Animated Disney Movies

Who Were The Aliens In Chicken Little?

Aliens, Chicken Little
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Did you know the plot surrounding the 2005 Disney film Chicken Little revolves around aliens looking for their baby? Yes, we’re not kidding. So, who were these beings? That’s what we’ll be discussing here.

So, the story of Disney’s version of Chicken Little revolves around the titular character believing the sky is falling. Given he has pulled this stunt before, no one except his friends believes him. He discovers that the piece of “sky” that fell is actually a panel from the aliens’ ship.

A full-blown alien invasion occurs when it is discovered that the aliens have lost a baby. Yes, you read that correctly. The reason there the aliens invaded was because their child went missing. So, the dad alien’s name is Melvin, voiced by the late Fred Willard, and his wife is Tina, played by Catherine O’Hara. The baby is Kirby, likely named by the Chicken Little writers after legendary comic book writer Jack Kirby.

Though, look at the bright side the alien invasion allowed Chicken Little’s father to pay him attention. Also, Chicken Little got the dream girl in Abby, so that’s something. Oh, and Rutt of the Litter also got the girl of his dreams in Foxy, which is really odd.

From Aliens To Turtles: Jack Kirby An Inspiration

Of O’Neil’sthis would be the first time Jack Kirby would serve as an influence for a character’s name. An abandoned plan by the writers of The Teenage Mutant Turtles was going to have a fifth turtle named Kirby. Staying within the TMNT fandom, the 2012 animated series had April O’Neil’s father be named Kirby.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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