Chronicles of Harkle

Chronicles Of Harkle: Meghan Doesn’t Understand Race Enough To Care

Yes, I said I would be taking a break from royal reporting – I said this before when I posted about Harry never being happy. However, I saw a Tweet from Royally Blunt, which I thought was interesting. She points out that Princess Charlotte, who recently turned seven, was named after Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the wife of King George III. She was a British Queen Consort from the Portuguese royal house, which had a branch with black family members. I don’t know if Princess Charlotte of Cambridge is named after her. However, I know she was named after her grandfather, Prince Charles. Also, the people during Queen Charlotte’s time didn’t give two hoots about her race, it seems.

Royally Blunt rightly points out that Meghan had the chance to name her daughter after a black Queen. But chose to name Lilibet after her caucasian great-grandmother. Now, this is not me being racist towards Her Majesty. But moreover, Markle talks about being a voice for black women but blew the opportunity to embrace the black ancestry of her children’s paternal family.

I don’t believe the story that came out a while ago was reported by Brittany Vonow of the Sun in 2019 that Meghan was close to Charles and had been given history lessons. Now, I call total BS on this for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that if Meghan had taken history lessons of any description, she would know about Queen Charlotte and her black heritage. Second, I have been following this drama almost since the beginning. I don’t mean to disparage, but I have never seen a person claiming they love their colour but decide to act like it doesn’t exist.

Meghan Was Raised By A Caucasian Father Who Respected Her Heritage

Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle, respects her heritage. He would never have married Doria and had Meghan if he didn’t. End of the story, right? She treats him like garbage and pretends he’s dead, and refers to him in the past tense; that’s something.

Anyway, Thomas said on his YouTube channel that he had to fight with the doctor to have Mixed-Race put on Meghan’s birth certificate. He mentioned that the doctor would have marked her ethnicity as ‘black’ because her mother is black. Tom thought it was disrespectful to him as her father, and he told them that he was her dad and that she should be considered biracial. Now, this was in August 1981. Hospitals are far kinder to mixed-race children now.

Also, he backs up the claim she made on The Tig when she said he told her to draw her own box on a school assignment.

I would love to know what is marked on Lilibet’s authentic birth certificate if they still have that box. I don’t know a single thing about how birth certificates work in the US. But I’m familiar with Australian ones because I’ve seen mine many times.

I also wanted to point out that Meghan only jumps on the black bandwagon when it suits her. Thomas referred to this too when he said that his youngest daughter did NOT have many black friends. However, he also said that her school was not discriminatory.

The Race Card Is The Biggest Player When It Shouldn’t Be

Now, I want to point out also is Meghan needs to use the race card. I saw an interview that Lizzie Cundy, a former friend of Meghan’s, did with James Whale, who is pro-Sussex as he said people calling the Duchess of Sussex out are bullies. The video (from Lizzie’s Twitter account) I linked isn’t what I saw, but it’s part of the same interview.

Mister Whale questioned Ms Cundy about why she kept going on about Meghan. Now, Lizzie is not a bitter person. Far from it. She doesn’t like the former actress’ character. James, however, sees Meghan as this lovely woman who married a ‘good bloke.’

The other guy who was with them, I can’t find his name, was on Lizzie’s side and said they spoke out about Meghan because they wanted to protect the Queen. He’s spot on here as people find it okay to bash anyone who didn’t give them what they wanted. I have always said that everyone deserves to be heard, but if they’re going to call people bad parents and bully those who have an opposing view, it’s those who need to be pulled down a few pegs.

I don’t say this to be cruel, but people are getting fed up with being called bigots and racists just for having an opinion.

The Bandwagon Jumper

I always talk about this, and it’s getting old, but Meghan is a bandwagon jumper. She jumps on causes when they’re relevant to her cause. PiPa News reports that Meghan has no brand and has to jump on causes to get her message out.

However, her voice is constantly drowned out due to her constant moaning. She’s silencing herself and crying that she’s being silenced. Again, I don’t have a gripe with the woman like people believe I do. I loved her initially as I thought she would be like Catherine and honour what the monarchy is; grace and dignity have stood for a thousand years. It is also one of the oldest monarchies in the world. Also, as many people have stated, royal life is quite dull. Meghan has always been on the go, and having to slow down is not what she wanted.

Sure, she was happy to push people around (allegedly) and take a title she claims not to care about. But then, she monetises it as her avenue to millions of dollars. I don’t know why people siding with her don’t see it for what it is. It’s not about bullying her, and it’s certainly not about race. When I come off my royal hiatus, I have a post planned to go over my thoughts on Meghan potentially having a racial identity crisis.

White All The Time

To conclude this post, I want to say that Meghan’s need to portray herself as black while she doesn’t embrace the culture she wants to be a part of shows she is white inside and out. From naming her daughter after a white woman to having almost entirely white staff working for Archewell, it’s another excuse for her not wanting to show off her black heritage.

People who embrace their heritage don’t slag off other people and then hide behind their ethnicity. Instead, Meghan treats her race like a shield to protect herself against criticism. Then she whines to Harry, so he rescues her. Finally, it is getting old, and people are tired of the drama.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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