Chronicles of Harkle

Chronicles Of Harkle: So, This Is 40


Just when I thought I wouldn’t have to write about Meghan this week, I end up doing so anyway. Oh well. So much for that. Though, I did have a feeling something would happen as she did just turn 40 yesterday. Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk about Markle’s birthday is that she has announced this new women’s initiative to get new mothers back to work. Um… what?

She and Harry claimed, as per Today, that they would be taking five months parental leave to spend time with their two children upon the birth of their daughter, Lili. However, it appears they cannot count as it has not been five months. It has been just two months as the baby is now eight weeks old. Also, the Duke of Montecito has not left the media. His wife, strangely, has not been in the headlines that much if at all since Lili’s birth.

Essentially, Meghan has left Harry to self-destruct on his own. Their popularity in both the US and the UK has dwindled to negative numbers. Also, it looks like Princess Eugenie has jumped on Meghan’s initiative.

Hold on one second. Has Eugenie actually forgiven Meghan for stealing her thunder at her wedding by announcing the pending arrival of Archie? What about the whole thing that allegedly happened with Princess Charlotte where Eugenie stepped in and ensured that her little cousin was front and centre as a bridesmaid?

Looks like being 40 still hasn’t registered within Meghan’s mind that she is not creative in any form.

What We Get From Meghan’s First Video Since Turning 40

So… I watched the video, thanks to whoever put in an article by Pedestrian, and oh, my god. It is so woke! Also, how does Meghan even know Melissa McCarthy? Oh, wait… Meghan only works with A-listers and that’s what Melissa is.

As much as I love Melissa McCarthy, I am going to feel really sorry for her when she ends up getting ghosted. Anyway, the wokeness is quite literally pouring from that video. The mentions of reunions of Suits and Friends and Yacht parties just makes me roll my eyes in annoyance. The Yacht party might’ve been a jab at Jack Brooksbank. Also, Angela Levin made an interesting observation on Twitter. Were Markle and McCarthy making fun at The Queen with the cups of tea and the over-exaggerated hat and gloves Melissa was wearing?

The whole video was massively idiotic on Meghan’s part. I need to ask as well. Who are these 40 friends? We know Eugenie is likely one of them and Melissa (before she gets ghosted). Then, there’s probably Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Serena Williams. Not to mention, Miss Plant, a commenter on Angela’s Tweet acknowledged that Meghan and Melissa likely have never spoken to each other. The evidence? As any observant person knows, the whole thing was prerecorded and edited to look like a conversation had taken place. This is something I know a little bit about as I studied editing at film school.

Also, Meghan is trying to merch stuff as she always does. Notice that her laptop is propped up on a pile of books. They’re copies of The Bench that she’s obviously trying to send out to A-listers to get them to like her. There’s even more at the front of the desk. There are also photos of Harry and the kids on the desk that you can’t really see.

The Initiative Isn’t Original And There’s A Massive Goof With The Video…

When Meghan says, she has an idea, it’s usually plagiarised from someone else. Well, what Markle is proposing has been taken from both Nelson Mandela, according to Royalinstablog and Barack Obama, according to what I found on the official Obama website which has an initiative called Give 60 for 60. I want to stress too that Taz of According 2 Taz made an interesting observation:

[Credit: @superscuba83 – Twitter]

If you notice the first picture with the ‘family photos’ in it, there’s actually nothing on the screen. It’s better if you go onto the actual tweet and click the photos but you can see it in the bottom photo with the cake.

When The Media Gets In On The Joke

To end this post, I wanted to address something rather comical about this whole situation. Australia’s Today show criticised Meghan for her video as seen on Markle News.

Now, I despise Karl Stefanovic, but he’s hit the nail on the head on this one. His co-host, Sophie Walsh said she couldn’t believe that Meghan barely works and wants to help women out of work go back to it. She even mentioned how Markle wants to do this but couldn’t survive being a royal which lasted a mere two years. God, her acting career (if you can even call it that) lasted far longer than that.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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