Marvel Cinematic Universe

Hawkeye: Yelena Takes The Wheel As “The Big Guy” Is Revealed As [SPOILER]


Hawkeye has dropped a load of bombs on the audience in its second-last episode. While some of the things were kind of obvious due to earlier hints, others were surprising. One of our favourites was the reference to Alexei (better known as Red Guardian), Yelena and Natasha’s adoptive father in Black Widow. Anyway, there is so much to break down from this episode and how the finale could play out from what we’ve gotten so far. We will also go over what we think will happen with the Echo spin-off.

There was also a few betrayals in the episode which we’ll go over as well. Some of these may conclude in the next episode as it is the finale. Others may continue in Echo or other projects, depending on where the characters go next.

So, before we start, we want to give a brief on what we’re going to cover:

  • Yelena and Kate’s relationship going forward.
  • Kingpin’s involvement in the MCU and how he could re-connect to Matt Murdock.
  • Possible allegiances between Yelena and Clint.
  • Jack and Eleanor’s future in the MCU.
  • Maya and Kazi’s relationship and how this affects the Echo series.

Not Complete Without A Black Widow/Hawkeye Friendship – Yelena And Kate Going Forward

This week’s Hawkeye gave us a glimpse of a possible friendship between Yelena and Kate. Now, they only had one scene together and then there were those texts at the end. Belova is a Black Widow while Bishop is the future Hawkeye. So, are they going to recreate the magic that was the friendship between Nat and Clint?

They may, but we’re not holding our breath. We’re all for it if they do as it would be nice to have the next generation of heroes become friends. However, Kate and Yelena will likely be thrown in totally different directions. Given Belova’s involvement with Val and Eleanor, it is uncertain which path she will take.

We’ve already spoken about Yelena being hired to go after Clint for his alleged role in Nat’s death. So, could she have listened to Kate when she said that Clint was a good guy and did she [Yelena] know the true intentions of her boss?

Also, where does this put Yelena and Kate now that it has been revealed that Eleanor was the one who hired the former Black Widow assassin? Could Bishop go to her mother and expose Belova giving her up? That’s what’s amazing about the show. It gives us questions, and answers soon follow.

Welcome To The MCU Uncle Wilson And His Connection To Daredevil

Since Maya Lopez’s introduction, we’ve seen clues to who “Uncle” is. Also known as “The big guy”, we learn officially that this mystery figure is none other than Wilson Fisk. What’s more, is he’s played in the MCU by Vincent D’Onofrio who also played the role in Daredevil. At the moment, it’s unclear if it is a continuation of the same character or a variation.

After all, Loki introduced variations of others such as the god of mischief himself and other characters. However, given that the Netflix-Marvel shows mention events from the MCU but never the other way around as referenced by Erik Voss on this week’s Inside Marvel on New Rockstars.

Kevin Fiege has recently revealed that Charlie Cox from Daredevil is the same character, but he didn’t specify whether it was the same version. What’s more, is Daredevil himself Matt Murdock appears in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

As we’ve mentioned, we don’t know if Kingpin is the same version. Moreover, the same applies to Daredevil. So, if they are different variations, then there’s a chance they have not interacted.

A Truce Between Yelena And Clint?

Yelena wants Clint dead for what happened to Natasha. However, she does not the whole story. It’s unclear how much Valentina told her off-screen. However, there is another factor; Eleanor Bishop.

Nat’s sister discovers that the one who hired her was Eleanor and that Val was simply the messager. Also, Kate makes her question whether her contact was right to order a hit on Clint. We still don’t know what other reason outside of Natasha’s death that Yelena was hired to take out the Avenger. So, this makes us question whether there will be a truce between the two people Black Widow was closest to in her life.

If there is, it might push Yelena into the role that her sister once occupied; Black Widow and an Avenger. If Kate becomes the next Hawkeye, then we may have two new besties like the original occupants. There was a rumour that Yelena might have been working for Taskmaster and Thunderbolt Ross. Also, the mission just got more dangerous.

What’s Next For Eleanor And Jack?

Depending on whether Eleanor and Jack make it out of the finale alive, we’re not sure where their stories go next or if they have a future beyond Hawkeye. We can see at least one of them going to prison, and if we had to guess, it’s Eleanor. After all, she did hire Yelena (allegedly) to take out Clint.

Jack is a bit difficult to pin down, but we reckon he was the one to kill his uncle, just as Kate predicted. He might die. Or, he could also face prison time.

However, there are still questions that haven’t been answered. Did Eleanor frame Jack? Was it her that murdered Armand? Why did she put the hit out on Clint? What is her tie to Kingpin? Did she kill Derek? So many questions need answering in the finale, and we hope all of them are what we think they are. Let’s not forget that Eleanor threw Nat’s death in Clint’s face.

Echo Connections

Finally, we reach the end of this post and the part where we talk about Echo. Hopefully, we get a little closer to finding out where the spin-off about Maya sits in the timeline. Also, it has us asking the following questions:

  • Is Echo an origin story or a continuation of Hawkeye?
  • Will we learn how Maya knows about Kingpin and her father’s association with him?
  • Will we see much of Maya’s relationship with her father if it is a prequel?
  • What new characters will we meet?
  • Will Kazi be in the show?
  • Does Kingpin show up in the series or is he mentioned?
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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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