Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan Markle’s Fanbase Really Is Feral


Nothing beats a feral fanbase…

We thought we’d heard all the stories about Meghan Markle’s feral loyalists, but apparently, we were deadset wrong. Someone posted an article to Twitter from December 2018 by The Sun about this very topic. Allegedly at the time, this story was circulating big time, but we never saw it until now.

The article tells of a woman named Cristina and her sister Trina who at one time represented Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha. They were going to do an interview with her but had to cancel it because of threats. It is alleged that their email accounts were hacked as private conversations between them suddenly started appearing online. The Sussex Squad resorted to several different methods of attack including hacking their bank accounts as they started to notice money was beginning to disappear. They were stalked and issued with death threats.

When the feral attacks didn’t stop after all interviews with Samantha had been cancelled, the sisters were forced to contact the FBI who investigated the matter. At the time of the article, Cristina she not only feared for her life but that of anyone who crossed the feral fanbase as she believed it would eventually resort to someone being murdered in Meghan’s name because of their [the opposite side] beliefs.

Meghan’s fanbase, even as far back as 2018, is the very definition of a cult. They will bully and overall threaten people and call it ‘defending’ their goddess. Don’t they understand that stalking, sending death threats, and doxing are punishable by time behind bars? This makes them no better than Meghan. In fact, it proves what it means to be a troll. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s argument doesn’t make you inferior and beneath the other side of the conversation.

A True Feral

It has never been a secret that many of Meghan’s fans will resort to nasty tactics in her name. They forget that Markle and her husband, Prince Harry attempt to promote love, kindness, and compassion for all. In all, this just a woke philosophy that makes zero sense to those people are sensible enough to determine how dark and evil the Sussex Squad can get.

The Sussex Squad treats those who are not Meghan fans like they’re witches during the Salem Witch Trials. The cult followers pull out their burning torches and pitchforks and hunt down those who dare question their duchess. In other words, they think non-followers, even those of colour, are racists because they don’t believe Meghan.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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