There is no such thing as equality. Life will never be a utopia, so why do people think it will? We no longer live in the 18th Century, where there was a larger-than-life class divide where the peasants lived in pauperism. All these grandiose gestures of servitude by the woke people of the world show that crying racism when there isn’t any depicts the ludicrous thought processes we face today. It also takes women working together to bring down members of the toxic parts of the patriarchy.
One example is the recently released Amazon Prime series, Rings of Power, a prequel to Lord of the Rings. One argument raised by the multicultural cast and crew of the show for the backlash it has gotten, according to SBS, is that the viewership is racist if they don’t like the show. However, Stuart Heritage of the Australian edition of the Guardian newspaper broke down the controversies after the third episode and labelled the pilot episode “directionless.” So, maybe, the show wasn’t that good. However, that doesn’t mean the audience is biased.
Equality Does Not Exist, And The Scapegoat Tactic
We cannot speak for the show as we haven’t seen it, but the message that is being spread is that if you don’t like a show with a multicultural cast, you’re a racist. Where have we heard that narrative before? Oh, right. Meghan Markle and her cries against her critics. How can you claim racism when millions of people don’t like your actions? If your “compassion in action” mantra were genuine, why did you cut, run and scheme with an unsuspecting man with a mother complex?
Case in point, do the woke who preach about equality and race issues know the true definition? Instead, they see something unethical if it doesn’t fit their agenda. The last time we checked a dictionary, equality meant being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Don’t believe it? Check this screenshot out:

Don’t Be A Meghan Markle Figure
People like Ms Markle and those who follow the woke way of life make freedom of expression much harder. Especially when it comes to the so-called topic of equality. As we’ve mentioned before, there is no such thing as utopia. The constant cries of racism in inequality have made people question whether it’s okay to question the skin tone of an unborn mixed-race child.
Then, there’s the conversation surrounding the effect wokeness has on social media. It appears that race is more important than character and that actions are just an afterthought of minimal importance. Or, perhaps the woke use their ethnicity and lack of skills to antagonise people who call them out, like Meghan’s husband, Harry.
People like the Sussexes, especially Meghan, lack any moral compass. Instead, they use a lack of understanding of things like race as a scapegoat. Harry has always been a follower, envious that he is not equal to those above him, mainly his older brother, William, Prince of Wales.
Meghan Markle Is Like Amber Heard Or Vice Versa
It’s people like Meghan that drag those like Harry down to their level or attempt to, as it has been when seen with the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard drama. As was pointed out by Brittany of the Royal News Network, both Depp and Heard did horrible things to each other, but Depp was more believable than his ex-wife.
Why? Well, his story was more or less consistent. Amber made up a lot of what she was saying, and her overacting was the dead giveaway that it was all a lie. While Meghan is more convincing, her act is more transparent than she realises. She doesn’t believe in equality. If she did, she would never have bullied people she dubs below her.
Meghan and Amber trample on the men they are or were married to. Harry is now a shell of his former self, and Johnny’s reputation has been usurped. Brittany mentioned in her video (linked above) that the studios who dumped Depp backed a liar regarding Amber’s actions. Their poor business decisions are what is costing them. As we’ve said, they’re two narcissistic peas in a pod. Case in point, we never believed Amber.
Johnny was dumped from the Fantastic Beasts franchise [Warner Brothers] and Pirates of the Caribbean [Disney]. While he didn’t come out of the civil case with Amber squeaky clean, he was cleared of many but not all the allegations. As we said, Disney and Warner Brothers backed a losing horse when they dumped Johnny.
Why Race And Equality Will Never Be Eradicated
Race relations have improved over the centuries but will never be eradicated. As hard as that is said, it’s true. There will be people in the world who are white supremacists, black supremacists, or whatever else.
Equality is never going to be a thing. The world was never designed to be perfect where everyone agrees and shakes hands. No, it is just a cause that the woke people who invest in political correctness think they can control. You see it in many daycare centres where children are now taught that “black sheep” is a racist term and that “rainbow sheep” is more appropriate.
The woke crows utilise race and equality in a vain attempt to shape the world into having one thought process. This includes using the argument of “it’s my truth” instead of “THE truth.” Thank Oprah for that mentality.
People who follow woke ideologies believe that down is up and left is right. It’s dangerous as they are avoiding the consequences of specific actions. So, for example, we have President Putin blaming everything on Ukraine and starting the war. While this is just a dictator unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, it leans into a similar sentiment.
Equality Begins At Home, People!
The woke refuses to take accountability for anything. For example, Amber Heard refuses to acknowledge that anything she told the court was a lie. Look at how she threw Johnny’s ex-girlfriend, Kate Moss, into the mix. She mentioned an (alleged) incident from the 90s where Kate fell down a flight of stairs because she was allegedly pushed.
Kate went on the record and said she slipped down the stairs. She was NOT pushed. Johnny carried her back up the stairs after her fall. This was one of Amber’s biggest mistakes. You don’t slam someone over a rumour, especially in a courtroom. This is where everything comes unravelled.
When Amber mentioned Kate Moss on the witness stand, this sent Johnny’s legal team into a frenzy. They had Heard where they wanted her. Here’s the issue. Amber and Kate were never equals; therefore, neither were victims of Depp.
Kate was brutally honest during her testimony about what happened while she was with Johnny. She set the record straight without even battering an eyelash. This forced Amber’s allegations to fall by the wayside. However, Depp’s legal team felt that she would pull the Kate Moss card, which is why they reacted the way they did when she mentioned the rumour.
Not For Women
Amber claims to be for women, but here’s the thing. She looks out for herself. Meghan Markle does the same thing. They trample on people to propel themselves to the top. For Heard, she wouldn’t be the big name she is now without her marriage to Johnny, who was a massive name before the world knew she existed.
Meghan is in the same league. She only became an internationally well-known name because her husband is a British prince. Without him, she would struggle to make ends meet as she’s not that talented. Also, her spiel about being an advocate for women’s empowerment is a fast. Her bullying victims were primarily women. She spoke down to them and treated them like dirt.
Amber claimed to be a victim of domestic violence. However, the court was able to prove that it was Johnny who was the victim. He didn’t fight back, and his answers were almost always consistent and not overdramatised.
Meghan thought that because she had a title given to her by Her late Majesty The Queen, she could say a ton of stuff and then get forgiven, no questions asked. She believes the world is full of idiots. This might be why an article claims she’s the smartest royal. First, she’s not a royal, as she denounced it, but she still uses her title.
If young women want a royal woman to admire, Princess Catherine or Countess Sophie.