J.S.A. gets thrown off their feet. Regardless, we love Rick!
Next, we have Beth. We get a good look at her once and then in a few fleeting moments in a couple of other shots, which were also in the teaser. She appears to be in Rick’s car. However, it’s hard to tell. Also, the shots above were taken from different points in the trailer.
The Camney (Almost) Kiss!

It’s what all the Camney fans have been waiting for! The trailer goes for the almost-kiss, and we’re all for it! We’ll address this more whenever this happens in the season, but it’s about bloody time! Though, could it be similar to the first time? Or could it spell a devastating end to their relationship?
The young Icicle Jr may resent his father depending on where Courtney and Cameron’s relationship goes. Could he become a villain, a hero, or somewhere in between?
What Is Going On With Larry And Paula?

The last piece from the trailer we wanted to address was a shot of Larry and Paula. It looks like they’re either inside a lab or at a supermarket. This was intertwined with the earlier footage where Sylvester was yelling at Pat. But there’s a little more to it and footage of Courtney saying, “they are not our enemies anymore.” Now, she could be talking to Pat or Sylvester because they’re both involved with this part of the story.
Characters who were absent from the trailer include:
- Mike Dugan
- Jakeem Williams
- Todd Rice
- Jennie-Lynn Hayden – will there be the envy from Courtney again?
- Sofus and Lily Mahkent
- Mr Bones
- Bridget and James Chapel
- Barbara Whitmore (though we see the back of her head)
- Richard Swift