Chronicles of Harkle

So… Prince Harry Is Saying That Living A Privileged Life Is Being Neglectful? Also, Why Did Meghan Tell Him To Get Help When He Couldn’t Do The Same For Her?


Harry’s entitled behaviour is simply mind-boggling. But, saying he was neglected as a child while living a privileged lifestyle really is something else entirely…

Sometimes we wish we had a magic wand and could just zap away Prince Harry’s entitled and bratty behaviour. But, unfortunately, we can’t. He gave up his entire life to fulfill whatever Meghan’s dream was, according to an article by the Express. However, he has let fly… again… that he was neglected by his family as he was growing up. Now, every time this man speaks, it comes out as noise. It has gotten so bad that no one will listen and they are both screaming that they aren’t being heard.

Harry was born into privilege on both sides of his family. His father is the heir to the British throne while his mother was born into the aristocracy. He doesn’t know how to live like a normal person who struggles from week-to-week to put food on the table.

If he claims to have always wanted to be without his titles and to just be ‘Harry’, then why does he beg his father for millions of pounds when he has money of his own? While the Sussex squad would jump to his defence and say, “Oh, he needs it be a normal person”, this, to us, isn’t a good enough excuse.

The average person earns a five-digit salary per year. Harry is worth millions. Meghan is worth a couple of million from her time on Suits and being a lifestyle blogger. Neither understands what it means to live like a regular person. Markle’s father paid for her schooling while the Duke of Sussex went to some of the best schools in the UK. He also allegedly had someone cheat on his exams for him so he could get into the military, according to an article by the Guardian from 2005. If this isn’t entitled, then we don’t know what is.

The Lies About The Drug And Alcohol Use

Harry claims that he was using drugs and alcohol to ease his pain over his mother’s death. He says that the abuse started from the age of 28 to 32. What he seems to forget is that he was in the army during this time. He started in 2005 and left in 2015. We know he took drugs but at a much younger age. The evidence is here in the below screenshot:

Also, on Twitter, Baroness Bruck pointed this out:

[Credit: @BaronessBruck – Twitter]

In a nutshell, if Harry had been taking drugs during his time in the army, he would’ve been kicked out as it is unacceptable to be using. If this is true, then the military really needs to look into this. This is either a lie or it happened and the armed forces turned a blind eye because the prince is the Queen’s grandson.

So, Harry Talks About How Therapy Helped Him But He Couldn’t Get Meghan Help?

Now, this next bit really threw a lot of people. Not in shock, mind you. In the confusion about how an entitled man like Harry said he could get help for his mental health, but he was ashamed to help his wife. Then, he says she encouraged him to get support. We debunked what was said after discovering that it was not the Duchess of Montecito (ah! Sussex) who got her husband help. It was his brother, Prince William who told him he needed it.

We’ve said this multiple times before and we’ll say it again. It’s odd that if Harry can get help, then why can’t he get Meghan help? She claimed to Oprah that she went to HR at Kensington Palace but was told they couldn’t help her. Umm… this is because it was solely for employees. Not royal family members. If the Duke of Sussex had listened to anyone but his wife’s harping about how horrible and racist his family is then he should’ve told her that they need to go to a doctor, not KP’s Human Resources department.

Before Meghan came on the scene, Harry helped to find Heads Together with William and Catherine. Plus, he had been in therapy as a child because of how his mother’s death affected him.

How Is The Royal Family Neglectful When They Gave Harry And Meghan Everything They Wanted?

Harry grew up entitled and very privileged. So, this makes us question why he claims that he was neglected when he was given help for his mental health well before Meghan came on the scene. He had the best doctors available, he had the privacy that he apparently craves so much. Then, there’s the whole money thing. Because he grew up with privilege, he had an endless supply of money. When he and Markle said they were leaving the family, they wanted to be financially independent.

However, how can they be financially independent when they’re still mooching off Prince Charles’ duchy payments?

The Sussexes got everything they wanted. Well, Meghan did. Titles. Money. Freedom to do most of the things they wanted to champion. Though, the issues started to surface when they were denied the half-in, half-out approach that Edward and Sophie attempted years ago.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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