Chronicles of Harkle

Prince Harry, The Very Public Meltdown-In-The-Making And The Mark Of The Narcissist


Is Prince Harry on the verge of a very public meltdown?

The attacks are coming faster than anyone can keep track of. Prince Harry is on the verge of a very public meltdown and the evidence to this overwhelming. He has accused his family of bullying, racism, and neglect while sinking into the abyss that is Meghan’s pool of deceit. The Montecito royal couple looks around like deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car not understanding why people aren’t sympathetic. The world doesn’t care about two rich people complaining about their privilege.

During the Apple TV docuseries, The Me You Can’t See, Harry talks about Meghan’s suicidal thoughts. He says she told him she wouldn’t kill herself because she doesn’t want him to lose another woman in his life. While we’re not knocking the revelations, something’s not right. Someone who contemplates ending their life doesn’t automatically overcome it. This thought process is made clear by writer Emily Zanotti on Twitter.

[Credit: @emzanotti – Twitter]

According to the Mayo Clinic symptoms list, Markle did not match all the criteria for someone who is suicidal.

It takes years to overcome suicidal thoughts as Emily points out. You don’t just get over it after a few weeks. Also, Meghan has no history of mental illness. Mental health issues usually start in childhood. It doesn’t for all people but a lot of the time it does.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Speaking from experience, my dad has depression and he’s been in therapy and I can tell you, it took a couple of years for him to come right again.

If what Meghan said is true and she was suicidal, then something would’ve been done. We doubt they would’ve turned her down as doctors are on call. Various members of the royal family had therapy. Princess Margaret had it as did Prince William and Harry after their mother died.

Princess Diana’s Struggles v. Meghan’s Claims

Now, we all know that Princess Diana struggled with her mental health. The Independent reports that the late Princess of Wales threw herself down the stairs when she was four months pregnant with Prince William. This information was recorded by author Andrew Morton in 1991 as the Wales marriage started to fracture. She also explained according to Insider that she had post-natal depression which she mentions during her 1995 Panorama interview.

The late royal also said she had never experienced depression in her life before her pregnancy with her eldest son. She said she did it so that her husband, Prince Charles would pay attention and listen to her.

Going over to Meghan and she claims to have been suicidal when she was five months pregnant with Archie. We need to stress (again) we’re not knocking the claims, but what Harry says in the Apple docuseries doesn’t make sense. If she did want to kill herself, how can she claim to not want to do it and then leave him with their child? If she were to do it, she would’ve taken the baby with her. She still had four months until their son was born.

Now, Meghan’s claims could just be coincidental. Or, it could be a ruse to get Harry away from his family sooner. It’s no secret the Duchess of Sussex has a history of lying. She even admitted that early in her acting career, she lied to casting directors about having an actor’s union card when she didn’t as per the Daily Mail.

Meghan had Harry’s undivided attention during her pregnancy with Archie. Also, during her two-year stint as a working royal, she only did 72 engagements. How can she say she was depressed when she spent more time on foreign holidays than she did working?

Harry’s Attacks On His Family Are Because They See The Truth And He Refuses To

Harry’s public meltdown only solidifies what people have been thinking for a while; he’s in an emotionally abusive marriage. His family can see it a mile off. That is why they told him to tread carefully. We know William told his brother to get to know Meghan first before he even jumped into marriage with her. Even Tom “Skippy” Inskip, Harry’s best friend told him the same thing. As did Prince Philip.

Skippy paid the ultimate price for speaking out on his dislike for Meghan. He and his wife were invited to the wedding but not the reception afterward. This would’ve been Markle’s doing as she didn’t want him in Harry’s ear and telling him he’d made a mistake in marrying her. Not to mention, none of the Duke of Sussex’s friends have come out to support Harry and Meghan. Also, one of Harry’s godmothers had a rather odd conversation with the Clooneys. When she asked how they knew the couple, they said they didn’t. This raises red flags.

As we’ve stated before, Meghan saw her wedding as a networking opportunity which is why she invited the likes of the Clooneys, Idris Elba, and Oprah. The event was never about celebrating her and Harry’s love for each other, at least for her it wasn’t. For the Duke it was, though. After all, his whole family was there. Not all of them supported the union at the time, and we reckon they all regret backing it now.

Harry was so gung-ho on marrying Meghan that he was willing to ‘protect’ her, by attacking his family. There have been rumours for a while that he threatened to wed her without his grandmother’s consent. Then, there was the speculation he was going to call his family ‘racist’ if they didn’t accept Markle.

The Public Meltdown Is Going To Be Harry’s Undoing

Harry’s meltdown is going to be more explosive than most people might think. Hitting out at his family is one thing, but he’s going to have a lot of people hitting the deck. He’ll be taking out his anger at the military, the charities he was a patron of, and his former friends next. He has sunk so low that he does not stop to consider his grandmother, who is (still) mourning the loss of her husband of 73 years. We’ve said this before but it’s no wonder Sophie, Edward, and apparently, Camilla refused to talk to him at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.

Much of the world who admired and loved Harry can no longer stand by and listen to his whinge fest of how horrible his life is. He is a man worth millions and lives in a $14million mansion while he was given a televised wedding worth $43million. Then, he makes the stupid claim that this isn’t privilege. Umm… yes, it is. Most people are not worth millions unless they win the lottery.

Before Meghan ‘fell’ into Harry’s life, William and Catherine were the closest to him. He accused his brother of being a ‘snob’ while Meghan said Kate ‘made her cry’. This is where their meltdown started and it’s not going to slow down. They believe that the more they push, they’ll get an ‘apology’. Why should the royal family ‘apologise’ when it was the Sussexes that were throwing their weight around?

When it comes, Harry is going to really feel what it means to be alone. His wife isn’t going to help him. In fact, she’s going to get up and take their two small children with her. Knowing Meghan, she will try and take as much Diana’s jewellery with her as she can.

Meghan’s Part In Harry’s Meltdown

Since she is known for her crocodile tears, Meghan is going to be the one to gain the most from her husband’s meltdown. She’s just biding her time. When he does break, she’s going to make herself look like the victim and say that her love wasn’t enough to save him. Too bad no one except the Sussex Squad and her friends is going to believe that.

Harry might convince himself and those around him that he is happy, but the truth of the matter is, he’s not and it shows. Every time you see him, he is wearing the same shirt with the same tired facial expression. Then, he starts sprouting what ever word salad Meghan has written for him to say. Before the Oprah interview, people might’ve felt sorry for him, but after he publicly dragged his family while his grandfather, Prince Philip was on the verge of death, that’s when the shoe dropped. How can we, the public who watched him grow and make mistakes as a teenager and young adult support him in his trashing of the family who kept him from falling apart after the death of his mother?

With all the lies that were told by not just Meghan, but Harry as well, it’s hard to believe that the world had embraced as a small boy was the same person. The former actress has pushed him to the point of no return. His family will never welcome him back unless he dumps his wife and/or straightens out his behaviour. We were going to put something else down, but we decided against it as it is cruel, even if we’re justified in our strong dislike for Markle.

Meghan has gotten everything she has ever wanted. The Man. The Title. Two Children.

Harry Has Lost More Than He Thinks

Convincing yourself that you’re happy whilst on the verge of a massive meltdown triggered by his wife’s narcissistic personality and demands, is bound to weigh on any man. Harry has lost far more than he thinks he has. The public has lost all respect for him. His family was cold to him when he returned for his grandfather’s funeral. How can he say he was at all surprised by this? He treats them like total shit but expects them to embrace him. How many brain cells have Meghan pulled out of his head?

He believes that he is in the right by calling out his father for his ‘horrible parenting’. What about all the good Prince Charles has done for him? What about how he credited William for helping him get therapy but then changes the story to say it was Meghan that got him help. Ah… whatever happened to the original Oprah narrative where they both claim she didn’t get counselling?

People are turning against Harry to the point that when he does have a meltdown, no one is going to care.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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